1,170 FoxTech Comments

  • P-51D Mustang Sunny VII 8.6 years ago

    Being the first person to download it, I suggest you make the rotours smaller and doing something to reduce drag. Good plane though.

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries Colonel, Dassacore, and I have all made a lot of world peace. We gave terrorist countries such as Palestine a freighter-load of gold and destroyed all of their weapons we could find, which reduced a lot of terrorism. The three of us would like to make an offer for you Britons, five freighter-loads of gold, diamond, ruby, emerald, and sapphire. Plus, we would like to ally with you, just like we did all of North America, half of South America, half of Europe, half of Asia, Oceania, and most of Africa. Colonel did most of the peace, doing almost 2/3. We don't want anything to do with you people or anything with the rebels. You could've did things peacefully if you found a law unfair, and Babyliska is in most control of Pravara, barely even having any controls over the small nation. Pravara is the closest to even being controlled by our emperor. Pravara has a president. We only want peace. We even made a peace treaty to Wahoo12, but he declined it, ripping it up and having one of his soldiers go into killing the Pravaran council who sent him the treaty. And @XVIindustries, Jesus has something to tell you: "Enjoy where you're going when you die!" Since you're Athiest. You can join us in the October Revolution, a war that has been going on since the beginning of October. We are fighting Bossotrony, as Collin James, a Pravaran civilian, found the Bossotronians testing a prop plane using his modded version of Google Earth, where his home made satellite with a camera and is hooked up to Google. He even used a robotic fly built by Dassacore to spy on the Bossotronians' plans and he found out that they were planning on attacking Babyliska. He instantly messaged Emperor Colonel, Commander Cicada /or Songbird (me), Captain Dassacore, and President Murphy about the plans. We did nothing to them, actually.

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries in this, Babyliska is an Irish city as big as a country and Pravara is the same thing, but much smaller. In the other game, there's no such thing as Britain, Ireland, or Europe in general. Not even any other continents that exist. In this game, Babyliskans and Pravarans are trying to stay alive, fighting any attackers. In e other game, they're fighting the Rutishians, terrible people that want the entire territory. The Rutishians in the game are like the Romans. In this campaign, the Japs are just complete assholes. They're like the Persians.

  • Imperial WWI Heavy Sharpshooter 8.6 years ago

    Designed by Emperor Collins (1908-1924)(1862-1924), this bad boy is made of solid wood and lightweight iron, it loads up to a total of about 1,300 tiny silver rounds. Its shots can pierce a Mark I's armour within one shot! It was tested on an actual Mark I. They were used rarely against the English, and used against the Germans lots of times. They were normally placed in the openings of Babyliskan airships and the person inside would take out any enemies in sight. Even more often, they were placed around forts, safe houses, and other buildings. They were very efficient, too.

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries this whole time I was getting ideas for a game under development for my friend. He's making a war game that includes FPS, aerial warfare, naval warfare, and tactic warfare. He may make more types of battle to it. As of now, I'm just collecting ideas and he puts those ideas in code. It takes place in a fictional world. Babyliska and Pravara are in it, but not any actual countries. In it, Babyliska is located in Martis Ocean (real life Celtic Sea), and Pravara is neighbouring it, as both mainlands on the countries share a border.

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I don't see this as a role play, but I'm actually getting ideas for a game that's currently under development. And nothing is wrong with being Irish or hating England because you're Catholic. And if you aren't thinking what I'm think about religious warfare, which is warfare that is between 2 nationalities because of religion, such as the Catholics and Protestants living in ghettos, and the fighting in the Middle East. And I don't want to be friends with colonel, but I'd like to stay allied.

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries potatoes are only smoked in Northern Ireland. And criminal drugs and non-medical marauana are completely illegal in Babyliska.

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I questioned the same thing when the soldier said that. I wasn't the one who made the plans. It was the Emperor of Pravara. Not colonel, as colonel is the Emperor of Babyliska. And the war started when Pravara was attacked by Japanese bombers for no reason.

