15.1k MDDJB Comments

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago

    @Shekelsberg Of course, you can continue to Manufacturing your truth.

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago

    @Kennneth And this is just a site for players to share with each other, until the East and the West usher in another rupture, in each other's society will not be fully in the position of the hostile in World War II, the Cold War, which is why this site did not remove works similar to this one, the quarrel may not be fruitful, because the participants know their own ideas, my point of view to the expression, and My point of view was expressed, and so was yours, but otherwise nothing changed, and such a quarrel should not affect ordinary players before we are completely hostile, my insistence has been expressed in full, and the people I care about can see this, and that's all.
    Still an interesting conversation, XD.

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago

    @Kennneth Haha, none of you or I will have our beliefs changed by an argument until the society we each live in overwhelms the other.
    Such conversations have been repeated too many times in the respective media of the West and China, and our bickering will not make this any more meaningful until one side can completely collapse and be completely transformed by the other's society, and until then, all the bickering is to ensure that the participants remain firm in their views, a long and literal duel to show where individuals stand in their personal perceptions that have no impact on reality.

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago

    @Kennneth Not really, you are the Nazi who sided with Vichy France and felt that the Vichy French were sincerely against Free France, and then asked the anti-fascists, "You can ask the Vichy French if they are willing to support the Allies?"

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago

    @Kennneth And you sound like the Nazi who was with Vichy France.

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago

    @Kennneth lol, asking if Taiwan is willing to merge with China is like asking a Vichy Frenchman if he is willing to oppose the Nazis and join the Allies.

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago

    @Kennneth Hahaha, as a Chinese I would only say that Taiwan is part of the original ROC and the PRC inherited the legitimacy of the ROC to the Chinese state power, Taiwan's independence is just a joke until they officially remove the ROC from their passports, otherwise even Hawaii is more of an independent country than Taiwan, of course some people who don't know as much about Taiwan's history as they do about Certainly some people who don't know as much about Taiwan's history as they do about McDonald's can continue to point fingers on another continent, but until the day their country or group completely defeats the People's Republic of China, Taiwan will be nothing more than a region, not a country.

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago

    @Shekelsberg After so many years your business level is still so low.

  • The 100th Anniversary 2.9 years ago


  • dragon flag 2.9 years ago


  • DC-11AP Dragonfly 3.0 years ago

    smooth flight。

  • PLA Navy:Type 055 destroyer 3.1 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle The game's destroyer scale is too small, and should probably be replaced with a more normal size like the carriers (although the current carriers have the problem of being too large in scale).

  • USS Marblehead (CL-12) 3.3 years ago

    A very beautiful ship! I also have a destroyer being built, but I don't know how to go about building its bridge, there is only one hull right now.

  • W.F. 1 (read the description) 3.4 years ago

    Great original design!

  • Water-R.06 M 3.4 years ago

    @TheOwlAce This is an attempt to copy the Martin M-130. I think for aircraft, unique ideas are the most important, and people like you can create unique aircraft, while I can only imitate what already exists in reality, and people like you are more important than people like me.

  • D.500 VASP SEAPLANE 3.4 years ago

    @MrShenanigans That's great!

  • D.500 VASP SEAPLANE 3.4 years ago

    @MrShenanigans I think I remember now, I balanced the lift by changing the type of wing as well as the angle, while adjusting the distance between the rolling rudder and the fuselage centerline to counteract the disturbance force, you can try changing the type of wing.

  • I may need a favor 3.4 years ago

    Monarch-class battleship?

  • D.500 VASP SEAPLANE 3.4 years ago

    @MrShenanigans Is this aircraft you mention publicly available on this site? I occasionally have problems like this too, but I've gone so long without building a new plane that I've forgotten how I solved it before, so if I can take a look at your plane, maybe I can be of more help to you.

  • D.500 VASP SEAPLANE 3.4 years ago

    @MrShenanigans Thank you mate!

  • D.500 VASP SEAPLANE 3.4 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Grateful for your vote!

  • D.500 VASP SEAPLANE 3.4 years ago

    @MrShenanigans No problem, ask anything you want.

  • D.500 VASP SEAPLANE 3.4 years ago

    @DJ2keroni Thank you for your support!

  • Cruiser Yixian 3.4 years ago

    @TheMegaMauster Of course, I'm sure people in the first world don't need third world Chinese to comment on their own country's history and things, which is why you never see public opinion in favor of China in the first world networks, after all, pointing fingers at a country thousands of kilometers away would seem too much like expansion and colonization if it didn't have enough legitimacy.

  • Cruiser Yixian 3.4 years ago

    @TheMegaMauster "Taiwan" has never had the right to be an independent country, and even today, the local government in Taiwan still uses the Republic of China as the official name of the government, not the Republic of Taiwan or the United States of Taiwan or the State of Taiwan, and since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the legitimacy of the Republic of China has been inherited by the People's Republic of China. Even according to the history of the United Nations, the People's Republic of China passed a resolution at the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly in October 1971, inheriting and completely replacing all the legal rights of the Republic of China as a state, and since then the Kuomintang government in Taiwan has completely lost the legitimacy of its existence as a state power, and it and its Taiwan government have no right to make Taiwan independent from China.

