25.5k Scriefers Comments

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @ImFauxReal Yeah I remember my destitute college days... Try playing around with the in-game settings. Generally the physics settings eat up a lot of memory and cause issues/lag, so I always have it set to low on my iPad. Graphics settings can remain high for the most part depending on the size of the planes. You should take a look through some of the planes that have come out since your recess. I feel like you can learn a lot from the new techniques that have been developed by dissecting the planes.

  • (Beta) F-4 phantom II v.3 8.8 years ago

    @Cjredwards No problem, my dude!

  • (Beta) F-4 phantom II v.3 8.8 years ago

    @Crjedwards Credit would be appreciated.

  • Adios Airways 8.8 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld @BaconAndEggs96 @TheSoundofLight Thanks for the kind words fellas! I don't consider me or anyone in the game the best at building planes. We all have our own styles and abilities when we make planes/boats/contraptions. BaconAndEggs96 is right in that I don't make much noise and I don't have a lot of builds in my collection. Hell, I've only uploaded 46 planes... But when I do find time to play (being 25 with a career and family I rarely have time) I put a lot of focus on details and innovations, and I really enjoy fielding requests so others can fly their favorite real-life plane in the game. I think that's why people have been enjoying my contributions. So no one is better than anyone, just different. Its not a competition after all.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @LordofLego Yeah, on mobile devices its usually only the physics settings that eats up a lot of processing power and causes lag. On my tablet I keep the physics settings low but run everything else high without any issues. Occasionally I come across planes that self-destruct when using low physics, but its not nearly as common as it used to be.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @LordofLego This plane should run just fine with all settings set to high. I haven't come across a device that struggles with this one; it has a pretty low part count. What settings are you using, and can you describe how the bolts look funny at the settings?

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @ImFauxReal oh well rotators and floats have been around for a while now. But the beta is currently out for the coming update and it's great! A new island was added, day/night cycles, dynamic weather, and even more new pieces! It should be available of iOS in a day or two, but if you got 10 bucks to spare, I highly suggest buying the PC/Mac version.

  • F-111 Aardvark battle version 8.8 years ago

    This is great!

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @ImFauxReal No way! Welcome back, my dude! Your timing couldn't have been better. This update is awesome! And thanks for the kind words!

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    Neutral buoyancy means it doesn't float or sink, but remains suspended at a desired depth. If its a boat you're making, you'd want positive buoyancy (aka floating).

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @LjSpike This is a rather unusual request and I don't think I am quite following you here. Are you essentially looking for a submarine body? I am not quite sure how to make something neutrally buoyant (the camera doesn't go underwater). If its a replica and you got pics, I'll see what I can do. But most of my time now is being dedicated to testing the beta for the dev's.

  • Grumman F-14 Tomcat 8.8 years ago

    @swat132 Absolutely, my man!

  • Grumman F-14 Tomcat 8.8 years ago

    @Kevpilot @swat132 anything I upload is fair game! Help yourself to it!! That's the whole point of this community based game, right??? Just acknowledge credit, in this case it is @Kevpilot and his inspiration!

  • XVI-10XDELTA "infiltrator" 8.8 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld retractable gears were born in the golden age of part clipping, but I know what you mean. As for all that other stuff, I have no idea what that even means or matters. But good luck in your conquest, I reckon...

  • XVI-10XDELTA "infiltrator" 8.8 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld I heard that! Completely different than tail-draggers. If you try the old school way and use temporary detachable landing gear under the wings, you can get an idea of how far forward you need to move the rotators for the permanent retractable gear.

  • XVI-10XDELTA "infiltrator" 8.8 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld quick tip, my friend. It's hard to take off because the rear landing gear are pretty far back from the CoM. Try moving them more forward towards the CoM in your future jets. Think of the rear gear as a pivot point when pulling up. If they're too far back, you can't get enough 'leverage' to nose up on the runway.

  • JP-2 Cloud Rider 8.8 years ago

    Pretty sleek looking. I like it!

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    Yes I did, @Eric314 It was just a roughly shaped hull and some superstructure, which already produced too much lag.