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I'm predicting the future and not causing any trouble. We didn't even start the war and didn't want anything to do with Britiain. And the Emperor made plans to kill the queen after an XVI militant's last words were "the queen will kill you all".

  • Imperial Early Plane II O'Riley Dé-I "Baron" 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I quoted that because Ireland was fighting England for freedom during WWI. At the time, England had Ireland completely liberated.

  • Nazi Mission: Sinking the Imperial Jundroo 8.6 years ago

    @TheLatenImage this is an image and I gave full credit to the original creator. And this is part of Babyliskan history that we wish didn't happen.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries what I heard about the Cold War was that the Americans and the Russians were in a feud because the Russians didn't think the Americans should be the only ones with nuclear power, so they made nuclear jets, cars, and boats. They didn't attack each other, rather preparing themselves for a nuclear attack.

  • Sink the Tiny 8.6 years ago

    Yay for destroying 95% of all the worlds iPads!

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I wouldn't care much if the Cold War entered nuclear. I'm sure both countries would've not been completely destroyed and I would've been in the Utopian and Dystopian land of Ireland instead of having to spend my time in the United States a year after I could fully talk and even had my Irish accent, which my teachers and friends liked. Now it is slowly changing to an American, but I think of the Americans as somewhat bad people. Mostly good, but a little bad.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries it's better used as the "Saint Patrick's Flag". And I know. England is the other Red Cross, Scotland is the white cross, and I don't even think Wales has anything to do with it.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries its a trust simulator and all good happens from the death of fascists. In fact, there's an upcoming FPS game called Raptors and if you choose the Wolfe story, England engages in a civil war, where one side (the Royal one) wants to start a new world order and the other one (the rebel one) is fighting for that side. Even Babyliska and Pravara are in the story and they're fighting the Royal side.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries we Babyliskans have faith in God so when we die, we reach the pearly gates.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries its in the UK. Britain is Scotland, England, and Wales.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries so appearently it is bad to make a trust simulator where you are put to sleep and you lose your memories for the last minute before entering an extremely realistic but virtual world where you have to kill Adolf Hitler? And if the colonel had cancer IRL he wouldn't tell anyone online, and I don't even think he would go on a device and build virtual advanced aircraft if he had cancer because of the pain a sufferer is out through with that disease.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I hate you because you invaded Pravara. Then you move on to the peacefuk country of Babyliska. In fact, we only had about 1/17 as much military before the XVI attacked Pravara. @ProKillaV12 @XVIindustres there was a very tiny chunk of the I.R.A. that was good. The tiny chunk that was good was the people who didn't run massacres in Northern Ireland. Although most was bad and killed innocent people, the good chunk only targeted British terrorists. In fact, there was a bombing in Dublin when the Ulster Volunteer Force set up 4 car bombs that killed over 50 people. And @ProKillaV12 I don't call Muslims terrorists, but in the Middle East, I am taking the Christian side. And @XVIindustries you're deleting or hiding comments that truly show the true evil of England, specifically. And the I.R.A. made no attacks on Britain. They did attack Northern Ireland. And have you heard of the IRB? They were basically the good version of the IRA. They saved civilians and the entire Republican Ireland because of a few day battle in which they won, but were executed. Back in the time of this plane, Babyliska and Pravara were at almost complete peace, except for the thankfully very few instead of a lot of criminals.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries it used to be where you kill Hitler if you're German or part German during WWII, but that all changed only a few years after the war. You're the main reason we Babyliskans are fighting specifically England. I thought of the British royalists in Ireland as bad people, but I thought of the British who don't know about the war, the British who don't care, and the British who are for the Irish as good people. And it turns out that we go to heaven when we die, as one of the Imperialists we used as a guinea pig in an experiment to see if we are right or wrong, and when we revived him, he said he went to heaven, seeing my grandfather, colonel's father, and other Imperial soldiers, leaders, and workers. We even completely ban tobacco cigarettes in Babyliska, and we use electronic cigarettes that taste and smell like tobacco around it, and a harmless grey smoke comes out of the front, just like a real one. And all of our people are happy, feeling like they're in a safe, utopian place.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I'm Catholic. The Catholics in Ireland want Ireland to be completely separated from you Protestant Bastards.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries btw 241 is less corrupt than your queen.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries Babyliska shares the same laws with Ireland, and people can come in and out unless they're royalists. If a British or any person who's country is loyal to the queen, the have to do a virtual reality that is very realistic in which they have to kill Prince George. That's the only law we have in the empire that isn't in Ireland. And we treat our people fairly. We let them be free to choose how they live. Our Emperor is only a wee bit more corrupt than me. His part of Babyliska has a corruption level of 240, while mine has a 241.
    1. They liberated Ireland 800 years ago.
    2. When they liberated Ireland, they forced penal laws on the Irish, such as not being able to have jobs or property.
    3. After Ireland was invaded, all of the fertile soil was now part of Britain and only the British could use it. This cause the Potato Famine centuries later.
    4. The British don't give a shite about morality when someone is for a propaganda against them. For example, they executed Bobby Sands when he was at the age of 29 for making a speech. In short terms, the speech told the oppressive British to be removed from Irish soil, and they should leave. He was no threat. They just fuckin' killed him.
    5. You know the American Revolution? Well, lots of countries were fighting England at the time such as the Confederation (modern day United States), Éire, France, España, and An Bhreatian Bheag.

