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An attack on the Kinoran capital

16.4k Aarons123  4.7 years ago

Part of my fictional universe, not part of any roleplay.

March 17th, 2199
Recently the Kinoran capital Natter has been bombed by attackers of Sesqetchian decent. We suspect bombing was conducted by the S.U.R (Sesqetchian Unity Rebellion) due to the bombers being painted dark red as all SUR vehicles are. The 6 bombers used dropped a total of 27 bombs into the Center of the city killing an estimated 150-200 people and collapsing 5 buildings, the bombers wore soon shot down by Kinoran Fighters before they could escape to the upper atmosphere and avoid the Air breathing jets. 4 bombers crashed into the ocean and worn’t recovered while the other two managed to crash land into a large natural reserve 12 kilometres north of Natter, 3 people in total survived and are being interrogated in Natter. The bombers used wore out dated and heavily modified all having upgraded engines and increased bomb loads. It is unknown how the bombers snuck past the patrolling fighter squadrons but higher ups suspect the bombers wore flying at the very edge of the stratosphere to avoid detection only to dive down when they wore at there target. It is unknown if military action will be taken against SUR as this is the first open act of aggression against Kinora itself, and there is the fact that the 10 year long brutal war with Sesqetchia has devastated Kinora and another war so soon would end in disaster. Though we cannot let the SUR take control of Sesqetchia.

Info on the SUR and Sesqetchia will be coming soon or whenever I can be bothered.

Questions are welcome whether they are about the incident or about the war, Countries ect

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    16.4k Aarons123

    @Jim1the1Squid as in start an RP together? If not I refer you to this Post that explains why Kinora doesn’t really fit into roleplaying

    4.7 years ago
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    Umm... May I join this... RP?
    I have my country already, the USW.

    4.7 years ago