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[GMA] Vehicles of The Rift

1,921 CaptainEssen  4.4 years ago

How this works

I will be making craft from my story and I would encourage those interested in making futuristic aircraft to do the same. When you have made a craft/vehicle, tag me and inform me if you wish to add your craft to the story. If you wish to make lore for it feel free too, the main designers for aircraft in the story are Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and New Terra Engineering to name a few. I don't care what nation it's from, I don't care if it was made before the Golden Military was in space or after, it could be an experimental tank if you want, all I care is that it has a story and purpose. Why was this designed and what is its role? That's all I need. I'll classify them and organize them by nation and faction.

Golden Military Alliance:

United States:


F-2989 Mk1 Trident Fighter - Early, Atmospheric (By: CaptainEssen)
F2989 Mk3 Trident Fighter - Early, Atmospheric (By: MTakach)


XF-2989 Trident Fighter - Early, Prototype, Atmospheric (By: CaptainEssen)


F-48A Rex - Early, Atmospheric
XF-48-A2 Trident Rex - Early, Prototype, Atmospheric (By: CaptainEssen)



Hexenkönig - Spacecraft, Experimental (By: Axartar)

Terra Nova:


A-10 Phantasm - Spacecraft, light, Armed (By: Axartar)

Galactic Alliance:

Inner Ring Compact:




BAC-198 Scattered Wings - Space Enigma, Origin Unknown, Fighter (By: MAHADI)

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    19.0k Axartar


    4.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    Sorry it took so long for me to respond. Sounds great! I'll leave this one as a German design and I look forward to seeing your freighter.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    19.0k Axartar

    @CaptainEssen It would suggest german (its german lol) but pick any nation you want, use as you please, im currently designing a freighter or something for space.

    4.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    Oh wait the name would suggest Germany correct?

    4.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    @Axartar You surely can, it may actually pass as an alien design perhaps the ship of a Valdarien mercenary. If not then I would need a nation who designed it.

    4.4 years ago
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    19.0k Axartar

    hmmm interesting, I can I enter my hexenkonig
    any good?

    4.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen


    4.4 years ago