  • TU-95 Bear 8.8 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft - PS y'all got anymore of them boats? Seriously you and Jr. make the best large ships. I threw in the towel on my Bismarck but I'd would like to see a replica of it roam the simpleplanes seas!

  • TU-95 Bear 8.8 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft Oh I didn't even consider the torque from the prop engines was a factor in the game's physics. Perhaps only when overclocked. Still, I like how you two implement them in your builds to maintain the sound effects for your custom propellers. I bet your past experience comes in real handy when modding! Everything I know about XML modding in this game came from hours of trial and error, and even still I only have a loose grasp on it. And I don't have one of my own, but it's great that you and your son can enjoy this game together! I've always admired and been inspired by your work!

  • TU-95 Bear 8.8 years ago

    This is entirely too cool. I'm normally not a big fan of fuselages made of wing pieces but I appreciate the work it must have taken to get the shape and you guys truly pulled it off! However, I did notice the plane rolls to the right slightly but even after dissecting it forwards and back, I can't figure out why. I can't believe it only took 20 hours. You guys just being modest lol??

  • Me-262 Narwhal 8.8 years ago

    @RevolutionaryElite nah man, I'm not angry at you! I really like it when people put their own spin on my designs. That's the whole point of the game as far as I am concerned. In the future just make sure you give the original builders proper credit where it's due.

  • Me-262 Narwhal 8.8 years ago

    @RevolutionaryElite, I don't mind people reuploading and modifying my planes. In fact I encourage it. But to do so by working around the successor line and/or not giving credit to the original builder is pretty low class.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld oh man, 800 parts is a very high number. I think the limit for mobile devices is 400 before it gives you a "this plane is very big" warning.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @Geebers, thanks bud. After failing with the Bismarck (it was way too big and I couldn't get the details I wanted with it also working on mobile) I sort of gave up on boats.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld also, structural wings and reducer blocks are your best friends!!! They're the magic pieces.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld I don't think it'll take away any skill from replica builders, but I believe it will level the playing field and make it easier for others to build smoother, more realistic looking planes. Which is great because I'd love to see them! I've only recently started messing with XML files (my swordfish was the first) and that certainly helps with precision shapes and angles, but the bulk of all planes are created on my iPad because it's so much easier to part clip with that little pointer tool (as opposed to the rotation technique need for PC). The best tip I got for you is to have patience and just keep trying everything.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @Cedy117 yeah I got you. Just give me a few minutes.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @Kevpilot Andrew said the beta will hopefully be out sometime this week.

  • CF-100 Mk.5D Canuck 8.8 years ago

    @Cedy117 glad you like it! Yeah the Voodoo is another great early generation jet! I built one a little while ago, check it out. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/o86zyM/F-101B-Voodoo

  • Su-25 "Frogfoot" 8.8 years ago

    @planelover400 Also, I've been leaving your mosquito half built and waiting for the update. But I see you are on iOS and so you probably wont get the update until a couple weeks after everyone else. I'll try to finish it up before the update and without using the new parts.

  • Su-25 "Frogfoot" 8.8 years ago

    @planelover400 I actually retrofitted my Super Tomcat to have sweeping wings. I never uploaded it because I don't like uploading multiples of the same craft (I already got 3 tomcats up...) Also it doesn't really hold up to my current style and level of replicas. I might revisit it, but not anytime soon.

  • Su-25 "Frogfoot" 8.8 years ago

    @Kevpilot The three different airfoils (symmetric, semi-symmetric, and flat bottom) Provide varying degrees of lift. Symmetric causes the least amount while flat bottom provides the most amount of lift. So if your plane is particularly nose heavy (it always tilts down when flying), try making the main wings have more lift (make some or all the wing pieces semi- or flat). It is important to use the same airfoil type in wings that are on opposites of each other. If you don't one side may have more lift than the other and it will cause the plane to constantly roll. This game (and flight in general) is all about balancing lift, mass, and speed.

  • Su-25 "Frogfoot" 8.8 years ago

    @Kevpilot it's damn near impossible to gauge which airfoils to use without seeing how the plane handles as it is now. I'd say systematically try different combinations of symmetric, semi-symmetric, and flat until you get the desired stability. Or you can upload it and I can take a crack at it. I've kind of found myself doing some free-lance work for other builders lately lol.

