6,214 TylerThomason2 Comments


    @SupremeDorian which I clearly stated that it isn't mine, not my fault you people act too lazy to fully read titles


    @SupremeDorian also you should know that it isn't against the rules to post other builds so long as you don't take credit for it if it's not yours


    @SupremeDorian dunno how honestly because I only post builds or videos everything else on this site I don't even use

  • Hexapod 2.1 years ago

    @Ummmhelli bruh that's exactly why I can't do this either lol like I'm literally just slapping random codes hoping one works xD,hopefully someone will help me figure this out sooner or later

  • tic tac ufo takes off from ice base, clips through mountain and destroys all 7 navy ships 2.1 years ago

    Thor Ragnarok
    Navy-Thor:"that's not possible"
    Tic Tac-Hella:"my boy, you have no idea what's possible"

  • TR-3B 2.2 years ago


  • TR-3B 01 2.2 years ago

    Or I could just let you guys click the unlisted in the description if that works too

  • TR-3B 2.2 years ago


  • Stupid Video 3 2.2 years ago


  • Stupid Video 3 2.2 years ago


  • Stupid Video 2.2 years ago


  • Stupid Video 2.2 years ago

    @PssyalperdnaEgg precisely the reaction I was hoping for lol

  • MBT-Main Battle Tank 2.0 2.3 years ago

    @STLTitans half your stuff is tanks and one's basically a walking tank mech lol

  • RC Battle Droid 3.0 2.3 years ago

    Admittedly my brain for whatever reason gets confused when I try using both turrets simultaneously._. But as u can see I survived with only minimal damage, I'm sure anyone else can pilot this way better though.

  • RC Battle Droid 2.0 2.3 years ago

    I think this needs more bottom mass it slides and jumps around way too much

  • RC Battle Droid 2.3 years ago

    They just love taking out or damaging rotators :p

  • Plasma Tank UGV-Unmanned Ground Vehicle Part2 2.3 years ago

    Took out my turret rotation , still got em all

  • laser(noisy cricket) 2.3 years ago

    Maybe I should've named it noisy cricket

  • TR-3B 2.3 years ago


  • Cessna 206 drops off rations and munitions to guerrila fighters, 1985 2.3 years ago

    @T8flight hey I know I wasn't planning on asking for anymore favors , but if you're okay with it, can you get me this back by only removing the mods like you did with my tank ? It only has tactical laser system mod

  • Flying Car (auto aim turret) 2.3 years ago

    Less laggy than the one with tank cannons

  • Stealth Drone 2.0 2.3 years ago

    Also @everyone here this was my original

  • Stealth Drone 2.0 2.3 years ago

    @everyone 2.2 coming soon, has better tail stability here

  • Stealth Drone 2.0 2.3 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming 10%battery rn , also removing those tails has been causing flight stability issues , I tried to do a roll and ended up saucering into the ocean like a frisbee

  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming okay if this isn't any better I'm sorry , also I'm out of time my batteries about to die right now here

  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming okay I see that but ;-; that just solves my nose problem , the way I made my wings to kinda get thicker as they go inwards also makes the bases of them not slanted ;-; its just flat triangles basically

  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming but I want it to still have the same general shape without having to redo the whole craft , so yeah I get what you're saying but the reason for this is I literally don't know how to make the entire craft smooth and slanted all over

  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming basically I want the body to be all smoothed out like this here

  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming sides as in the entire nose ? The center body? , wings? Which part of the sides ? ._. I've been trying forever to to make this thing have a full slants all over it but I can't figure out how because it's like when I get some parts slanted , there's no way to get other parts slanted like how halfway through the center of the craft the sides slant like triangles then the rest and the nose is like brick :/ so if u know what I can do to make the rest appear to merge with those slanted parts please help ;-;

  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming okay I don't know if you're joking, but there's no realistic "stealth" equipment in this app as far as I know, it's just a stealth aircraft concept basically, which is what half of my builds both air and ground, are supposed to be ._. Just concepts

  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago

    @LobsterBisque128 slight changes to every repost yes , I changed the flares to hold down-rapid fire and mixed chaff in with them

  • White Users be like: 2.3 years ago

    I swear I had already downloaded a flying chinese tank before and idk I unfortunately can't remember who posted it though , it was pretty much like this video except not with lasers or anything fancy like the rollers becoming detachable missiles , just a straight flying chinese tank with no visible wings or propulsion

  • Package Carrier TankDrop 2.3 years ago

    @epicfard I said some, therefore if you're sarcastic sounding comment is just you implying that it doesn't cause any lag, simply means your device runs fine with it, however that doesn't mean that all devices will. As I stated in the description.

  • Package Carrier #TankDrop 2.3 years ago

    @CheetoPumkinEater1 oh but if u want zero lag simply remove the flying machine and parachutes and just save the tank lol , I should've mentioned this right after posting idk y I didn't lol

  • Package Carrier #TankDrop 2.3 years ago


  • Package Carrier #TankDrop 2.3 years ago

    @CheetoPumkinEater1 ikr the lag 😭

  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago


  • Stealth Drone 2.3 years ago


  • UQ-500 Mars class 2.4 years ago

    @spefyjerbf here

  • TR-3B 2.4 years ago

    @everyone !here
    more flight demonstrations

  • TR-3B Bad B**** #Angy Dorito 2.4 years ago

    @everyone !here

  • TR-3B 2.4 years ago

    @everyone !here

  • TR-3B 2.4 years ago

    @everyone 1 !here 2 !here

  • TR-3B 2.4 years ago


  • tracks for tank8.3 2.4 years ago

    @everyone also I forgot to inform u guys unfortunately my water mobility(the vtol direction nozzle)was accidentally trashed while making the tracks ;-; sorry about that

  • Tank9.0 2.4 years ago

    @everyone I forgot to inform u guys unfortunately my water mobility(the vtol direction nozzle)was accidentally trashed while making the tracks ;-; sorry about that

  • tracks for tank8.3 2.4 years ago

    @everyone, yeah admittedly I guess they are pretty nice compared to just 7 regular wheels on the 8.3 but it only really works for me when I literally set all graphic and setting types to low ;-; my device can't keep up , so I'm sticking with driving my 8.3

  • UQ-500 Mars class 2.4 years ago

    @spefyjerbf well I'm using tank cannons for my tr-3b so for me there's no activation needed , just selecting the different guns kinda like how u can select between bombs or missiles when u have both onto one build it shows both types just by selecting air to ground for example

  • TR-3B 0 2.4 years ago

    @everyone I dont get why this ones getting more downloads and upvotes than my other one because the other one is the same thing but with twice the stability and more lights ,but the whole real reason I spam post the different versions actually is so people have options to choose from , it's also why I do the same thing to my other builds and not just TR-3B, even so with all do respect , to me this ones way better !here ;-; so please, don't leave it hanging with the very few support it has, again, !here