  • Cruiser Yixian 3.4 years ago

    @TheMegaMauster The ship was located in an era when only the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China were present, and Taiwan had not yet produced an independence movement.

  • Flying boat 3.4 years ago

    Great build! You can add the seaplane Tag.

  • big fishing boat 3.4 years ago

    Very well done! Just not the right proportions in some places, but still great!

  • Mirage 2000—— special! 3.5 years ago

    R U FFRC?

  • Do you think that Jundroo should make a Simpleplanes 2? 3.5 years ago

    I think that Simple Planes 2 was unnecessary and could have been achieved with a proper upgrade of the game engine to achieve more features,And to this day, Simple Planes is still not a very complete game.

  • Graf Spee 3.5 years ago

    You can't imagine how loudly I clapped my hands when I saw this! Great job!!!!

  • Ocean 3.5 years ago

    Is the Creative Workshop download no longer available?

  • Ocean mod is available now. 3.5 years ago

    Is it possible to turn off the physical effects of Ocean Mode while using it?

  • F-21 Faketor 3.5 years ago

    @PhantomAviator Oh, I think China now is like Japan once was, prosperous but fragile, most of China's technology is dependent on their industrial chain, and many of the companies in that chain are controlled by American companies. Time, Russia has been hiding behind this Chinese mask for too long, long enough for some to forget.

  • F-21 Faketor 3.5 years ago

    @PhantomAviator Yes, but now that people are ignoring the Russian threat and taking China's toys seriously, the U.S. needs to get its attention back on track.

  • P-7Z Hunter II 3.5 years ago

    @PoyuToyu Haha, I see a new 100K rising.

  • Someone pls help how do I make realistic wings that have control surfaces 3.6 years ago

    @Avataraang I still can't build a realistic enough wing and I've been playing with it for close to three years now ......

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 3.6 years ago

    @SimpleSquareManufacturer It's not difficult for those at the top of the pyramid, but the most significant aspect of this improvement is the ability to reduce the number of parts and the difficulty of the piece, making it easier for more entry-level players to build their own beautiful pieces.

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 3.6 years ago

    Look forward to the day when the wing can adjust the cross-sectional shape of the leading and trailing edges.

  • P.23a-1e "Rastus" 3.7 years ago

    A very nice transparent cabin! I think we may need glass hollow parts.

  • X223seaplane 3.7 years ago


  • Fictional Chinese battleship. 3.7 years ago

    @NavalBlaze Thank you very much for your help!!!!!!

  • Fictional Chinese battleship. 3.7 years ago

    @MemeLordMASTERMEMES Hahaha, certainly not in real history.I think if Chiang Kai-shek hadn't become president of the Republic of China and hadn't launched the 412 purges, maybe China would have ordered battleships from European countries or the US, and this work is based on that assumption.

  • LongYoshiNecc Cyborg 3.7 years ago

    Oh my God.... This is probably the weirdest thing I've ever seen on this site.

  • Top 1 to 10 military powers in the world 3.8 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle I think......India doesn't have the capability to produce a 3rd generation fighter jet independently of Russia, to this day they still have to import major components from Russia for assembly and production, if Dassault uniformly authorizes India to import major components from France for local assembly and production in India, the Indians will likely expand the number of gusts they buy and because the Indians don't have the capability to produce rafale fighters independently, the number of components they buy from France will be huge.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

  • They should make a Helicopter Tutorial! 3.8 years ago

    Agreed! That would be very useful! I still don't know how to calculate the thrust of the side paddle.

  • Top 1 to 10 military powers in the world 3.8 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle OK......Do you think India will introduce production of rafale like it introduced authorized assembly to produce the SU-30MKI?

  • Top 1 to 10 military powers in the world 3.8 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle But compared to the United States and Russia and France, the Chinese army has too much old equipment, such as the Type 59 tank copied from the T-54, a large number of replica nose air intake Soviet jets, outdated nuclear submarines and a scant number of combat ships, the Chinese army is occupied by too much old equipment with too many soldiers, simply can not have such a high ranking as the United States, Russia and France, the third place should be India, the future superpower.

  • Top 1 to 10 military powers in the world 3.8 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle I don't mind the ranking, it's just that China's nuclear weapons are too few, they need to be increased to at least 1500 to effectively guarantee China's future national security, and the Chinese army has too few tanks per capita, warships per capita and fighter jets per capita compared to China's population, China doesn't deserve such a high ranking, it should be ranked after all the first world countries and their allies.

  • Top 1 to 10 military powers in the world 3.8 years ago

    @BagelPlane As a Chinese, I am glad that you think this way and hope that it remains so now and for at least the next 20 years, from your civilians to your country's leaders.