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[Q for Andrew & WNP78] Would it be allowed/permitted for PLAYERS to make "Bounties"

4,167 Formula350  2.7 years ago

Specifically, I'm referring to features, but not specifically to be integrated into the game, but be added to mods *shyly waves at WNP78* :}

TL;DR - I'm looking for Andrew's blessing to be allowed to offer monetary incentive to mod author(s), in an effort to make it so a request/suggestion have a chance at being worth their time to implement. Where the only role of Jundroo is in it granting permission for such forum threads to exist, but there is otherwise no expectation for Jundroo (or the site's Moderation staff) to participate. Similarly, any "offer" made would not require an author to accept.

[long version]
I ask because there are a number of things that I'd very much love to have the ability to do, but can wholeheartedly appreciate two aspects about my request:
1) To ask it be added to the game itself, is not as dev-friendly, in that it could cause large headaches through bugs, and I'm not wanting that to happen!
2) Mods get made by people due to a personal desire to have something be in the game, the knowhow to make it happen, but the lack of access to the actual code -- for the obvious reason: they are a player and not on the dev team.

So #1 is the reason behind why I'm inquiring about this in regards to mods, not the game. As I think [see: presume] it'd avoid possible problems (bugs) or undue hassle (of the "red-tape" kind).
Whereas #2 is the reason behind wondering if a ""Feature Bounty"" could be placed by a player, as a means to incentivize the mod author? Not only because the request may be of little interest to the mod's author, but doubly because that'd take free-time away from doing what they would rather be doing.

Not to say that there'd be any obligation on the part of the author to fullfill any request where someone pledged money. THAT would be totally up to them, just as it is now by opting not to do it. :P
What it would do, is at least illustrate that the idea is worth something to the player, enough so that they'd be up to pay for it to be done. Not only because mods aren't open-source a lot of the times, but also because I personally lack the capability of coding them in even if I did have access to said code!

Plus, if one user has a desire for it, makes a post requesting it and pledging X-amount... there's certainly going to be other users that would similarly be willing to kick in a bit more. At which point if the mod author concludes that'd be sufficiently worth their time, an arrangement could be hashed out (over discord, email, wherever) where if those people transfer their pledge, then they'd implement the request.

Just wanted that part to be evident, since I'm only asking for Andrew's blessing/permission (and whomever else would need to be looped in) to allow that sort of thing to take place here on the forums, not for Jundroo to play any part or be expected to enforce or take action against anyone.
In other words, it'd be like a "For Sale/For Trade" category that exists on any number of website forums, where it comes down to the parties involved and the only "contract" would be left up to them.


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    4,167 Formula350

    @CC1010 I understand, it's all good, and certainly no hard feelings. :)

    2.7 years ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    Buddy your wrong but i see i cant convince you otherwise so im just gonna stop @Formula350

    2.7 years ago
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    4,167 Formula350

    For that matter, pretending for a moment that I was referring to paying Jundroo to have it be added... Honestly? I'd like that just the same. Plenty of games I'd like to be able to pay to have helpful changes made. After all, I'm not asking for them to make it so jet engine's exhaust visual be replaced by something absurd like the poo emoji. But even if I were, the entire point is that they would in no way be obligated to accept. :P

    2.7 years ago
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    4,167 Formula350

    @CC1010 No. A million times no! lol
    That is called purchasing. It is, in no way, at all similar to bribery!
    A firm stance has to be made on the definition of things, otherwise society falls apart. No, grocery shopping is a willful and fair exchange of one thing for another, as they don't let you just walk out because then it'd be called theft.