  • Su-25 "Frogfoot" 8.8 years ago

    @planelover400 probably tonight or tomorrow. It'll be a version of @Cedy117 's Cf-100 with the hyper-realistic Scriefer's touch. I've decided to place a hold on people's requests until the update comes out (sometime next week) so that they'll be the best planes I've built. I'm pretty excited about the new pieces and their potential.

  • Avro CF100 Canuck 8.9 years ago

    @planesofold what are your settings? I designed the emblems, flag, nose, and engines to look/function best using the maximum limits for each setting on both mobile and pc.

  • Do Not download 8.9 years ago

    @LordofLego I uploaded it to give it back to Cedy117. He's going to put some final touches on it and upload it himself. I'm currently working on a hyper realistic version based on his core design, but it's going to be a little while before I finish and upload it.

  • Do Not download 8.9 years ago

    @Cedy117 Word, I'll upload it now

  • Do Not download 8.9 years ago

    @Cedy117 I finished your Canuck. I uploaded it last night but then deleted it because I didn't want people reuploading successors of it. So when you see this comment let me know and I'll put your bird back up on the site!!

  • DHC2 beaver mini float plane 8.9 years ago

    This is a great little float plane!

  • Su-25 "Frogfoot" 8.9 years ago

    @bjac0 oh man that great, I could envision all of that! I love it! But if this situation were real, an Su-25 is the last plane I'd want to be in!! It's a ground attack craft after all, pretty out of its element in a dog fight. On top of that, I think my Russian commanders would chew me out if I kamikazed my Frogfoot into a b-52 instead of switching to my 30 mm cannon!! Maybe you got a good close air support comment/story up your sleeve?

  • Cessna 310 8.9 years ago

    P.S. The corrective yaw control works perfect. I've tried to implement something similar but never could get it to effectively counter the roll caused by yawing. Did it take you a while to get it dialed in?

  • Cessna 310 8.9 years ago

    Civilian/commercial planes sure are few and far between in this game, especially prop planes. But this plane is impeccable. The interior is so perfect. It makes me want to open up shop on the island and give flight tours to tourists. I love the lofty feel to it and the prop design is beautiful. Superb! But then again I expect nothing less from Authros!!

  • Do Not download 8.9 years ago

    @Cedy117 Ok so the patented ultra super mega realistic Scriefers version ran into some serious hang ups and its gonna be a while for me to debug it... I dont want to keep you waiting so in the mean time I'll wrap up the aesthetic additions to the original beta version and upload it for you definitely by tomorrow. So far I've added the black tip to the nose and the black streak on top of the nose. I've also made it so the flame from the engines can be seen coming out of the exhausts. The emblems are giving me grief but I'll get them to work. Sorry for the delay, my man.

  • Do Not download 8.9 years ago

    @Cedy117 I mean she is your baby after all, and I don't want to put too heavy of a Scriefer's touch on it lol.

  • Do Not download 8.9 years ago

    @Cedy117 ok I got it. I've made some rather drastic changes to the engines and wings to scale them more appropriately. When I am done, I'll upload my version and your original version so you can decide which you like (both will have the wing emblems, no worries).

  • Su-25 "Frogfoot" 8.9 years ago

    @LordofLego whoa 3rd place in as many days. Thats gotta be some kind of record lol.

  • Cargo plane v1 8.9 years ago

    @Cedy117 Yo I know you didn't want to upload your Cf 100 with the tail portion out of fear of someone stealing it. (Thats a pretty clever idea). But it would really help me out if I could get the tail portion so I can scale everything correctly and perfect the flight characteristics for ya. Let me know what you think

  • B-17 Flying Fortress 8.9 years ago

    Yeah it sucks having to change settings a lot but that's the name of the game for us mobile users. @LordofLego

  • B-17 Flying Fortress 8.9 years ago

    @LordofLego I think I know why you're having issues with the wings. Did you leave on the low physics settings from when you were flying my Frogfoot? For some planes, the low physics setting causes weak part connections.