17.4k Geekpride Comments

  • HydraulGliderMkIIa 7.2 years ago

    Just been rewatching the tournament and saw this. Love the design, it looks so elegant flying along.

  • AA Dropout 7.2 years ago

    Impressive stuff! How did you keep the engines from exploding at high speeds? When I tried turning the Trembler into a glider, the engines overspeeded, exploded and blew it apart!

  • Flying Bug 12.1 (1st in Eagle Pass tournament) 7.2 years ago

    Congratulations on your win!

  • Eagle Pass 7.2 years ago

    @bspboy You said to fill the wings with fuel, but the tournament thing says that all fuel will be removed from the airplane at the start of the race.
    I'm working on a zero-fuel entry, but I'm having trouble keeping the shake glitch switched on. Long thin body and lots of wings is giving me a shake boost at the start, but then it slows down.

    Edit: I'm out of time, so have entered my glider. I'm not going to be winning this race, my entry takes more than a minute to do the course. I won't be in the chat during the stream, I've promised to go and spend some time with some friends. Good luck to all the entries, may the best plane win!

  • GP-150.2 Mk 2 Redwing 7.3 years ago

    @Nagato This is an improvement on an old plane. I can't remember exactly, but I don't think this has many mod parts on it. It might have the stronger wings, but that's all.
    I think you might be confusing nudging with mods. It looks like you're using the PC version of SimplePlanes, so you can do it as well. When you're building a plane, first click on the part you want to move to select it. Next, hold the shift key. While the shift key is held down, pressing one of the Q, W, E, A, S and D keys will move the part a tiny amount (different letters move it in different directions). You can also keep the letter key held down to move it faster. It was by using this technique that I managed to get the jet engine in the middle of the fuselage, and it's also good for making highly detailed planes.
    Finally, you asked for other jet racing planes - here are two from old tournaments.

  • Mehgjik-3-18 'Riyu-Elisa' 7.3 years ago


  • AWACS 7.3 years ago

    This has been doing well in the Dragon tournament. Nice work!

  • The Dragon 7.3 years ago

    Well, I won't be winning this tournament. My entry does a 1:27, I couldn't get anything to go faster and still be reliable enough. Good luck to all the other competitors, may the AI be merciful to your planes.

  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 7.3 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 Go ahead. It's public now, so feel free to experiment.

  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 7.3 years ago

    @GrumpyRacing That sounds fine to me, good luck to you.

  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 7.3 years ago

    @Champ9961 That's cool - you've definitely changed it enough to make it your own creation. Good luck in the race!

  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 7.3 years ago

    @Champ9961 That's right, see the comment from @f1racing6
    This plane is available for download by anyone, and if you want to experiment with it or use it as the base for a different build, that's fine. However, you are not allowed to copy it or use a successor of it in any tournaments.

  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 7.3 years ago

    @Ownedpilot I know what I've done. What I don't know is how I did it - seriously, finding this glitch was a complete fluke.

  • The Dragon 7.3 years ago

    I predict lots of crashes. Sounds like fun!

  • Eagle Pass 7.3 years ago

    Wow, this will be hard. I'll give it a go, but I'm not expecting to do well.

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.3 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii I disagree about tournaments ruining the good in the community. I enjoy watching the stream and having the chance to chat with other users. I think they're positive for the community, they give motivation to improve your builds, allow less recognised users to get known, and they're something for people to get excited about.

  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 7.3 years ago

    @KiNo It was a fluke that I found the "flappy boost" technique. Getting it stable wasn't a problem, and reliability was OK. The main problem I had is that adjusting the fuel it carried seemed to disable the boost - I think it must be something to do with either the wing loading or the weight distribution.

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.3 years ago

    Thanks! @BritishNarwhal7

  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 7.3 years ago

    @AgDynamics No need to be bitter. You always have a good design entered in the tournament, it can't be long before you win one.

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.3 years ago

    Mine has 188 drag points, but I don't think that matters. All that matters is how fast you can get round the course, and mine's been fast in testing. My main worry is reliability, it's had a bit of a tendency to crash when starting on the right.

  • Glider Challenge 2017 Results 7.3 years ago

    Congratulations Supercraft888! And thanks for second Konade1.

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.3 years ago

    @Viperfox If your plane finishes the course reliably and in under 3 minutes, you stand a decent chance of making it through a round or two. You might get unlucky and get matched up against a really good plane, but there are always loads of entries that crash or fail in other ways.

  • YOU WON!!! 7.3 years ago

    Wow, thanks! It was really tough beating all those other entries!

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.3 years ago

    @Camroncs It won't be because you went past the dimensions, it checks that as soon as you try to enter it. I've had that happen to me before, you get a message saying that it's too big and you can't enter it.
    If it's a successor to one of your planes, that shouldn't have caused a problem, unless the one it's a successor to is a successor of someone else's plane (it looks at the whole chain).
    If it's neither of those, it must be a part you've got on your plane.

