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Cool data about upvotes in SimplePlanes

2,376 TheKraken3  4.1 years ago

This is a plot of all my public sp builds and their upvotes. As you can see, I have gained a lot of upvotes on the last 3 builds than nearly the first 10 combined.

This is because I used to spam a build a day, but over the last 3 builds I started spending more and more time on them, improving my skills immensely, my latest plane took months of trial and error and redesigns.

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    48.6k Bife

    Quality > Quantity

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    2,376 TheKraken3

    @QingyuZhou Yeah those few upvotes at the end are what got me to 2000 points and 30 upvotes

    4.1 years ago
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    @TheKraken3 yeah thats exactly the trend

    4.1 years ago
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    2,376 TheKraken3

    @QingyuZhou Sooo, this graph rotated and reversed 180*? A lot of upvotes at the start then very little over a long time?

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    you know what's more interesting? plot number of upvotes of a post every hour, and the line will look like a log(x) function.

    +1 4.1 years ago