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Nostalgia and feel-guds

2,723 GeneralPatrick2  4.2 years ago

So, 11 months ago, I posted my M5A1 Stuart. Still my most-downloaded creation, and still the best ground vehicle I have made. I remember the day I saw it on the front page of the SP website :D
476 downloads, probably won't be getting more because of the mod I used being outdated and unusable now as far as I'm aware, but I did make a mod-less version. 476 downloads still seems like a lot to me.

And now, my most recent build, a fictional troop carrier that I call the TC-7 Turtle. 50 downloads, 10 upvotes, and it's on the 4th page of the MORE section of the front-page builds. Not as good as the Stuart, but this is still nice and great. It makes me happy. Maybe it'll even get to the front page if people like it enough.

It feels nice though, to be making good builds that people enjoy and like once again. I'm gonna keep doing this, I hope. It feels good when people enjoy the things I make or write or create.