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Thunder Hawk Initiative Page Form Thingy (explains the THI)

20.5k LieutenantSOT  3.6 years ago

In the year 2024, a few USAF pilots came together and wrote the charta concurrunt fulminis (Paper of Lighting), of which they brought together many scientists, diplomats, USAF and USN personnel to sign this paper, officially creating the Thunder Hawk Initiative. This paper explained the overview of the THI and its purpose. The leader of all of this, Joseph Blitz (my alias), became the first White Hawk, whom is the official leader of the group in entirety (but can not be, or act, like a dictator).

The Thunder Hawk emblem:

The Thunder Hawks are split into three divisions, their leaders and color is also shown:

Militia (Thunder Hawk Initiative Militia; Red Hawk)
Science (Thunder Hawk Research Division; Yellow Hawk)
Diplomacy (Thunder Hawk Global Representation Division; Blue Hawk)

Each of these divisions take care of a different problem in the world (Red = Fight against Terrorism and Oppression (if Diplomacy doesn't work first); Yellow = scientific research and operations that could save humanity from the worst of disasters; Blue = protests and talking in global debates/conferences). Together, they make the shape of a hawk in the emblem. Hopefully, this fixes the world. Or at least helps it.
In the THIM, there are 3 branches, the Thunder Hawk Air-force (THA), the Thunder Hawk Navy (THN), and the Thunder Hawk Ground-force. There is also a branch that works with the THRD, the Thunder Hawk Initiative Militia Experimentals (THIME) division. The Air-force is the strongest and largest, whilst the Ground-force is the weakest. The Navy is somewhere in betwixt the two.


In early 2035 (January-February), the Thunder Hawks separated from the USAF and ended up becoming a Nation-State Militia group for the government (more professionally, a PGM). This allowed funding from the USAF and USN, which greatly increased the monetary power of the THI. The first White Hawk, Joseph Blitz, built 4 main bases around the US: a major port base in Charleston, North Carolina, a major air base in Alcoa, Tennessee, a training base in Akron, Ohio, and finally, a major port in Santa Monica, California.
In the beginning, there were only just under 50 people in the group. By the end of 2025, there were more than 2,000. These numbers continued to grow over the next few months. During mid 2036, a war broke out with [REDACTED] and the US. The X5- Sparrow was made to aide in ground forces and this was the first time the THIM helped any other countries in war.
The Thunder Hawk Initiative is NOT a country on its own, nor does it work strictly for the government. Just a side note.

Flag and Insignias:

(Top left is the flag (inside the white circle is the emblem, it is hard to see), Top right is the defensive insignia for crafts defending a country (has the emblem's colors), Bottom right is the offensive insignia for crafts attacking a country or person (which is why it is the coloration of the flag)

List of all vehicles:

Planes for the future (x series):

X1 Baby Hawk series (Fighter/Interceptor with unique wings)
X2 Blitzabeliter (Stealth Bomber)
X3 Super Hawk (V/STOL Stealth Fighter/Bomber)
X4 The Expeller (Bomber/Fighter; Unique)
X5 Sparrow (Ground Support Aircraft)

Helicopters for the future (y series):

Y1 Vertibird Light (Troop Transport)
Y2 Vertibird Heavy (Cargo and Troop Transport)

Airships for the future (xz series):

XZ1 Hypernova (Unique; Large Airship)
XZ2 Knox Class Ship (4 or 5 Medium Rigid ships)

Warships for the future (z series):

Z1 Falkennest (Hawk's Nest; Aircraft-Battleship, Unique)
Z2 Eagle Class Ship (Battleship)
Z3 Falcon Class Ship (Cruiser)

Submarines for the future (zz series):

ZZ1 Night Hawk (Unique)
ZZ2 Osprey Series (Small attack subs)

Tanks for the future (t series):

T1 Red Poppy series (Mk.V Redesign)

Thunder Hawk Initiative Militia Experimental Craft (xx series)

XX1 Toucan (Hypersonic Ground Support)
XX2 Macaw (Asymmetrical Light Bomber-Fighter)
XX3 Super Macaw (Heavy Fighter/Bomber)
XX4 Moebius (Super Heavy Supersonic Propfan Bomber)
XX5 The Expeller Mk.II (Supersonic Jet based Bomber variant)

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    Also, if anyone is wondering why I can go so into depth on this, I have been designing and tweaking the THI for about a year now. I design planes in my spare time, but now I have this game to help me. Just fyi.
    I can go into even more depth than where this article is at

    Pinned 3.6 years ago
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    3,337 GeForce

    @LieutenantSOT ok then.

    3.6 years ago
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    @MikoyanGorevich21 not yet

    3.6 years ago
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    3,337 GeForce

    No Anti Aircraft Ground Vehicle or SPAA/SPAAG?

    3.6 years ago
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    2,121 Skyhawkarmy

    I I’m back sorry I was had I drunk feeling but not drunk

    3.6 years ago
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    @Trumpthanosb ?

    3.6 years ago
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    2,121 Skyhawkarmy

    There was an update where I think you can put an image in I want to know how to do it

    3.6 years ago
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    @K2K ooh, that sounds awesome!

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    6,506 Diver

    @LieutenantSOT What about a collab stealth flying wing bomber? I know how to make one. Nexus can help with XML and everyone can throw in little bits of expertise.

    3.6 years ago
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    2,121 Skyhawkarmy

    Nice I just woke up too

    3.6 years ago
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    @Trumpthanosb you're fine! Sorry I replied so late. I just woke up.
    To answer your question: I don't really know XD. This group is just my group that makes planes for SimplePlanes. So, I suppose that I do not know. You could join Moebius if you wanted to

    3.6 years ago
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    2,121 Skyhawkarmy

    And sorry if I’m not responding as fast I’m sneaking my I pad at night

    3.6 years ago
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    2,121 Skyhawkarmy

    You are welcome and I mean the hawk group

    3.6 years ago
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    @Trumpthanosb thank you as well

    3.6 years ago
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    @Trumpthanosb what group? And no problem!

    3.6 years ago
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    2,121 Skyhawkarmy

    Ok thank you and is there any way I can join your group @LieutenantSOT

    3.6 years ago
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    @Trumpthanosb lol, no problemo. You now have 30 points which allows you to upvote people

    3.6 years ago
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    2,121 Skyhawkarmy

    Thank you very much for helping me with 30 followers that is a very big lot of followers I never had so many floolwers before

    3.6 years ago
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    I read your profile page, and thank you :). You're a rather kind person as well. I don't think anyone has helped me out as much as you have on this site. So, thank you

    3.6 years ago
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    @K2K And I have no clue on the second part... hmmm. What would we do as a collab? We need to get everyone together and decide. However, I may be late to reply because I have school

    3.6 years ago
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    @K2K nope! You're perfectly fine, this is just for the Thunder Hawk Initiative

    3.6 years ago
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    6,506 Diver

    No I don't think this is for Moebius, but when are we gonna do a collab on that?

    3.6 years ago
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    6,506 Diver

    Wait.... Did someone leave me out on a project?

    3.6 years ago
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    @NexusGaming ooooh... sorry! Adding it now

    3.6 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @LieutenantSOT this one

    3.6 years ago
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