3,030 geek1love Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 2.5 years ago

    Please -- Being able to create a list of planes that you'd like to spawn, excluding all others in your main "Build and Fly" list, with the ability to make planes spawn aggressive without you having to provoke them. You should also be able to spawn passive planes or as a team mate that will fight with you against aggressive planes (different flying behavior for fighters/bombers would be extra cool). This would allow big, customizable air battles. Maybe even allow for a limit on the number of planes of each type that will spawn per load or must be destroyed, along with the requirement that you land safely at a designated airport, before a "mission complete" message. The thing that's missing is some kind of mission editor, and a basic list of planes that you want to spawn along with aggressiveness adjustment would go a long way on its own, without all the other fluff I mentioned above.

  • All American 2.5 years ago

    @F14Tomcat1974 I wish I'd made it way less fuel efficient. I considered adding a television set visible in the cockpit... maybe some other day.

  • Mountain Goat 2.5 years ago

    @MashMallow Thanks for the up vote!

  • S.D.F.M. Avally 2.5 years ago

    Cool plane, but for some reason it rotated hard to the right when it loaded. After I managed to taxi it and get it airborne it was a nice plane. Thanks!

  • Mountain Goat 2.5 years ago

    @Yummy37271 Hey, that's OK. Thanks for the feedback. I hope you enjoy playing around with it!

  • Lockheed Vega 5B 2.5 years ago

    @Dima0012m Thanks for the feedback. That's exactly what I was going for.

  • F-27B Eagle 2.6 years ago

    Sweet plane! Thanks for the upvote and spotlight!

  • Beast Corp. Cutter V2 2.6 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote! Sweet plane!

  • . . . 3.8 years ago

    @captainhall This game wouldn't be the same without the dedicated modders and buidlers, so tote bag or no it's cool that people put so much work into their creations.

  • . . . 3.8 years ago

    @captainhall Do I get a free tote bag?

  • Custom cockpits or Rounded cockpits? 3.8 years ago

    I feel like I first saw it used on a replica plane (early supersonic US fighter jet) that isn't in my collection any more. Glass cockpits are coming with the new beta stuff right? I haven't made a realistic cockpit yet with knobs and lights and all that, but glass cockpits will make that way more appealing.

  • Hit Man 3.8 years ago

    @zzoop I think I'm going to start putting cannons on everything. It's always more fun to be able to blow up convoys.

  • 'Zephyr' Multirole Fighter 3.8 years ago

    @zzoop the more the merrier

  • . . . 3.8 years ago

    I'm fine at 45. Do points do anything? Like can I buy food with them?

  • Custom cockpits or Rounded cockpits? 3.8 years ago

    I've built around the stock cockpits quite a bit -- 'Hayabusa', 'Valkyrie' & 'Tiny' are examples of builds I've done this with -- but this limits things quite a bit (same with using stock landing gear). Using scaling (Overload mod) can make them any size which makes things much easier to fit the cockpit to the plane instead of always being limited by the size and shape of the stock cockpits. I regularly do this with landing gear since it's very limiting if you have to build your plane around the base landing gear.

    I forget where I saw this being done first, but many builds use custom cockpits made from fuselage parts with a shiny finish. Then you can place a small version of one of the triangular cockpits somewhere in your custom cockpit. Sometimes this makes for a weird view (clipping through parts, etc.) but if placed in the right spot all you'll see is the body of the plane. My build named 'Green Dragon' has a custom cockpit like this where the stock cockpit is embedded in the body of the head of the dragon. You'll need the Overload mod to customize the scaling of the parts, then you can make them any size you want.

  • An unexpected war (War roleplay competition) 3.8 years ago

    @KnightOfRen No frickin kidding?

  • An unexpected war (War roleplay competition) 3.8 years ago

    @XP It didn't say where they came from. They must have been nearby, which makes it sound like "The Russians" were already deploying attack helicopters in North America. Which means... all kinds of things. Many many things.

    I thought the tension and action in the writing came across well but the big picture stuff is either drastically different from today or needs to be reworked to make it more plausible.

  • Downgrade ice base 3.8 years ago

    The lasers won't target cannon fire so it's easy to destroy the launchers using a cannon. Getting within about 1.5km with an Inferno AtoG missile works but you have to dodge and use countermeasures to get that close and you'll only take out one launcher at a time. The quickest way by far is to use countermeasures to get close enough to drop a Boom 25 or 50 in between the two launchers. Sometimes this disables both lasers as well. As mentioned previously in this discussion thread, starting from the default ice base spawn point will make it so the launchers won't attack you. But to do this, you have to get a plane into the ice base and all the way to the end of the runway. I ended up crashing a plane to do this. Since your cockpit will probably continue in a straight line after you get hit by a missile, just aim your plane for the opening and use countermeasures to get as close as possible. Good luck! This was one of the more challenging things in the game at first. Once you have that spawn point in the base it'll no longer be a problem since you can choose if you want the launchers to be aggressive or not.

  • 'Hayabusa' Fighter 3.8 years ago

    Thank you. I wish I could make it so the fuel in the tank is used first but I don't know how.