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This is problematic for me.

4,336 Stanmich  3.5 years ago

tl:dr, my Youtube channel could be an instrument for money, so I might private my videos.

I kind of wanted to do this for fun, but I will not be an instrument for dirty cashgrabbing. I will be unlisting all of my videos on my current channel. I have come to the conclusion I do not want to be any form of monetary gain for big companies. In fact, I might even leave youtube all together.

Youtube has always been a fun place to hang out with others, until something changed. Google started, how would one say this nicely...
Changing... things? changing things. that works. so. Google changed something that might be for the better for many people. they started the Youtube Partner Program.

The YPP was a method for people on the platform to be able to create a nice little source of revenue to make a living off of what they do on the site. Now this worked. Google would run a few ads on their videos, with some control given to the creators to decide where ads should be.

This worked pretty well for awhile.

Until, the Adpocalypses.

The term is used to describe when something big happens that can change the whole landscape of youtube in less than a week. this can be:

an influx of advertisers,
an outflow of advertisers,
a large change in youtubes core system for ad counting, how many ads they let on videos,
and, changes in their Terms of Service.

Now, I believe a new change in the Terms of Service has set things in motion that cannot be undone. If you were paying attention, the final method for an Adpocalypse to start was a change in the Terms of Service. specifically in the section about how advertising is used in YouTube.

Now, the most recent change is of concern. it speaks about "Right of Monetization", and it basically states those not in the YPP will start to recieve ads on their videos.

Personally, I think this is a very scummy descision. advertising on things people don't want advertised on is like putting up an election sign in front of British Parliament. its not relevant, its not needed, and it sure as hell isn't something to tolerate.

I believe we need to have a call to action. we need to destroy YouTubes core system of advertisements to fix it. Now, this is not just a post about how I'm no longer posting videos on youtube.

I need people to get this out to as many people as possible. this is something not to ignore, but to engage and respond to. We need to build a substantial amount of communication between YouTube and its creators.

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    4,336 Stanmich

    @Stickman well you see, the issue lies in the fact I don't want the ads, and my videos aren't the kind you can easily demonitized.

    3.5 years ago
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    29.8k TriStar

    Creators: making videos as normal

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    16.9k YourWife

    unlisting videos doesnt really do much harm for the videos themselves so this issue is very easily solved

    3.5 years ago