3,554 HellRaiser Comments

  • [The Autonomous Fighter Incident] 5.3 years ago

    Autonomous jets

    Black Ops 2 intensifies
    Raul Menendez intensifies

  • Uh oh 5.3 years ago

    @RailfanEthan "Research purposes"

  • War against germarica and the Amo 5.3 years ago

    @ViridiCinis That's not the right server.

  • v1.8 is now live! 5.3 years ago

    Disappointed. Fortunate Son isn't playing in the background.

    great update tho :)

  • RP comedy 5.3 years ago

    @Bman01 I'm dying of laughter

  • New Project Announcement 5.3 years ago

    Have you added the rest of the USA under Nevadan control in the RP map yet?

  • RP comedy 5.3 years ago

    Enjoy the laughs

  • RP comedy 5.3 years ago


  • RP comedy 5.3 years ago


  • War against germarica and the Amo 5.3 years ago

    Just saying we have a Discord server for this RP and you should probably do it there

  • War against germarica and the Amo 5.3 years ago

    Please keep the RP in the Discord chat if possible.

  • Fÿsh Aerodynamics Incorporated 5.3 years ago


  • Anyone else hit with severe weather today? 5.3 years ago

    Wisconsin: Random as always

  • OgilAir Flight 1845 has crashed in the Wright Isles Ocean 5.3 years ago

    Likely shot down, a quarter of the passengers onboard were OSS agents.

  • Fÿsh Aerodynamics Incorporated 5.3 years ago

    The Federal Republic of Nevada will pay a substantial sum of money for a fighter aircraft that is not overly expensive, easy to produce and can carry a wide variety of air-to-air or some unguided rockets.
    We want a plane that can achieve the following:
    - Top Speed of 900+MPH
    - Reliable
    - Carry different armament packages
    - Carry a large amount of ammunition
    - Turn well
    - Has light armor
    - Powered by a Pratt&Whitney J58
    - Climb and accelerate quickly
    - 1 M61 Vulcan 20mm (Armament Package One)
    - 6 Browning M3 12.7mm, 1 37mm BK 3,7 (Armament Package Two)
    - 3 ADEN 30mm (Armament Package Three)
    - 4 AIM-120 AMRAAM (Missile Package One)
    - 4 AIM-9 Sidewinder (Missile Package Two)

  • Proposition: an ISS 5.3 years ago

    The Nevadan budget can barely fit this project without having to loan money, and I don't want to bankrupt it. We won't participate until we expand our budget.

  • My feelings on Aeromen’s plan 5.3 years ago

    @xGeneralFischx That's the case with my military. My army is very strong, navy borderline overpowered (that's a lotta heavy cruisers), but my air force isn't anything to brag about.

  • KPz Hummel 5.3 years ago

    @Notaleopard if you want to buy this ridiculous battle barn with a 183mm doom cannon
    just ask

  • My feelings on Aeromen’s plan 5.3 years ago

    Amen brother

  • 1st Special Service Army - Crippled in Battle! 5.3 years ago

    @GeneralOlivervonBismarck @xGeneralFischx

  • 1st Special Service Army - Crippled in Battle! 5.3 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 @DoctorCorvus @DankDorito

  • T U R R E T 5.3 years ago

    A Cadillac Gage Commando with a 76 mm?

  • KPz-20E2 7. OSS 5.3 years ago

    @DoctorCorvus punches right through two turrets of the latest Graham battleship

  • KPz-20E2 7. OSS 5.3 years ago

    @DoctorCorvus Will probably use these alongside existing SPGs. Can the magnetic force of these be adjusted, for low velocity fire, or is the projectile fast and strong enough to punch through right to the target?

  • KPz-20E2 7. OSS 5.3 years ago

    @DoctorCorvus I guess I can sit my SPGs back a bit farther, now. Problem is, explosive munitions don't exist for railguns. SPGs are artillery, and with how big mine are, generally used for large-scale battlefield demolition, or deleting of enemy positions.

  • KPz-20E2 7. OSS 5.3 years ago

    @DoctorCorvus Railguns for Tanks? 8 Railguns for 40 M2A1's.

  • SNOWSTONIAN NEWS: The Battle of the North Pacific: Rogue SimpleLandian fleet on the loose 5.3 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Would those mutinied patrol boats include a Joshua Graham-class battleship?

