19.0k plane634 Comments

  • Antonov AN225 2.3 years ago

    The real life counterpart of this bird may have, unfortunately, ceased to exist.

  • F6F-5 Hellcat 2.7 years ago

    @Highbraker I made it using Canva, for the background I just took a screenshot of a random spot on the map, put it into the background, crop, and just blurred it, for the planes I spawned them into this mod map called Greenscreen Map, took a picture of them, remove the green screen background, and then put it into the picture with the blurred background.

  • help me 3.0 years ago

    If I recall, it's ![](link)
    Replace "link" with the link of the image, if you're using Google images, open the image in a new tab and copy the link from that tab, if you're using an image uploading site, just copy the link of the image from that site.

  • Simple Sea Plane 3.0 years ago

    @TankerWithATankard it was on the old versions (prior to fuselage block), now it has been replaced with the red seaplane once fuselage blocks were added

  • Do someone know the funky trees code? 3.2 years ago

    activationGroup and activationGroupLocksInput
    set activationGroup to the AG you want to set it to, activationGroupLocksInput should be set to true so that the control surface can lock and unlock
    If you want to know more about funky trees watch the video below ⬇

  • Real life counterparts of weapons 3.3 years ago

    Here are my guesses :
    Wing gun : 7,62mm M1919 Browning
    Minigun : 7,62mm M134
    Rocket Pod : 7 Shot Hydra 70 Rocket Pod
    Rocket : S-24
    Boom 25 : FAB-250-M54 / FAB-250-M62
    Boom 50 : Mk 82 General Purpose Bomb
    Torpedo : Mk 13 Aerial Torpedo
    Interceptor : AiM-120 (unsure since the missile is shorter than the actual AiM-120)
    Cleaver : Tomahawk but with MBDA Meteor's inlet design

    Hope this helps

  • How to make missiles more aerobatic 3.4 years ago

    Well, with XML modding there's MaxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate and MaxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate, the first one changes it's turning speed, the second changes the speed of it's direction of travel, so basically if the Heading is greater than the Velocity, the missile would drift, if Velocity is greater than Heading, the missile would "drag itself", if you put high number on both of these the missile would be very maneuverable, for example, say giving it 570 would make the missile comparable to the R-73E missile, while giving it 10-20 would make it comparable to the R-40TD or the AiM-54, to make it maneuverable give both a high number.

    Source, the explanation is in the comments

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer one month ago

    Man I wish someone would make a simple plane

    2 :

  • 15 Second Dogfight one month ago

    @DasAbhinab it's my MiG-29 but with a North Korean camo, here's the main one

  • Goofy ahh cinematic 3 months ago

    @Dracul0Anderson stay tuned :)

  • Goofy ahh cinematic 3 months ago

    Disclaimer, I'm not trying to go against anything here okay? Just wanting to test out a story concept.

    Now, I wanna ask just one question.

    is it cringe? Or not?

  • Mercenary's Last Flight 8 months ago

    @Brayden1981 Hehe don't worry, I won't be leaving anytime soon 😊

  • F-18E-ANM 8 months ago

    Tags :

  • Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor 8 months ago

    Tags :

  • A short I made because I haven't uploaded in 4 months (again) 9 months ago

    F-22 and the F-18E-ANM possibly uploaded some time this week (maybe) (if I remembered)

  • [17th August Special] Clurit-Class Fast Attack Craft 10 months ago

    I forogr
    Code for the auto-aim comes from mahardika's AK-850 CEPTOR

  • S-200VE Surface-To-Air Missile Battery (200 Followers & Subs Special) 10 months ago

    @pawpatrol02 @USSArizona yea this was due to the gyros on the boosters (possibly), there really isn't any way to fix it other than making the gyros super stable which stiffens the missile launch, sorry about that.

  • S-200VE Surface-To-Air Missile Battery (200 Followers & Subs Special) one year ago

    @SpecialScientificSearch The missiles are like that in real life, it's less maneuverable than the S-75 as it is way heavier (2,3 tons vs 7,1 tons). The minimum distance of this missile is 17km from the target

  • S-200VE Surface-To-Air Missile Battery (200 Followers & Subs Special) one year ago

    @Yourlocalhuman @UmbrellaCorporation they're both planned, but not in the near future though

  • I've been inactive for three months so have this little cinematic I made 1.1 years ago

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 Yeah I was away for more important things irl (in fact I kinda still am rn) but I just happen to have spare time recently. Well, hopefully I can return with some build or something later.

  • I've been inactive for three months so have this little cinematic I made 1.1 years ago

    If you're curious about how I filmed the "rocket-launching-behind-pixy's-plane" scene, I've uploaded the unedited version here : https://youtu.be/9M1NOrKiIDs

    Edit : if Pixy's voice sounds bad that's because it is, I tried copying his voice with AI but I don't have the funds for the paid services so I have to use a free one, it's not extraordinary but it works.

