29.5k LegnaK Comments

  • Iosian B-19C Goliath 2 months ago

    @WaterDrinker400 E indeed

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 1.3 years ago

    Starting to think SP in general has been forgotten.

  • Harmless Balloon 1.3 years ago

    I was waiting to see one of these XD love it!

  • Harmless Balloon 1.3 years ago

    I was waiting to see one of these XD love it!

  • Harmless Balloon 1.3 years ago

    I was waiting to see one of these XD love it!

  • SimpleRockets 2 - Career mode is coming... 1.6 years ago

    Yet still no Tournaments after almost 3 years.

  • G.L.300 I 1.7 years ago

    G.L.300 I

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 4 Handles pretty good in the air, however it cannot even take off

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points ::. 8 Very realistic model, reminds me of some Italian planes and behaves like it

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 5 Paint is very basic but i love the color

    Build quality: 10 points :: 7 It looks pretty good however there are some rough edges

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 6 First impression is that I love the look of it, but it cannot take off, if you spawn it in the air however it flies decently

    Description: 10 points :: 10 Best looking description and the content is textbook. Enjoyed reading about how many were produced, its on par with a war thunder plane description

    Overall: 40/60

  • Beast Corp. Sledgehammer 1.7 years ago

    @BeastHunter It definitely has a lot of potential, I'd love to see a remade version of her.

  • Norden C.43 Spike 1.7 years ago

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 8/10 - Very fast, very stable, though the high rate of roll has me concerned, other than that, this is a pleasure to fly.

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points :: 7/10 - Very P-47esque, being said it's a realistic model that had shown the test of time irl and it shows in game with similar behaviors bar its roll rate, which I guess it adopts from its P-51 like wings, though, albiet a tad stronger. The aircraft's flaps do have minimal affect on landing and the brakes... oh the brakes...

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 8/10 - The primary yellow plane feels like its trying to make itself a target, though I do very much like the metalic silver, checkerboarded engine area, and hearts, I'm going to forgive the insignias and hearts sticking outwards due to limitations without making each one dozens of parts.

    Build quality: 10 points :: 8/10 - the interior is very nice, though it feels super cramped, ejecting doesn't exactly work, and the landing gear seems to dig into the wheels. Other than that, the overall build of the plane is phenominal.

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 9/10 - right off the bat I was intrigued by the plane before downloading due to its design (and a small bias as the P-47 is a favorite of mine), a few minor gripes here and there knocked down a point but over all, its a fun aircraft.

    Description: 10 points :: 10/10 - Yes. I love the history of one of the planes best pilots and background.

    Overall: 50/60

  • NRVL-64/E (B-2) 1.7 years ago

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 6 Decently agile at high speed, however doesn't handle well at low speeds

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points ::. 8 Does look like something out of this time period

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 8 Paint looks good, like the shiny silver

    Build quality: 10 points :: 5 Looks crudely made and performs as such

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 7 First impressions it looks great, but flies not the greatest,

    Description: 10 points :: 8 Very good description, enjoyed the part about the KD records

    Overall: 42/60

  • EE Challenger Mk II 1.7 years ago

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 7 Once you get her up to speed its good, however at low speeds it is very sluggish and chunky

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points ::. 8 Very could see an aircraft like this made in this time period

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 9 Love the paint job just wish it wasn't looking like a brand new lego

    Build quality: 10 points :: 7 Crudely made however flies great

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 7 First impressions are I love the look of the aircraft, doesnt have the best design but flies pretty good, very clunky however

    Description: 10 points :: 7 Moderate sized description and enjoyed the content of it

    Overall: 45/60

  • AF 213 A 1.7 years ago

    AF 213 A

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 7 Very stable flight model just doesnt turn as well as I wanted it to

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points ::. 7 Looks like a plane that would've been made in that time period, fits the timeline well

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 6 Love the color combinations, however it is bland compared to others,

    Build quality: 10 points :: 8 Plane looks very good however the tail didn't get as much love as other parts on this aircraft is.