    Your saying we can pay jundroo to add stuff

    Semantics aside, and perhaps part of the issue, is you've also misunderstood my main goal. I even had put in full caps:


    On the contrary, I am suggesting that we'd be allowed to offer payment to (see: hire) mod authors.
    Yes, in this instance, said mod author now also tends to be working for Jundroo. However, though I admit this is an assumption, I don't imagine WNP signed over the code of his mod to them upon his employment. He might've but, it's still an external asset and available for download, so it would appear as though that's not the case.
    Thus, the offer in my case would be solely to WNP, as incentive for him to use his free time. However, this could be something that could be offered to someone else. For instance Kennneth. Perhaps I had an idea for something to get added to one of his maps, something I would personally very much like be included and lack the capability to do myself. However, perhaps he doesn't feel like it because it's more work than he's wanting to devote to an old project.... But what if I was willing to give him $25 to do that, perhaps he'd deem it worth his time and effort then.
    THAT is what I'm saying :P

    2.7 years ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    Bribing isnt always illegal or making them do somehting they dont want to. Heck even just groecery shopping is just bribing the grocery store. They dont let you take the food for free but when you give them money, then its yours. Buying things is just legal bribing @Formula350

    2.7 years ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    @Formula350 "persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement“. That literally what your suggesting, minus the illegal part. Your saying we can pay jundroo to add stuff, that’s basically the definition of bribing lol

    2.7 years ago
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    4,167 Formula350

    I'm all for criticism heh So I have no issue with hearing thoughts different to my own, despite being quite surprised by this reaction though.
    @asteroidbook345 and @Sparky6004 Can you explain why you think of it as a bribe?

    "persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement."

    If there is indeed something wrong or worse, illegal, about what I've suggested, then I agree, it shouldn't be allowed!
    @CC1010 (since you expressed it as more than just "no" heh) and @Kennneth, as well as Asteroid and Sparky:
    I guess I was coming from the standpoint of thinking that -- using my example I provided in my first comment at the bottom -- in the case of Overload the mod wouldn't see anything new added to it on the basis of it not being "worth the author's time", because they were likely busy enough working on the game itself. So I figured that perhaps in exchange, I could buy some of that person's free time.
    The entire premise of this was effectively hiring them to do work, not coercing them to go against their morals or do something shady. A suggestion to a mod author may be something they even agree with would be nice, but still may feel it's worth their time to work on, but that doesn't mean they can't still like the concept.
    As such, I would've defined it as a "Commission", like commissioning an artist to create a fantasy-themed avatar in your likeness.
    Or in other words, the reverse of how sites like Fiverr operate. Except in this case, instead of something being made from scratch, ONLY for you... it's adding to something they've already made freely available.

    Please don't missunderstand though, I did not type all that in any sort of arguing tone. I'm just wanting to understand where everyone's coming from and what part exactly it was that gave you that impression that this isn't good? Also to try and better explain where I'm coming from.
    Thanks :)

    2.7 years ago
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    132k Kennneth


    2.7 years ago
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    42.8k rexzion


    2.7 years ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    Hell no

    2.7 years ago
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    10.1k Sparky6004

    Literally just bribing. No, I do not second this at all.

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    So a bribe

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    4,167 Formula350

    To touch on what specifically I'd like to ask about, is actually something that I find would be of a huge help for everyone, and also that WNP78 is in a unique position to be able to tackle...
    That the Overload mod be updated to provide, basically, all the info that the "Simple Cheats" page has.
    Fields that would be mouse-hovered, would in turn provide a Tooltip explaining that matching string.
    Value fields in turn would explain through a Tooltip what the function is.
    And where the "Dev access" comes in to play, is that those Value fields could then be converted to (where its appropriate) being drop-down menus which offer all the valid choices that SP accepts.
    For example, just a couple days ago I had learned, through total happenstance while modifying someone's build, that you can set partCollisionResponse to None instead of Default! Which is quite handy for the times where you --at least if I understand it correctly-- want a part to still be allowed to contact with other parts (ie not having to set disablePartCollisions) but also not potentially cause an explosion or the part to become damaged through gently slamming together (like with a floppy hinge joint).
    Which I assume one would need an inside view of SP in order to know all the available inputs a field supports, as well as exactly what it is they do.
    Another small example: Cannon's configuration...
    I'm not sure if most people know what volume does (isn't listed on the Simple Cheats doc), which actually is a literal sound-volume decimal value, so that you can make a smaller gun quiet, or even turned off entirely. :)

    2.7 years ago