  • XVI Mission Destroy Xavot 8.6 years ago

    @Spikerya one of my islands is Xavot, and you can test how effective your missiles are against people, ships, and aircraft. Xavot has no citizens or imperialists. The only people where are the XVI, who killed half of its population. On the massacre, they brought almost everything. If you test your missiles on Xavot, it will help you and the Empire of Babyliska. It will help us prevent threats and keep our people safe, and it will help you because you can see the effectiveness on ships, superhumans, tanks, armoured cars, and aircraft. It's too late for God to forgive the XVI for what they've done, so you'll still go to heaven even if you obliterate the island. My structures are still there, some of my aircraft are there, but both, the planes and buildings will either rot or be destroyed, so it doesn't matter for us at all anymore.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I'm only fighting because I and tens of millions of people are loyal to our Emperor. Our Emperor sees importance in everybody. He isn't a monster. Once I used a device that tore rebel prisoners' (only the ones sentenced to death) stomachs open. The Emperor told me to stop, as we are not murderers. Colonel, Dassacore, and I are all leaders of the Empire and all own islands that have innocent people. We are even less corrupt than the United States. The Irish are nice people, but have complete anger to the British, Neo-Fascists, and ISIS.

  • The REAL Imperial Phantom 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I'm second in command. The Colonel has given me the right to do whatever I want with the islands when I made the purchase. He has no control over them. He only has control over his forces and territory. I only have control over my forces and territory. We both have the same laws. If it wasn't the XVI, then it must've been the blood-sucking Italians or Japanese. We were fighting Hitler, risking everything to kill him. We even risked more than you British. We risked our whole land, lives (military, government, and civilian). And I've eliminated an assassin trying to kill him. My forces are almost as large as his. We know the XVI attacked Xavot island, too. We saw your planes. When we killed them all with the entire Imperial forces, we even saw the Red, Blue, Black, Grey, and yellow tint on their uniforms. If you didn't order the XVI to kill 1,000,000 innocent people then who did? Your queen? Oh yeah, she was banished to hell and can't appear in physical form again unless she collects who knows how many souls Satan wants her to. We've been around for 900 years now. Have you heard of Bobby Sands? He was executed in the 80s at the age of 29 for making a peaceful Fenian speech. You can read his speech on the Internet. He was no harm. He was just a normal civilian. During WWII we suffered major damage from Nazi heavy bombers. You British folk are thinking "Good" probably. And the XVI isn't a rebel force. Instead, they look like they are trying to make a new world order. Heck, when the Nazis were winning, we thought we were fucked. Until Pravara came in. It seemed like they made the Nazis start to lose in a flash, although that was months. We Babyliskans even helped Jewish prisoners escape a concentration camp during the Holocaust. We had to dress up like Nazis and slowly kill the officers and snipers off to get to the camp. One Nazi leader that we killed blew up one of our generals. General Murphy was gutting the enemy general when the Nazi pulled out a grenade and said in German "You Babyliskan people are so foolish", before the grenade exploded, killing them both.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries both the colonel and I were not born at the time. We have never stolen it or heard of it unil you brought it up. Colonel's nationality is currently unknown. We Irish were fighting the British at the time, because we lost all of our fertile land and the British out penal laws on us 322 years before. At one point around the time, Queen Victoria sent us to our deaths or to the land beyond the open seas.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries Babyliska is a world that can only be found through an invisible portal in the Atlantic Ocean. The portal is opened with a radiation-like technology Japan and all of the others involved in the war have, but think Babyliska and Pravara are just two secluded islands that were undiscovered.

