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connection tool bug + game crash= (possibly?) corrupted save BUG

3,142 JeskoGoesVROOM  3.1 years ago

so i was messing around building a car, and wanted to add a certain style of stripes to it, but the basic "connect where you place it" connection was acting weirdly so i had to use the handy connection tool, and that's where the problems began:
1. upon attempting to connect the stripes to the part of the body that i was going to attach it to, it said "added connection" but didn't actually add any. this wasn't much of a problem as i simply did the reverse (select the body panel and attach the stripe to that) but then even more stuff happened.
2. i saved the car as usual, and went on to press the play button to test it...
3. game took some time to load (it wasn't that big of a car, partcount was only like 93 or something around that) and then commited game crash. i thought to myself like "eh it's probably the usual game crash that happens every 20 minutes or so, it's probably nothing", but it wasn't.
4. the game crash menu only lead me to the play screen (not the title screen) and the game crash message was BEHIND the play menu. i managed to get it back to the title menu, pressed cancel (pressing "okay" would save the build again) and went back in the editor...
5. so when i entered, it said something like "error occurred trying to load craft". i assumed it was just trying to recover from the game crash, so i searched it'ssave and tried to load it in...
6. it didn't. it still said the error mentioned before. i Panik'd hard and rushed off to where we are here right now.
i think the save for it got corrupted because of the connection tool acting g@y.
great, 1.5+ hours of work down the god damn drain.


here's what i was trying to recreate:

vroom vroom

here's the error message:

rip my sense of everything