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 9 First impressions were that I loved the look and design of this plane and that It flew pretty good

    Description: 10 points :: 9 Very good description length and filled with good content, looking forward to the jet design of this aircraft

    Overall: 46/60

  • DB-01 “Fishtail” 1.7 years ago

    DB-01 “Fishtail”

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 6 Handles unlike the name would suggest,

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points ::. 5 Plane behaves unlike I expected, it noses down heavily

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 3 All one color except for the roundel, boring

    Build quality: 10 points :: 7 only because lowering of the bomb with 6 was really cool and I haven't seen something like that before, other than that the design doesnt show much care

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 6 Pretty mid aircraft when it comes to looks, but the flight model backed up its looks.

    Description: 10 points :: 8 Little amount of background however there was more care to this and the context it brought up as compared to others, really enjoyed it

    Overall: 35/60

  • MF-109 1.7 years ago

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 5.5, plane stalls out in turns and will crash, engine doesnt seem powerful enough

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points ::. 6 Realistic looking plane yes, but unrealistic flight charateristics

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 7 Bland paint job, two tone but atleast theres markings

    Build quality: 10 points :: 8 Plane doesnt seem to have any wobbling or wiggiling around parts

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 6 first impressions i was looking forward to flying her, afterwards I'm a bit disappointed but I like the design

    Description: 10 points :: 6 Little description compared to what was expected/other people had

    Overall: 38.5/60

  • Beast Corp. Sledgehammer 1.7 years ago

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 1/10 - This aircraft is extremely touchy, and not in a good way, any attempt at evasive manuevers will set her into a flat spin, leaving her an easy target for even the shoddiest of fighters.

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points :: 3/10 - great on paper, poor in execution, this is an aircraft that I feel could be a top teir plane if it had more time.

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 5/10 - it has a nice naval blue and white, though I wish that a little more effort was put into the aircraft upper and lower paints as it bleeds into each other and fights.

    Build quality: 10 points :: 6/10 - this has potential to be a flat 10 + if it had some more work done, examples I'd most notably point out is the rounding of the wings, foils, and a more detailed engine cowling.

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 3/10 I really, REALLY had high hopes for this aircraft, I wanted so much from it because its design and everything but left very dissatisfied with most everything about her :/

    Description: 10 points :: 9/10 - The multiple variants of the aircraft were a solid redeeming factor for this aircraft.

    Overall: 27/60

  • RJ F56 Zaritskaya 3.8 1.7 years ago

    sorry this is so late, I had a buddy help me with the voting on some of these,

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 7.5/10 "7.5 Flies ok, rudder doesnt seem to function properly" (my buddys words) I'm going to have to agree with the initial score only because the aircraft is exceptionally heavy as a fighter aircraft and feels as if it needs some support fighters, much like the Yak-9T in real life.

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points :: 10/10 "9 decent for a chunky heavy fighter" I personally am going to have to boost this to a 10 because it's extremely in line with its shape, it's speed and attitude are perfect for her shape.

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 10/10 - "9 very good looking paint scheme" I'm personally going 10/10 because its very, very loyal to old WWII era british fighters, her

    Build quality: 10 points :: 8/10 "8 Handles damage pretty good for a heavy fighter" (He misunderstood at this point) though I am going to also go with an 8/10, this is a VERY well done aircraft but its lack of interior cockpit leaves much to be desired.

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 9/10 "8 Overall I like the look of the aircraft just wish it had better handling." I'm gonna have to say 9/10, it's unique design, rather stable controls, and modest handling makes it a great aircraft but the interior knocks a point :(

    Description: 10 points :: 6/10 "6 Little description compared to what would be expected/compared to others" unfortunately I am going to have to agree, while it is short and sweet to the point, it leaves a lot to be desired about the aircraft.

    Overall: 50.5/60

  • Norden C.100 Lightning 1.7 years ago

    • sorry this is so late, I had a buddy help me with the voting on some of these,

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 9/10 one main issue is the nose point up and struggling to give level flight, otherwise, she's an amazing aircraft!