  • Advanced Jet Trainer Challenge [FINISHED] 7.3 years ago

    I'm entering, my Jemdev is up as a successor.

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.3 years ago

    Well, I'm in. My plane is fast, but a bit inconsistent, especially from the right lane. So IF it performs the same on the SimplePuter as it does on mine and IF it doesn't crash too much and IF KiNo hasn't done their usual thing of being ludicrously faster than everyone else... I might just stand a chance of winning this.

    ... I'm doomed.

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.3 years ago

    @ReindeerNevve You build your plane and upload it as normal. Click the "Enter Tournament" button on this page and select your entry.
    After the entry deadline passes, the planes will be downloaded to the official SimplePlanes computer and raced against each other under AI control. So make sure the AI can fly your plane successfully!

  • [Closed]Glider Challenge 2017 7.3 years ago

    I'm entering, my Breezesailer is up as a successor.

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.3 years ago

    New tournament, yay! Time to get building!

  • GPM-49 Puvap 7.4 years ago

    @TheOwlAce You might have a point, this doesn't look like a classic flying wing. But if it's not a flying wing, what would you call it?

  • GPM-49 Puvap 7.4 years ago

    @Bobplanes322 No problem, thanks for setting an interesting challenge.

  • XX2 7.4 years ago

    That is not simple. But it is awesome.

  • 55s 7.4 years ago

    This gave KiNo's plane a really close race. This is a really good racer.

  • GP-185.2 Sandwaver Mk 2 7.4 years ago

    @SkullsAndCrossbones Well, I haven't disabled collisions on this, so there is a chance it could end up sandwiched together with another car if they crash during the race.

  • GP-185 Sandwaver 7.4 years ago

    @marcox43 You're right, thank you for telling me.

  • Motor Mirage 7.4 years ago

    Well, my entry's in. It's not too fast, but it'll do. I found the times vary a bit from run to run, depending on how it bounces over the bumps - is anyone else having that happen to them?

  • Dog Fighting Leauge 7.4 years ago

    Thank you very much!

  • Motor Mirage 7.4 years ago

    @JMicah4 There'll be more, Andrew has already said so. I think it's just that we're going to go back to plane races for a while now.

  • OPEN 3/10 General Purpose Challenge! 7.4 years ago

    Are modded parts allowed?

  • Updates to the Rules 7.4 years ago

    @demoman9 You've said that "Any public thing created in America or by Americans has to follow the constitution." This is where you're going wrong. This isn't a public thing - it's a privately-owned site that allows members of the public to post content on it. Being privately owned, they are allowed to set their own rules.
    The actual text of the first amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Congress has made no law regarding what you're allowed to post on this site, so your first amendment rights are not affected.
    Hopefully that's made things a little clearer, if not here are two articles going into it in more detail.

  • Dog Fighting Leauge 7.4 years ago

    I'll join, my Vasrat is up as a successor.

  • Motor Mirage 7.4 years ago

    @TheEpicLemur It's throttle for acceleration, but roll for turning. The AI doesn't use yaw (and never brakes, either).

  • Re-arrange Challenge 7.4 years ago

    I'm in, my Hollin is up as a successor.

  • Daredevil 7.4 years ago

    @EpicFirebird No, that won't be allowed. I'd suggest you create a new plane and try to rebuild the design if it's one you're happy with.

  • Motor Mirage 7.4 years ago

    @wemboy You don't do the racing, it's all done under AI control - all the entries get downloaded to a computer belonging to the devs and that runs the races. They stream it on Twitch, usually about an hour after the deadline for submissions closes, and the video is uploaded to YouTube, so you can watch and see how your design did.

  • Motor Mirage 7.4 years ago

    @EpicFirebird The AI always has throttle at 100% and never brakes. It uses roll for turning, and can use pitch as well (this is important on courses with jumps). It never uses yaw, so you'll need to avoid having anything that uses that.

  • Updates to the Rules 7.4 years ago

    @demoman9 There's no need for that kind of name calling. I admit I started it by calling you an idiot, and I apologise for that - it wasn't a constructive way to talk to you.
    That said, you are still wrong - but as the explanations by myself and ChiChiWerx have apparently gone unheeded, I don't think there's much point in going over them again. I'm going to tag in a couple of mods, namely @MediocrePlanes and @Seeras, and they can decide whether to make a more authoritative statement on behalf of the site.

  • Updates to the Rules 7.4 years ago

    @demoman9 You are an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about. The right to freedom of speech is relevant when you're discussing the government allowing you to express yourself. The owners of this site are not the government, this is a private business. You cannot force them to allow you to publish whatever you want on their site, any more than you could force a newspaper to publish something you've written.

  • Updates to the Rules 7.4 years ago

    Obligatory link for @demoman9 or anyone else that wants to start making nonsensical claims about this taking away free speech.

  • Airplane Company Name Request 7.4 years ago

    Yellow Airflow