629 Zal777 Comments

  • Embraer CAN-44 5 months ago

    @ChopShop thank you😊

    It is a Brazilian Naval attack version of the F-22 Raptor.

  • Embraer CAN-44 5 months ago

    @ChopShop Good question lol😄

    I designed a Heavy Bomber from scratch! The characteristics were that it was super maneuverable, that it surpassed the sound barrier, and that it had a great load capacity. empty it weighed 90,000 kg... and fully loaded it reached 120,000 kg.

    It is a GREAT shame that at that time there was still no registration here to save the aircraft in the archive.

  • F-22 1.4 years ago


    Hey!! yes, I loved your custom wings, they have a misalignment problem that when you fly, the plane wants to go sideways... it can't stabilize! then I had to make another wing. this problem is one of the most annoying! I also made a recent plane... only it has problems with the stabilization wings... it had even been published but I had to remove it. I'll see if I can fix it later. but congratulations!! I loved your F-22 among many others! it turned out very beautiful 😎

    I even made a Brazilian version of it... the CAN-44 anti ship.😁