  • Imperial Pravaran Multirole Jet 1: Skyshark 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries this was made during the first civil war on Pravara. After the civil war, this turned into a racing plane. That was a long time ago. That was the first jet ever made, but we kept the technology secret through the empire.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries that is not true. The XVI was fighting against Babyliska because they were allied with Japan. The colonel has always hated you. The first time the XVI showed up was on Pravara, before they came in to attack Babyliska along with the Japanese. Babyliska has never betrayed anyone, but they were betrayed by Britainnia, the country they trusted the most. In fact, their dictator killed Colonel's father at the age of 76. Then colonel took the throne.

  • The REAL Imperial Phantom 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I have more power than you'll ever have. I'm in charge of 2 islands (used to be 3 until the XVI invaded that island and killed half of the innocent people there so we had to escape) and you're only in control of a terrorist organization. Babyliska has existed since the Iron Age and will live on until the demise of humanity. We fought alongside the allied forces during WWII and even helped destroy the Graf Spree. We even sent a search for Hitler to kill him, but we failed when we were bombed by an unknown group with jet-like planes. We can closest relate that to the XVI. We even fought during WWI, but we had to fight Britain once so they will free Ireland. Britain never knew what country was fighting them in the Easter Rising, but it was Pravara. We even destroyed a submarine fleet that was trying to sink a French transport fleet.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries 26 nukes will kill over 20,000,000 innocent people. 26 nukes will destroy Babyliska and all the plant life, citizen life, and military life. You chose to join Japan against us. We've already taken enough damage from chemical gas attacks. We've already lost 1,000,000 innocent souls to the XVI. If any more than 3 nukes are dropped on Babyliska or Pravara, we will destroy the country that bombed us completely. And for you @XVIindustries, it's already too late to ask for God's forgiveness. You can join the Imperialists and stop Japan's massacres, but you chose to do the Devil's work and fight alongside them.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries the war started when Babyliska was attacked by Japanese portalists almost a century ago. Now their allies are helping them, trying to get rid of the Demmhis people. But 4 countries are doing what's good for the people trying to survive, and they're fighting for us. We have a lot of power, but fighting 13 nations is to much for us.

  • The REAL Imperial Phantom 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I was born in Babyliska and given power by him as second in command. He was born in southern Babyliska, but my grandfather and his father were two great allies. They even got Pravara two join the Babyliskan Empire. My grandfather even built the first IBN Jundroo. The Babyliskan Empire has no slaves, although some people do work that is 3/4 of a Demmhis day, but they get paid a lot and although they work at plantations and live there for as long as they work, they get to choose when to retire and they also chose the job.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries I must be thinking of someone else, then. The Imperialists fight for Babyliska and Pravara, two nations from a different world. The only link between the two worlds is that they share the Atlantic Ocean. Babyliska was once a happy before a second War of the Worlds happened between some attacking Earth forces and some defending Earth forces, plus the Demmhise forces that are trying to defend themselves. I am part of the Demmhise forces. Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Germany are currently the only 4 Earth Nations fighting for us.

