647 TuckerAeronauticalLabs Comments

  • Your favorite plane? 8.5 years ago

    My favorite real life plane is the F-15C. (I don't like the strike eagle because if the conformal fuel tanks)
    Favorite fictional plane would have to be YF-21 from a game called Rebel Raiders: Operationt Nighthawk. Not sure if anyone has heard of that particular title for the Nintendo Wii, I don't think it was very well known, but still.

  • Is anyone as excited as me for this upcoming update??!!!! 8.6 years ago

    I think there's a trolololer around here somewhere.... cough @Cjredwards cough

  • U-boat Type XXVII Seehund 8.6 years ago

    This thing is cool. I torpedoed the USS Tiny with it. :D

  • AG-10A Shuttle Vertical take off 8.6 years ago

    I haven't flown this but usually when my planes have rolling problems, it has to do with either a weird bug with the wing landing gear or a vertical stabilizer that is too small.

  • Small Prop Plane challenge 8.6 years ago

    @YoYoJ16 alright, sweet.

  • Small Prop Plane challenge 8.6 years ago

    I just made an updated version of my Whirlwind to meet the specifications of the challenge. It even uses exactly 6 colors as the limit is. Here is the link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/nKw8L7/Whirlwind-mk-1c

  • What's your favourite plane? 8.6 years ago

    Either the De Havilland Mosquito or De Havilland Vampire.

  • Pacific Wind mk.2a 8.6 years ago

    @GoneW4st Thanks for the tip, I uploaded a mk.2b variant just a while ago fixing that problem along with a few other very minor issues.

  • Simple airline 8.6 years ago

    @UltraAirForce1 Hey, since you upvoted and commented on my new plane, the stratos, I decided to check out some of your planes. I thought this one was particularly cool. Just a tip though, when you mount your landing gear, try to make sure the fuselage part you place it on isn't too small. That way the gear hatch won't hang off the edge of the plane and the wheels won't clip all the way through. Other than that though, it flew really well and is very nice looking. Nice work!

  • New Items requests 8.6 years ago

    Helicopter rotors and engines with contra-rotating props.

  • Quick survey. How often do you use the RCN ON/OFF button? 8.6 years ago

    I use it because RCN tends to make the controls of a plane really jerky, but as many people don't use it, I think it would make sense to make the RCN on/off button an optional feature.

  • WHERE ARE YOU FROM 8.7 years ago

    Iowa, USA. I think simple planes is one of the coolest and friendliest communities I've ever seen on the internet. It's so much fun to see so many people's planes, and to make my own. My friend SigmaTwelve and I have been swapping aircraft designs back and forth for weeks now! :D