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points ::. 10/10 Looks and feels like a 1943's warbird should, she's a very realistic build which portrays a nice marriage of a speedy aircraft and something with power.

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 6 Paint is bland, not enough markings (my buddys words) though I feel like I also agree with the 6/10 being the colors being a rather bright signal, knowing that it was deliberate does help ease some points, but in a wartime position it feels like a risk

    Build quality: 10 points ::10/10 Build quality is amazing, love the rounded edges and no weird blocky angles. (again my buddys words) I feel like this aircrafts sleek design and amazing shape does make it feel like a build with a ton of love put into it.

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 9.5 Flies like a dream, only complaint is no bombs (again my buddys words)

    Description: 10 points :: 8 Felt pretty good (again my buddys words) I however would like to bump this up to a 10 because of the amount of detail into the aircraft's history and such!

    Overall: 54.5/60

  • Cerberus N-18 Yanajo 1.7 years ago

    Sorry, swore I took care of this a month ago! getting around to posting these now -
    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 7/10 - Speedwise, this aircraft is neigh perfect for its era and role, however its very... very responsive and agile behaviour pitch-wise feels a little too much for an aircraft at this time period, which ultimately does knock it down a few pegs.

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points :: 9/10 - The N-18 Yanajo has a very pleasing design to it and is very reminecent of the Japanese fighters of WWII, the only reason it doesn't get a full 10 is the flaps feel a tad way too powerful for the aircraft, other than that it's perfect.

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 10/10 - The aircraft has an excellent example of a classic WWII era camoflauge and suits the plane very well!

    Build quality: 10 points :: 10/10 - The amount of love and attention put into this craft not just on the exterior, but the interior as well shows that this wasn't just a quick attempt at entering a challenge, this was a beauty to look at and every detail was very well placed.

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 10/10 - I was sold from the thumbnails alone and flying the aircraft was something I enjoyed every second of despite what little flaws she had.

    Description: 10 points :: 10/10 - I love the fact that the aircraft was from none of the main countries and helped break the mold and expand the in universe histories, I do with a little more was said, but its not enough of a gripe to take away any points.

    Overall: 56/60

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 1.7 years ago

    @BeastHunter I'll be posting that soon, I'm on my laptop at a spot with internet at the moment so I'm kinda working on some tiebreaker stuff atm - It'll be up once everyone else is posted

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 1.7 years ago

    @FeatherWing @RamboJutter @BeastHunter Strange, I very much remember judging all the aircraft, let me find my txt pad that had all of them I swear I posted all them sorry.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 1.8 years ago

    Shame these are gone...

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 1.9 years ago

    hey everyone, doing the judging now, it may take a day longer at worst but hey! WE'RE FINALLY IN THE ENDGAME OF THIS!

  • Lightning Aircraft Industries FR.1 Falcon 1.9 years ago

    Guess who finally got the ability to judge! Sorry it took so long!

    Handling, stability, agility: 10 points :: 7/10 whilst the aircraft does have some moderately relaxing speed and fits the time period, I couldn't help but distracted by the aircraft's need to constantly pitch up like it's going to space. that and combined with the issue of a mildly high rate of roll the plane feels akin more to modern fighter jets.

    Realistic model and behavior: 10 points :: 8/10 if I didn't know that this was a fictional aircraft I would have thought it would have come right out of WWII, it fits right at home, however as mentioned above, the mobility issues does hamper the aircraft a bit.

    Details, paint and other: 10 points :: 11/10 - an insane amount of love and care went into this plane I can tell, I have absolutely no issues with anything I see here, an extra one goes to the well detailed cockpit AND the exhaust flares!

    Build quality: 10 points :: 9/10 - The front landing gear feels a little small for the plane, other than that it's practically perfect!

    Personal impression: 10 points :: 10/10 Immediately I was drawn to the design of this plane, it's structure immediately reminded me of a classic warbird with a twist and the colors for the camouflage was prime choice!

