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Build request, but inverted

2,723 GeneralPatrick2  3.1 years ago

Yeah it's me, the idiot. I'm here to tell YOU, that because of your service to this website, your opinion is wanted!

Okay, without all of the bad references and memes, I want to ask you guys what kind of plane you'd want me to build, if you wanted me to build anything. I'm hungering to actually make something, and thus I want suggestions on what kind of aircraft. No replicas, no specific planes, just- a general idea, I suppose. Like, what kind of plane, what propulsion, what role, whether or not it has cool rainbow laser cannons, that kind of stuff.

Let me know what you guys want! If you don't respond, that's okay, I should be grown up enough to make my own decision at some point. So expect something from me to be posted in the next 4 years.

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    19.8k RandomUser09

    @GeneralPatrick2 you are unblock.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    @Walvis Fair enough. And I probably will sometime, it does seem like an interesting topic, considering how complex to design it seems.

    3.1 years ago
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    84.1k Walvis

    @GeneralPatrick2 You should do whatever you are comfortable with. That said, I highly recommend watching some youtube video's explaining aircraft stealth technology, as it is super interesting.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @Walvis Hm, perhaps! Seems like it'd be an interesting idea, though I don't know much about designing stealth aircraft, or whatever. They have lots of weird sharp edges. But I'll see what I can do sometime! At the very least I could try just making a a small tactical bomber without stealth.

    3.1 years ago
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    84.1k Walvis

    I've been having fun designing a small tactical stealth bomber, perhaps you'd find it fun to give such a craft a try as well?

    +1 3.1 years ago