I wish i had the SP skills to show what I imagine this interior would look like. I could draw it but I can't figure out how to post pictures from my iPad. @Spectre2520
Thanks! I picture the poor pilot gazing up to the cockpit thirty feet up. Maybe they could use one of those thick high school type climbing ropes... Better get some installed ASAP. @ThomasRoderick
Thanks! @logicman532
Thanks for all the upvotes guys!
Sure, go for it, and thanks! @Faulknerice
Search for modded engines and I'm sure you can find a souped up engine to hit your speed target.
Thank you! @Treadmill103
The look totally works for me. Good job!
+2That could be because, unlike 90% of my planes, I didn't make this one a seaplane. But good to know anyway. Thanks for the upvote. @MegaFox
Thanks! @Treadmill103
Thank you! @atgxtg
Nice suspension setup! Smooth ride.
+1Thanks! @Piolt1
Thank you! @Treadmill103
Done deal. Thank you! @CptJacobson
Thank you! @Strikefighter04
I did a few times. Tricky but doable. @Thenumber171
Almost called it that. @Nzlcafa
My bad, I have seen that series but not that particular craft. I'll have to look it up. @MAHADI
Thanks! @Sirnubenegra
Thank you! @xXRaindropXx
It done gone craby! @ThomasRoderick
I wish i had the SP skills to show what I imagine this interior would look like. I could draw it but I can't figure out how to post pictures from my iPad. @Spectre2520
Thanks! @TheChosenOne
Thank you! I still haven't seen that movie. @MAHADI
Thank you! @AWESOMENESS360
Thanks! @Treadmill103
Love the pictures. I can't get mine to post.
Thanks! I picture the poor pilot gazing up to the cockpit thirty feet up. Maybe they could use one of those thick high school type climbing ropes... Better get some installed ASAP. @ThomasRoderick
+1Thanks! @LordGardevoirX
Thank you! I like start with an insane shape and then see if I can make it fly. @Jamesonastick105
I wish. I'm down to sniffing airplanes glue. Thanks! @KerlonceauxIndustries
+1Thank you! @KerlonceauxIndustries
I think I've used the name scorpion few too many times already. Thanks! @CenturiVonKikie
+1Cool weapon deployment. I like how the guns unfold.
Fun vehicle!
Thank you! @GhostHTX
Thank you! @Sirnubenegra
Noice! And tanks! @DepressedTortoise
Be scared/intimidated by the upcoming lemony fresh war version. Bwaa ha ha! @CptJacobson
Thank you! @CptJacobson
Thanks! @Treadmill103
Sweet ride! Alien dude.
I say go for it. @GarageEngineer
Love the manuverablity!
Thanks! @AtlasAviation
Thank you! @CptJacobson
Thanks! @ChickenMcNuggets007
Wicked design!