843 ZeroRaven87 Comments

  • Galileo Shuttle 3.6 years ago

    @Griffon1Crosswind so each of the vertical struts connecting to the nacelles is a vertical stabilizer, so it actually has 4 lol.

  • A-10C Warthog 3.6 years ago

    @Learpot thank you. Been playing and building for about a year now. Compared to my earliest creations this is a big step up, but not up to my Rafale or F-35

  • Rafale-M 3.8 years ago

    @Yeeeeeeey check out V2, fixes a few small bugs and adds stuff lol.

  • settings for AI planes (question to developers) 3.8 years ago

    @DeltaBravoSix so the question then becomes, if a build inadvertently targets another build for a missile lock, will the second build then begin to target the first build.
    By the simple logic of "threat response" it sounds like the most likely scenario.

  • settings for AI planes (question to developers) 3.8 years ago

    What I find is humourous is that I've had AI planes dogfighting without me.
    I was turning to get a guns solution on an AI and watched another AI swoop down from another direction and go for a guns kill that totalled the plane I was going after.
    I'm not sure if the current AI behavior allows for this typically or if it's an automatic response to being attacked (stray bullet triggered the behavior even though it wasn't the intended target).

  • F-35B 4.1 years ago

    @IgaoBrHueHue you mean it autorights itself? Disable gyro (AG8) after acheiving forward flight.

  • F-35C 4.1 years ago

    @IgaoBrHueHue wanted to let you know, check out my F-35B plane. Functional VTOL

  • F-35C 4.1 years ago

    @IgaoBrHueHue maybe, haven't tested it yet.

  • Shooting Star 4.1 years ago

    @1122334456789 I would hope things are different. Scratch built on Android lol. If I modify peoples existing designs, I don't post them. It's bad for to steal stuff lol.