  • the 7 unwritten rules of building planes 1.5 years ago

    Ah yes I definitely agree with the rule that says

  • JAS-39D-ANM 1.6 years ago

    @HMSIllustriousMyBeloved Yea I know, I forgot to say this but the supermaneuvrability has a limit, it's only good below about 435 mph (700km/h), on high speed it does that wobble thing, pretty sure it has something to do with the sensitivity on the FBW code, I've tried to divide it by some number but me being a noob at FT it ends up not working, so at those speeds I advise to turn off supermaneuvrability, sorry for the inconvenience

  • (100 Followers Special) M2020 Main Battle Tank 1.6 years ago

    @Pepopi I'm sorry about that, but I didn't block you, that post comments' were nuked and no one can comment on it, not even me, I believe someone tagged a mod.

    You can say what you want about it, I'm not going to stop you, I don't have an agenda posting that plane, I didn't have that plane to shade on Russians nor to praise Ukrainians, it was simply a plane I think is cool, just as cool as any fighter jet really, be it the Su-35, Su-57, F-22, F-35, etc

  • 15 Second Dogfight 1.6 years ago

    @UmbrellaCorporation I don't take video request, sorry man

  • My channel can do community posts now 1.6 years ago

    SURELY someone would notice something by now

  • What in the Planet Fitness just happened 1.6 years ago

    @HigginsBlackBird Ok but no promises though, life got in the way most of the time but I'd try to get to it if I can.

  • Who can land on the Air control tower on any of the airports 1.7 years ago

    I know only one guy that can do it.
    Edit : nvm someone mentioned YY already

  • Crazy Plane V 2.Z 1.7 years ago

    Never thought I'd see one of, if not the first plane I've ever downloaded from the SP website be modernized with up-to-date features, it's like seeing a P-51 be armed with AiM-9X or something, very cool! Here's an upvote 👍

  • V-750VK 1.7 years ago

    @JustWingIt ayy man thanks for the kind words back then, I wish you the best of luck for SP and whatever you're trying to achieve in life 💯💯

  • V-750VK 1.7 years ago

    @AcePlayer yeah they're meant to be like that lmao, it's only effective against far out targets and even then it's only accurate on large targets (as the S-75 is designed to intercept)

  • SNR-75M Fan Song B 1.7 years ago

    I accidentally built this a little too big so I've downsized it a little using overload, if there's anything strange regarding the physics of this build that's probably why.

  • S-75 Desna (SA-2B) Surface-To-Air Missile Site 1.7 years ago

    Just a quick notice, due to life stuff I would be less active than during June-August, this goes for both playing and posting, I will still post from time to time just less frequently (as if it was to begin with), but no worries I will stay here for the foreseeable future.

  • Leopard 2A4 (Unmodded) 1.8 years ago

    @KangBaksoSoeharto ok noted

  • Morb 1.8 years ago

    @5647367267 Sorry for the late reply but here it is

  • M2020 Unmodded Version 1.8 years ago

    @SELWYN101 I believe that's caused by the wheels sinking into the ground causing the game to try to forcibly push it out causing that bouncing effect, perhaps you can try to increase the wheel's mass via XML as it worked for me when I built this tank and encountered the same problem

  • (100 Followers Special) M2020 Main Battle Tank 1.8 years ago

    Freck I just realized I wrote KPAF (Korean People's Air Force) instead of KPA (Korean People's Army) 💀💀💀

  • Morb 1.8 years ago

    @OrionIndustries I used Filmora9 to edit the video, and ingame I used the FreeCam mod to take shots

  • Morb 1.8 years ago

    Update : The tank is out

  • Morb 1.8 years ago

    This is a trailer for my 100 followers special post so yeah

    Oh and the Hard-kill APS scene is staged (but the APS still works tho just only against AI missiles)

  • T-28 Mod 1938 1.9 years ago

    @xNotDumb it's Aeroclub2

  • Question:/ 1.9 years ago

    Well... Since because SP is an offline game that doesn't offer a service of any kind (like say transactions, server hosting, etc, it wouldn't be SP at that point) it itself wouldn't get blocked because it's not in the category, so it pretty much depends on the certification of the platform that had SimplePlanes (like Steam for example, and you know how that went), as for the website itself, well all websites falls under Google and since they have signed the PSE thing it's safe

    Edit : idk much about law (Indonesian law to be exact) so sorry if this is wrong or unclear

  • T-28 Mod 1938 1.9 years ago

    Have you discovered all the hidden M2020 teasers yet?

  • Why there is a intentionally left blank space at airplanes section 1.9 years ago

    Ah I believe that space is reserved for advertisements, that usually shows up when no ads are loaded or when the amount of ads is less than the available blanks spaces

  • How 1.9 years ago

    floor(smooth(input,1/x)), x is the delay in seconds, to invert this code replace floor with ceil

  • Tank Stabilization Method 1.9 years ago

    Found this method out while messing around and I decided to make a video about it with absolutely nothing unusual happening in it especially at the end yeah nothing happens it's all normal ok guys

    Edit : Found a flaw

  • What makes your device lag? 1.9 years ago

    Personally, being on an older device (Snapdragon 660, 3gb ram 32gb storage) SP can be heavy to run after 460+ parts, and completely unplayable at 615 or more, other things that lagged the device out are long FT codes, image labels, and XML upscaled parts