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What I've been up to recently

41.4k MrVaultech  4.7 years ago

So, I've been procrastinating with that small series of warships for, what? A week now?
Well, what I've been making instead of them hopefully will make up for not building the warships!
So, there's been two designs I've been pouring a lot of time into, and oddly enough they're bith heavily based/influenced off of existing vehicles.
Lets start with the most complete one;

P.07a-1e Fighter Plane

So, this plane is meant to be a loose competitor of the Messerschmitt Me 109, while still being heavily based off of the Dutch Fokker D.D.XXI fighter plane.

I've been fine tuning this for almost the entire time between now and that forum post I made teasing the warships, and you have no idea how difficult it was to make a plane design that maxed at 290mph to get to 310mph...
The P.07a-1e carries two Dutch M36 FN-Browning machine guns in it's wings, and a single MG 131 near the nose as it's offensive weapons. Plus it has a neats scope for the pilot to use, and I plan on adding the option for a 250kg bomb to be mounted between the solid gear.

This one should come out pretty soon, maybe the next 3 days, if I get some of the basic writing stuff done for it.

XP.01a-F1 Super Heavy Tank

This monstrosity of a tank I've been building for the past 4 hours straight (started at 3:32pm, now it's 7:26pm as of writing), and I've gotta say, I'm proud.
I mean, despite it being very heavily based off of the French Char F1 Super Heavy Tank, it's got it's own unique factors, I guess(?).

I've already got tracks onto the hull, and the turrets can move independently of each other or in tandem, depending on if you have one or both Activation groups on.
The front turret has the fictional Rh-75 (M.1921) howitzer, which performs similar to the 7,5cm mounted on the Pz IV E series of tanks.
Meanwhile, the rear turret uses the French 90 mm CA modèle 1939 S cannon, which I found after investigation that the barrel is, in fact, actually 15ft long.

Regardless, this should be out well after the P.07a-1e fighter plane, and then I should finally get back on track with building up those warships I teased!