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I need a reference photo that I can't find and can't take myself. Could you guys help me?

227k jamesPLANESii  3.1 years ago

I can't find any pictures of how a car snorkel connects to the intake system under the hood of a car.
Does anyone have a picture, or able to take a photo of an engine bay from a car with a snorkel? Preferably a Toyota Land Cruisers or some 90s SUV. That'd be super duper useful!

So like, this thing, but how it connects to the intake under the bonnet.

This is how my Weka is going BTW. The interior is still pretty bare.

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    @Ruvien0Republic0Officer Thanks!

    3.1 years ago
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    12.0k 52

    Like a semi truck, it go’s through the hood into the engine, person below me explained better

    3.1 years ago