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20.0k KudaOni  3.7 years ago

The year is 2056.
Penlandia, a nation of peace loving Penlians. Located at the Inkor Sea, it is a relatively large continet. Penlandian technology rivals that of all other nations, Agricultural, Educational, Social, Vehicular. The only thing they don't have is a Military force.
All seemed to be going well.. until..
December 3rd 2056, 3:00 pm.
The skies darkened. Rain clouds headed toward their coastal city of Pentil, along with squadrons of bombers, fighters, and cargo crafts. Air raid alarms echoed through the entire city and everyone was in a panic. The alarms were sounded too late.
The bombers have passed overhead and started to rain down 50 lb bombs all over them.
By nightfall, the city was already like hell.

News got to the Capital fast and President Castel was informed of the attackers.
A war mongering nation that has plagued the different nations and conquered them all. It was only a matter of time before their nation was next.
But they knew this. Secretly, they have been developing an underground base used for experimenting with various military vehicles. And after many years of research, they have developed an aircraft that could turn the tide of this war, The MK. 1 BallPlen