6,468 Typhlosion130 Comments

  • Box wing gunship 5.8 years ago

    I mean... all you did was attach rockets to some one elses plane... any one can do that, no offence.

  • f-15 5.8 years ago

    you know there is a mirror function.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @CoBros2 doesn't matter. part scale is part of it other wise certian abuses would be possible

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Tully2001 the first round what i think happend is you broke your engine when the camera wasn't on you.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Tully2001 your car was clearly not designed for off road and crashed a lot.

  • AMX Leclerc 2A2 6.9 years ago

    @marcox43 yea but that body slam can not be beaten lol

  • AMX Leclerc 2A2 6.9 years ago

    Looks like we'll meet again. our two tanks, side by side technical brothers due to my design idea based off you doing this. :P

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 @Visify closest I ever came was in the last modded daredevil tournament..... made it to the finals with something that actually was a plane.... but then lost in the last round...

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    screw it I'm entering my old tank.
    these tournaments are getting less and less interesting as time goes on any how...
    started out as high quality plane and car designs.... but it all ends in the same game physics abuse super vehicles that make no sense.... and even when I try to build one my self it never quite stands up...

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @SilentGemini The first step is learning what wing load is.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 your speed and such depends on wheel size.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 first of all you lie because versions of hte thing have reached over 400. secondly the jumps are more than handled. the main problem is the end. I either crash and burn into the last jump and then go into the last ring. or I have so much down force that I just flop down missing it from below.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 you're insane. I only have a 10 degrees down force and it was too much. I lessend it to 5 even.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 that causes it to nose up and start flying and then crash some times.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @horizoneer He's just a dev. technically the owner I think. but he just enters some design for fun.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @marcox43 that would be interesting. and at that point I could just win lol. my tank design works on a single engine if I"m not mistaken.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @robloxweponco no they just ran out of race tracks. now we do this one agian.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @horizoneer he has entered every tournament thus far and has won none. whats the problem?

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 I had to REDUCE down force actually. because the first time with normal settings it nose dived and missed the last ring. going lower cuased some problems with the major turn but I've fixed that. now it just explodes on the last jump.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 I mean like I said. my vehicle hits around the 40 second mark. its just that it explodes on the final jump

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 i'm back and completely lost/screwed on how to do this.

  • Riding Dirty 6.9 years ago

    hmmm.... welll this sucks. I'm getting times of 40 and around there but I can't get it to not explode on the last jump.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @robloxweponco read

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @LiamW yes. this is always allowed in all race modes. I'm suprised you dind't already know this.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @hopotumon on the other hand you could stack 6 engines inside your plane.

  • J-50H 7.2 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 Like I said the track is more open to speed than daredevil. but has a single tight spot. really you can test it where ever you like but its best to have it tested on the dragon.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @hopotumon or on the other hand you could build your plane small enough so that it can go through while rolling. because of how the right side of the track likes to screw you.

  • J-50H 7.2 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 well no just. give me a base model to work with. and mention me on it and I can work on it for you.
    of course I will prioritize my own work.

  • J-50I-1 Ultra dart 7.2 years ago

    @CALVIN232 it has 6 engines. and each of hte 4 main wings (2 sections per side) are actually doubled.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 I would like to state something however. there is a high chance the AI will screw us both over. going over 2000mph through this course. all it takes is one bad roll. and with how hte AI changes with all the crappy planes and what not. you and I could both see early knock outs of our planes at such speeds.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 god damn you're really pushing me this tournament. I got a 56 second finish time right now. Hoping to improve it. make it mroe reliable.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @JovianPat I've been saying this, this entire time. your plane needs to be built correctly just for that. a plane with enough pitch to pull off the drop but not too much as to have your plane start using roll and then smash into the pyramid. its hard.

  • Eagle Pass 7.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 oh so that's how you managed to get such a time. damn how much does your plane weigh then?

  • Lippisch Li P.13 7.2 years ago

    shut up and take my upvote.

  • Eagle Pass 7.2 years ago

    @MAHADI why would you even ask? this is a track every one has.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 I still don't understand how you did that :/
    @hopotumon in the dragon speed is irrelevant. all that matters is you make it through the pyramid and then you have a 99% chance of not dieing afterwards (unless your build sucks.)

  • J-50H 7.2 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 yea those are props not jets. you enter a prop in this thing you'll make it until the first jet that finishes.

  • Eagle Pass 7.2 years ago

    @AudioDud3 Hey to be fair I usually do openly help people but I was hoping i could keep the wining strat a secret and have a chance at winning one of these things for once.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 then it isn't magic. its secrecy that will ruin me :U

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @rhuetherjr its been said about 5-10 times now that it starts in the air. from a dead drop to be exact.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 but magic (xml) is not allowed :/

  • Eagle Pass 7.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii all of it. the secerets to wining. I thought I had a real chance here :u

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 I seriously do not understand how you managed 55. tell me your secret senpai :u

  • J-50H 7.2 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 I would but I don't know your style.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @MAHADI yes. they're always allowed.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @hopotumon also I'm not sure if engines stacked ontop of each other even perfectly give extra drag or not so more possible inaccuracies in your little test.

  • The Dragon 7.2 years ago

    @purdue028 no race requires you to be able to land. and none ever will.

  • Eagle Pass 7.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii why did you have to tell them? :/

  • Stupid plane prototype 7.2 years ago

    @marcox43 well I thought I was done editing my build for the night at a good 2:03 (turns out the 2:02 was barely below 2:03 and was lucky)

  • Stupid plane prototype 7.2 years ago

    @marcox43 I have the strategy to this down pat and I"m starting to learn the tricks to glider tournaments now. of course if we do the other glider track I can tell its going to be quite different in how you would want to build..