  • Central Vortex Republic - Disappeared! 5.3 years ago

    @Bman01 SF04's Battleship was sunk, and no. I am not selling the Graham-class battleship.

  • Central Vortex Republic - Disappeared! 5.3 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck They won't pass my fleets, don't worry about it. Send a navy if you want to help.

  • Central Vortex Republic - Disappeared! 5.3 years ago

    @Notaleopard I did

  • Central Vortex Republic - Disappeared! 5.3 years ago

    @Notaleopard That means?

  • Central Vortex Republic - Disappeared! 5.3 years ago


    That's a negative, chief

  • Central Vortex Republic - Disappeared! 5.3 years ago


    During the great Convoy ore haul yesterday, one of your Graham-class battleships opened fire on us. It was sunk during a large naval battle, as it continuously engaged our air power. We apologize for the incident, and we know this will harm relations between us two. Perhaps something can be worked out? <For SF04

    The Nevadans will seize all equipment in the nation, and will have full military access to the region, including full control over it's military installations until further notice. <For Bman01

  • New/Updated Roleplay Map 5.3 years ago

    Also, make sure to edit my desc with the updated one from my new forum post on it
    and my flag from the Discord

  • New/Updated Roleplay Map 5.3 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Make sure to add the Scarryn territories to the Nevadan lands, as well as the CSA. Bman and I worked a deal; Maywar for CSA and all CVR equipment.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    "10 Year RP Veteran"
    "No flipping clue how to do it"
    The hypocrisy. THE HYPOCRISY. I don't have a clue how to RP? YOU don't have a clue how to RP! You don't know basic military strategy, you CLEARLY don't know the supply situation charging 12 million men ON AN ISLAND THAT CAN'T FIT 12 MILLION MEN brings. How about the seized weapons? You didn't even know 80% of the weapons you had even existed! Your supply depots are terrible at keeping track of it, I went through every log when I took that equipment, and we found that nearly everything was unaccounted for.
    Your navy? Unsupplied, your men aboard barely had any food, ammunition, fuel or spare parts. Your manpower? Can't even fit on your island. No wonder your shores are full of bodies, I don't gather those are the enemy...
    Your airforce? Lacking fuel, weapons, viable aircraft to get the job done.

    At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now less intelligent for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @CptJacobson You probably only destroyed 5% of your equipment, your supply situation was so bad, I gather that you didn't even know how much equipment you actually had. One of the perks of this job, is actually being able to supply my troops, and keeping all my requisition forms in check.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @DankDorito I'm not really in a need of a Navy, rather an airforce.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @HarrisCraft I don't think he can comprehend that.
    but that's just me.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @DankDorito Oh we have great equipment, but the real prizes are blueprints our intelligence agencies discovered. Neato stuff that's years beyond what I've seen.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @CptJacobson That's life for you. You don't always get your way and I got there long before SimpleLandia laid eyes on that region.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @CptJacobson I've already requisitioned 85% of your equipment and it's being stored in Nevadan lands as we speak. We're not pulling out until we get every last military document, gun, ship, aircraft, crate, tank or other vehicle there is.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @Bman01 Note, by accepting this, I get the state of California and the Confederacy, as well as any seized CVR Equipment.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @Bman01 ONLY if I get my requested territories, or else we stay.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @Bman01 Maywar will only be given back if the Federal Republic of Nevada gets back the Confederacy and California and is able to fully integrate them into our society. Even then, Maywar will be under Nevadan occupation until all military equipment, naval vessels, blueprints, research projects, and anything else relating to the CVR armed services is seized.

    [Nation] - Effects applied to a nation if this deal is accepted.
    [Secret] - Nobody except the nation receiving the effect knows about the effect.

    Effects if Accepted:
    [Relaria]: Controls Maywar
    [Fed Rep of Nevada]: Repossesses all military-related research, plans, vessels, weapons, aircraft, vehicles, shipping and any + all war plans, tactical maps of the region.
    [Fed Rep of Nevada] [Secret]: Retains Control over all Maywar underground facilities with OSS units.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    @DankDorito No worries, it's not dead yet.

  • I'm Leaving 5.3 years ago

    The land of Central Vortex Republic will also be put under Nevadan control, as nobody has yet laid claims to it. We will also repossess any and all naval vessels of the CVR Navy and it's respective air service.