1,130 guyrot2010 Comments

  • IJAAF Ki-352 8.1 years ago

    @MisterMasada If you can send me a pictue of the green you want to paint the plane with, I'm pretty sure i can paint it that color.
    Edit: if you don't know the spesific color, press here to see all the camoflauge colors the japanese used during WW2

  • R-23 Sandstorm 8.1 years ago

    @AerodynamicallyConfused I posted the plane :)

  • JO-369 ''Desert Falcon'' 8.1 years ago

    @Jolteon Thanks :D

  • R-23 Sandstorm 8.1 years ago

    @AerodynamicallyConfused Thanks! An i assure you, I always credit the original authors of the planes I modify :D


    @GoblinDynamics Lucky 13 P;

  • R-23 Sandstorm 8.1 years ago

    Can i post a succesor to this magnificent plane? I've been working on it as my little special side project, and i think it's ready for release.

  • New to Simple Planes! 8.1 years ago

    @AerospaceEngineer1 Any XML mod you need, you can ask me for it. I'll be more than glad to help you with every XML mod you need :D

  • maybe I should just kill myself 8.1 years ago

    @thankyouall don't do it. Think of waht i'll do to your family and friends as well. even if you annoyed someone, don't let them push you into suicide, you'll just do what they want you to, and thus they win over you. Your life is super important, and not only to you but also to the people who know you and love you, both as friends and as family. Trust me, I've where you are, and even worse, and I know how hard it is to keep on, but I promise you that if you resist giving up, and push forward, Some bulies threatened my life if I don't pay them, and eventually I built up the courage to stand up to them and stop the "ransom", and I found out that a lot of people stood by me, and I managed with their help to report them to the police. I'm sure you will overcome this hard time. Also, who are the idiots who made you think that way? I bet you they don't have a social life outside the net, and they picked on you just because you seemed like a weak target. The question is now, are you gonna give up and let them win, or stand against them and show them you aren't weak at all(?). All of the simpleplanes community is backing you up, and I'm personally sure you can overcome those stupid people who mad eyou think about suicide [dumb !@^&T*%$%#....].

    Edit: also, if you need help in making planes, I can teach you how to mod XML and other neat tricks most people don't know :)

  • Heavy bomber 8.1 years ago

    @Jolteon I uploaded the plane, I'll be happy for your opinion on it :D

  • Heavy bomber 8.1 years ago

    @Jolteon Iam going to warn you however, my version is gonna be equipped with different armament and engines. other than that, almost evrything else is from this original version. that includes fulsage, wings (not all of them), gears (altrough i might add some), cockpit, structure and a similar color pallete.

  • Heavy bomber 8.1 years ago

    @Jolteon Thanks! it's too awsome to be left unfinished :P

  • Heavy bomber 8.1 years ago

    can I make a succesor to this bomber?

  • JH-45 SP-MOD 2 8.1 years ago

    @Liquidfox You bet i'll keep posting planes, it's fun

  • JH-45 SP-MOD 2 8.1 years ago

    @Liquidfox Thanks!

  • JH-45 8.1 years ago

    @Phim Thanks! I'm going to post it soon :) .

    P.S.: I actually enjoyed modding and modifying the plane so much i made a series of it with different tweaks to each one (mostly in engine performance, but some also have 2X25 boom bombs. God dammit why are your planes so much fun to modify?! XD

  • JH-45 8.1 years ago

    @Phim can i make a waterplane version of this plane? or can it only takeoff from land?
    I really want to make a sea version, but I don't know if it would be accurate according to this "alternate ww2" (p.s. what is this "alternate ww2 thing???) plane.

    EDIT: also, IF the plane had a water variation, what would you suggest it's camoflauge will be?.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for annoying [[ I just really like making planes realistic&as close to what the original creators intended as possible :D ]].

  • UT-77 Hellhound 8.1 years ago

    The original plane was made by @Othawne, I modded the XML of the plane, and improved some other things. All of the credit goes to @Othawne

  • Nurth I-3 8.1 years ago

    @Othawne ok :D I'll take me some time to upload it, i want to check everything is fine with the new update :P

  • JI-237 8.1 years ago

    @Phim Of course Ill give you the credit, after all I'm not the original author, and it wouldn't have been possible without your epic plane :D

  • JI-237 8.1 years ago

    @Phim Can I make&upload a modfied version of the plane i made? I promise there are 0 Jet engines on it :)

  • Nurth I-3 8.1 years ago

    @Othawne Can I upload a succesor please ?

  • ZH15 Santa 8.1 years ago

    @Arhitekt Okay Thanks

  • ZH15 Santa 8.1 years ago

    @Arhitekt Thanks for the information! :) Does the Eurasian Kingdom have a roundel or a flag or something simmilar? and what marks does the Centeral Australian Colony uses? thanks in advance

  • UT-77 Hellhound 8.1 years ago

    @Othawne Okay,
    I'm not gonna argue

  • UT-77 Hellhound 8.1 years ago

    @Othawne OK Thanks, im gonna fix it soon (by soon i mean tomorrow, it's almost 10 pm here at Israel and tommorow i take my finals exhibition off :P )

  • ZH15 Santa 8.1 years ago

    soooooooooooo @Arhitekt to which army does this plane belong? (doesn't have to be a real one) :)

  • UT-77 Hellhound (Early) 8.1 years ago

    I actually made a basic upgrade for this plane and posted it, but it didn't show up as a successor for some reason, if anyone is interested on this cute (but deadly) plane.

  • G6M1 - C ''Watatsumi'' 8.1 years ago

    If you can find the file and get it to a pc, you can edit it.
    Also, pretty much evry text editor should do the trick without needing to move it to pc :)
    However, you can only edit your XML if your Iphone is jailbraked, otherwise it's the first soulution I believe :/

    If you want to mod specific plane, put the part you want to mod and send the plane to an XML modder, and he would probably be able to mod it on his pc/android.

    If you want, i can try my best to help you, due to all XMLs are the same basically :D

  • G6M1 - C ''Watatsumi'' 8.1 years ago

    I do believe though that if you send me the XML file somehow I will be able to mod it and send it back to you :D

  • G6M1 - C ''Watatsumi'' 8.1 years ago

    @PINK I kind of have simpleplanes for pc only,
    but I DO know how to basically mod XML in phones as well.
    I have no problem leaving beta, it's actually causing other players not to download my planes, because it's beta.

    So yeah, I can try to help you mod XML on android :), but i actually never used an apple phones storage :/

  • IAF's Gloster meteor F.8 Alternate Camo 8.1 years ago

    @Itamar3553 it's all trails and errors, and one epic plane.

  • BF-115-D-5 8.1 years ago

    @TheMasterSoldier Sorry for disappointing you by not putting jet engines XD.
    Honestly it would have looked stupid with jet engines, and it would ruin this epic plane :/

  • IAF's Gloster meteor F.8 Alternate Camo 8.1 years ago

    @TheMasterSoldier Thanks! didn't know it existed... XD

  • OD-Hell Bird HE-179 Desert camoflauge 8.2 years ago

    @PINK Nah it looks better that way. (I actually do know how to use part clipping, but I like it more like this)

  • OD-Hell Bird HE-179 Desert camoflauge 8.2 years ago

    @PINK Thanks for posting the coolest flying wing ever

  • A-7 corsair II Revamp'd 8.2 years ago

    @DeezDucks thanks :D