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I found a NEW way to protect your vehicle from a incoming missile

7,910 BlinIndustry  3.1 years ago

This forum is going to be a bit long, but this is a new discovery so I hope you will read the entire post.


We always use flares or chaff to make the missile not hitting your tank, but they are not 100%.

However, there's another way to block the missile.

Ok so this is the stuff you need:

Few fuselage (Wide and High enough to cover your vehicle)
A detacher (Need 400% YEET force but don't too strong)

And this is how it's works
$ is detacher
|| is the fuselage you going to YEET
@ is the part you want to protect
<~ is the missile that comes to you

@=$||_____a missile is coming: <~

@=$ ___||__ <~

@=$___||<~ the missile hits the fuselage
you yeet and explode without hurting your vehicle

Yes I know this may hard to read because I can't put pictures on the forum. (I tried but not working yet)

And so this is the way I found to protect your vehicle.

Here's the conclusion about this protection system


can use as a "Shield" (but must be detached and with massive health)

'Can protect your vehicle from a Hit and give chance for you to Shot back.


Require few fuselage, which means it will make your vehicle heavier.

Can only use ONCE after you detached it or it getting destroyed, after that one more shot you are done for.

It required you have a good reaction speed to know when he should yeet the fuselage, too fast or too slow could do nothing to protect yourself.

It may moved after a shot and lay down, which means it can't protect you anymore. (It may solved later)

And that's all, thank you for reading if you read to there.

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  • Profile image
    10.1k Advil

    Increase your weight so damn much it hurts to move. The missiles destroy you if they move you. If you are too heavy, they will not even scratch your paint job. SP physics at its finest.

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    10.1k Advil

    There is another

    3.1 years ago
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    53.1k Astro12

    It is some kind of ERA .

    3.1 years ago