3,110 TheManChan Comments

  • The Most Radical M3 Stuart 3.3 years ago

    Also big thanks to Pancelnovat because I used his American vehicles 1941 pack because I found the tanks to be to about a 1:1 scale

  • The Most Radical M3 Stuart 3.3 years ago

    @TheClient if you can get the tracks fixed then 10/10 would recommend

  • The Most Radical M3 Stuart 3.3 years ago

    @TheClient dude definitely

  • The Most Radical M3 Stuart 3.3 years ago

    @Fancyplane I made basic tracks and tried to mess around with the suspension to get it to work and accidentally made something that is the absolutely most radical tank

  • Loyal partner (unmanned warship) 3.4 years ago

    Will it attack the uss beast when spawned in as an AI?

  • Lasv.15 (A) 3.4 years ago

    Very interesting

  • I-16_Type24 3.5 years ago

    Ah yes, the low tier plane that you see in front of you and it magically is behind you.

  • Graf Spee 3.5 years ago

    I’d like an updated version that allows the decorative guns to work. They seem very useful.

  • Messerschmitt BFe-109 E-5 3.6 years ago

    @Squirrel Thanks for the help!

  • Messerschmitt BFe-109 E-5 3.6 years ago

    @Squirrel Fair enough. How do I unlist the plane/vehicle before I post it?

  • FS-21 Flanker Eagle 3.7 years ago

    Great Build! Very Nice! It has been brought to my attention that you've made a certain comment and have removed some of my posts. I do not disagree with the fact, however, I do not want to take credit for other people's builds and I truly do believe that is why there is an original author that automatically shows up when you're posting a modified build. I have been getting some petty comments complaining about me reposting others' builds. I am not sure that you saw my comment that I added on the build as it was removed. I just want to make my statement clear and do not want to stir and problems up. Below is my comment.

    @Squirrel Sorry, I posted it so I could transfer It from my phone to my computer as I use both to create planes, I am planning on posting the version that I made personal changes to. I'm sorry for disturbing you, I just want to show appreciation for the creators of ww2 era builds as I am a very big history nerd. To see cool planes such as the Ha-1112 in simple planes excites me. If you must know why I needed to transfer, it is because of some sub-assemblies that I have on my computer being more useful to what I want to build. Thanks, TheManChan

    As I stated, I do not want to cause any disruptions, I only want to state my point and where I'm coming from.

  • Messerschmitt x Junkers Ju-82b Stuka 3.7 years ago

    @SmallyRocket I'm very sorry for causing you distress. I was required to post this plane so I could transfer the design to my computer. I very much enjoy studying history and love it when people appreciate the technological advancements that war forces on society. For instance, when one country, specifically Germany, came out with the Me-262, a jet fighter, opposing countries, such as Britain, were forced to create the Gloster Meteor. Once again, I am sorry to cause you any disturbances, but saying something as petty as you did, was it worth it? To take 5 seconds just to disturb someone trying to enjoy history?

  • A-1 Scout 3.7 years ago

    @DarkRave23 I also forgot to mention that I think that the physics of the body mg or even fitting a driver in the hull would be nearly impossible without him practically laying down, note for next time, make the body a bit taller.

  • 1st Armored Div. Cambington Mk V 3.7 years ago

    @Mustang51 It's done!

  • FLAK 38 20MM X4 B3 3.7 years ago

    @TastyTanks I believe this either has an 8 mile or 6-mile flak, maybe less its described here.

  • FLAK 38 20MM X4 B3 3.7 years ago

    @Poatatoman I borrowed the cannons from a flak gun
    here is the link

  • CDS-i6 (Costal Defense System 3.7 years ago

    @Mantha Just mess around with it because I forget everything

  • Matis Cambington Mk III (Bomber Cockpit and Rear) 3.7 years ago

    @Mustang51 Well, it been a while, as for your question, that's for you to figure out. I will post my MkV of this bomber soon. I used this to help some people get started if they wanted to build an Avro Lancaster type bomber. Short or long as long as you have fun, then I'm happy.

  • Messerschmitt BFe-109 E-5 3.7 years ago

    @Squirrel Sorry, I posted it so I could transfer It from my phone to my computer as I use both to create planes, I am planning on posting the version that I made personal changes to. I'm sorry for disturbing you, I just want to show appreciation for the creators of ww2 era builds as I am a very big history nerd. To see cool planes such as the Ha-1112 in simple planes excites me. If you must know why I needed to transfer, it is because of some sub-assemblies that I have on my computer being more useful to what I want to build. Thanks, TheManChan

  • A-1 Scout 3.7 years ago

    @DarkRave23 Forgot to include that it makes a big boom

  • A-1 Scout 3.7 years ago

    Check out my GMC I think you'd like it considering your posts

  • HA-1112 3.7 years ago

    Can I get a Ju-82 Stuka? Don’t worry about bombs, I can get that done. I would like a German bomber from you because I like how u make things

  • get vectored (vector) 3.8 years ago

    This is possibly the best creation on simple planes ever

  • Il-2 NS-37 4.1 years ago

    Good job comrade.

  • Working GPS 4.2 years ago

    Still not sure how it works

  • Working GPS 4.2 years ago

    How do you turn it on? And how does it work, I don't know how to "clamp latitude"

  • jihamoto ik-3 4.3 years ago

    Thanks randomusername for the upvote!

  • Hideman Te-4????? Quick Strike Torp Boat 4.3 years ago

    Sorry about the question marks in the title. Its weird how that happened.

  • Maxim-Yonder Je-114 4.3 years ago

    Thanks so much for the support! I would love to collaborate with you on potentially improving my design and working together in the future.