    Description: 10 points :: 10/10 - well written and precise, the touch of RL aircraft adds a little ground to reality and makes the details all the more believable.

    Overall: 55/60

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 1.9 years ago

    @BeastHunter absolutely do not apologize, there is no impatience, it's way overdue and I should have tried harder to do it earlier.

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 1.9 years ago

    @RamboJutter no, I haven't had internet access except my phone past 5 months or so, however good news is I'll be able to judge them this upcoming weekend (FINALLY!!!) as I'll be on vacation, so when I get to the place I'll download and judge the characteristics of the planes, sorry its taken so long, bad run of luck lately in life yall

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.1 years ago

    Hey everyone, I genuinely want to apologize for the lack of any clarity or updates, lately life has been hectic with a combination of work, moving, and all around lack of free time and internet access, I'm sorry I haven't posted results and I'm very sorry I haven't made it a priority to keep you all up to date, I'm hoping that I can finish this shortly and again, I'm very sorry about all this. Trust me, I don't like this situation anymore than you all do :(

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.1 years ago

    @Jabuticaba23 next day or so hopefully I've gotten most the planes tested and everything, but work and lack of internet has made it insanely difficult:/

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.2 years ago

    Alright yall, I finally have a day off tomorrow let's get this challenge finished, sorry about that everyone

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.2 years ago

    @BeastHunter hopefully within the week, sorry, I've been out of state last week, and my laptop should be in by the time I return

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.2 years ago

    @FeatherWing yes, terribly sorry, but I've had to move and I still don't have internet where I am, I'm planning on buying a laptop very soon and getting SP and judging, I'm really sorry about the delay.

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    Hey everyone! The deadline has been reached and once I get to a spot where I have internet I'll be taking a look at everyone's entries! Absolutely wonderful job everyone and good luck!!!!

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @FeatherWing TAS

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @T8flight yes! El Salvaco Del Mauro is a nation that would be closest to both Spain and Mexico, you can find its roundel on one of my old jets lemme find it

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @FeatherWing will do once I have time

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @FeatherWing Maybe the 20th

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @TWDDerSharkmarine actually I was considering extending the deadline another week or so since I've been swamped at work! Take your time on it!

  • Cerberus N-18 Yanajo 2.3 years ago

    Ooooo Very nice, can't wait to test her out :D

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @CerberusWorks I don't have a max, though I'd prefer it not be absurdly high

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @TheRedBaron2 I would preferably have it where health is unmodified outside special criteria

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @DragoransEscarti Sure! as long as it's reasonable

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @FeatherWing For the most part Nordenvok uses the standard british-esque liveries. but some like bombers use swede based.

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.3 years ago

    @Ductwind589 Much like how Italy's was IRL; https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/attachments/macchi205-jpg.388866/

  • Beast Corp. Sledgehammer 2.3 years ago

    @BeastHunter noted for that, will do :)

  • Beast Corp. Sledgehammer 2.3 years ago

    What a wild design! I can't wait to fully test her out!

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.4 years ago

    @BeastHunter Absolutely! I appreciate you asking for a deadline earlier rather than later.

  • EE Cobra P 2.4 years ago

    Even though you've withdrawn from the challenges due to being unable to fulfill the criteria, I will say this is a VERY nicely built aircraft.

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.4 years ago

    @CerberusWorks I would very much prefer utilizing the nations that are available.

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.4 years ago

    @BeastHunter that is the plan, hopefully

  • Second Global War Fighter Challenge! 2.4 years ago

    @BeastHunter essentially the plan for the game is to be war thunder esque with entirely fictional vehicles and * eventually* multiple full fleshed campaign modes, though that part will sadly be in the far future as I don't have much time for storyboarding and such

  • BV-414 Swallow 2.4 years ago

    It looks good, but I think it was put in the wrong challenge, this is jet powered and it's not a fighter, I can't stress enough it looks really good though,
