450 Mattvan28 Comments

  • How big is the U.S.S Beast? 3.6 years ago

    @VanNate and smashes the scouter

  • Red Resurgence class aviation capable battleship 3.7 years ago

    Can u please describe what, "a better description comming soon" means or just describe description 🤩. Oh and question, u couldnt add or subtract a part ? Or was this intentional and if so how can u know how many parts u have before u have all the parts? Does asking theese questions make me look smarter or faster 🤔?

  • Queen Arabella-Class Battleship 3.8 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 u mean 26 people ATTEMPTED to download?

  • Midway Atoll GIS 3.8 years ago

    Nevermind i read the comments . Looks nice tho

  • The Hall Monitor 3.9 years ago

    For the challenge it is what it is . Me personally
    7 / 10 for the name and the irony alone

  • u.s.s the Chinese do it 3.9 years ago

    @yoshicraze If u look.
    If U look directly behind that large cannon ,inside of the structure, u will find the only Chinese engineered part that works PERFECTLY . From a certain perspective 😅

  • AS-AC-10 3.9 years ago

    Words cant describe how entertaining this is . Although i cant modify it reasonably but works good on my mobile

  • Arissa Beck-Class FFG/DDG-E (Flight 1A) 3.9 years ago

    I been sampling many ships the past few weeks . Im on a galaxy 10 so there numerous ships i cant sample . It looks real nice but my "test drive" started as lead ship in the uss beast strike group . Im messin with a few things and wham im under fire those bastards betrayed me and tried to sink my ship . As i start turning to make a run on a destroyer i start getting hit by multiple missles and ciws's . At half way through the turn im thinkin im doomed i had taken 5,6 missles but kept rollin . When i finally went on the offensive all 3 ships were lined up just so there were no gaps between ships. Believe it or not i slaughtered all all of'em . That armor did the trick . I was moderately damaged with actually losing a body panel , a turret , a somthing, and half the bridge . 2 crew members were killed but they were just enlisted men so i didnt even put in my report to hq . Nice ship

  • USS Robert B. Neller (DDG-996) 3.9 years ago

    This is the worse ship i ever served on . Everything was water logged , my bed ,my room, the bridge, even my water bottle was 🤔, can water be water logged ? This was the best ship i ever served on . Finally a ship thats water logged 💘'ed it . Everything was water logged my bed , my post my toilet , ever my cig smoke was water logged. Ive never served on a ship that had water bottles water logged. Amazing

  • [Heavy Atomic Helicopter Cruiser]HAHC Konigsberg 3.9 years ago

    ( the following is false ) downloaded had trouble with taking off on all runways . So i started on ice base assault and for the first time !EVER i couldnt control it . It took 33 hrs without breaks, in-between breaks to realize the wings were too small but when I tried enlarging them i couldnt find them . That is untill i found them in the spare parts room in the frontal rearish port starbord first last deck located in a higher dimension that only exists in areas devoid of existence behind a door on deck 32-b-22-.1 . . . I think 🤔
    Or was it starboard port centre 🤔

  • USS beast Controller 4.0 years ago

    I luv thi creations like this.
    This is mine https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/fk1dqe/super-sonic-module-for-uss-tiny

  • IJN Super Yamato 4.0 years ago

    @TOMJeb117 well that brought back some old memories.
    Watching a sci fi anime after smoking a lefthand cigarette = awsome
    Wondering if said "cigarette " was laced with acid = ?
    Confirming this spaceship is capable of ftl speeds and shoots lasers and space torpedoes = priceless

  • F-35 with mini F-35 4.0 years ago

    Up voted on shear hell yea'ness .

  • FA/A 92 Kraken claw 5.6 years ago

    @Mtnmakoa i appreciate it . Ive made a few variants comming within a few days . Its taken 70 or so hours spread over a month to create theese