  • XVI Mission Destroy Xavot 8.6 years ago

    @Spikerya all of my islands have bases. The major one is on Rapture Island, but the whole island is safe, as it is completely underground and contains a whole city. Despite the dystopia on outside islands, Rapture Island has a utopian look to make its citizens feel more safe. It contains over 2M citizens and has not suffered attack damage. The only way to get in is to have a fingerprint scan. The island is very secluded, and can not be found on radar. It is is another world and can only be found using a portal that only imperial technology can create.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    @colonel only has 1 gas bomb, and he has never used it. And back then in the 50s before you were born, the previous leader of the XVI loved to see destruction and kill innocent people. His reign of terror ended when Colonel's father burned him to death, using a special fire that only Babyliska has that burns soft, flammable objects such as skin slowly, so the leader could have a longer life and a more painful death, but we honored him for his power although he was the greatest enemy, so that's why we didn't use the fast fire, but instead, the slow fire. He yelled "I'll be back!" Before screaming of burning.

  • The REAL Imperial Phantom 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries Colonel is not my friend, but rather an ally. He is the whole reason I got 9/10 of my riches and power. I'm even the second most powerful in command and army.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries, the XVI has always been being overpowered by our forces. It's like this: once they're winning, a single mission such as the loss of a soldier, plane, car, or ship al oust completely fucks up their plan. And you're fighting a united empire that is only trying to survive, rather than destroy.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries, then if it wasn't you, who sent the whole XVI army to go on a mission to kill everybody on Imperial Xavot Island?

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @Wahoo12 I know what steel is. And the "United Wahoo States" was a joke after you turned your empire into a somewhat copy of the United States. And the foam we use in Babyliska and Pravara cannot burn, as it is different from the foam used everywhere else in the world. It isn't even the same as foam. It is soft, fireproof, buoyant, and the plane uses it to get oxygen, as that is what the wings of the plane use oxygen for power.

  • XVI Mission Destroy Xavot 8.6 years ago

    It was a close one. Luckily most survivors from the massacre escaped, except for 300, sadly.

  • XVI-0.01 Gnome 8.6 years ago

    I've heard of this aircraft. A fleet of them tried to destroy Pravara with a chemical gas attack. The Pravarans were almost defenceless and we Babyliskan forces had to come in and defend the most innocent imperial country.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries, you may not know this, but an army of XVI soldiers, ships, and planes have started a massacre on Xavot Island, killing over half of the innocent people. When the airliners were escaping 7 XVI troops boarded the plane carrying the women and children to safety and nearly hijacked the plane. We all knew their mission was to kill the innocent women and children, as long as themselves.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @Wahoo12, I'd like to see your recon jets and see if they have a better chance. You were once an emperor, but became a president and turned Imperial Wahoo into the United Wahoo States. That's more pathetic than using an paper plane plane in a dogfight against Pravara.

  • Imperial STOL Recon Jet 8.6 years ago

    @XVIindustries, Babyliska has more titanium than a hangar for bombers during WWII can hold. Wood and foam are the best options, as wood can't be found on any radar and foam can help the plane resist damage more. The plastic defends the foam to give it a chance. And the paint is a material stronger than steel but not metal. It is a mineral we call Vagite that is a dust that can stick to soft surfaces.

  • Imperial Advaced Jet: Moth 8.6 years ago

    @bolt in fact, I had to turn the body into a sub assembly because I started from scratch, not the challenge. I downloaded the challenge, placed the cockpit on, and did this.

  • Imperial Advaced Jet: Moth 8.6 years ago

    @bolt I didn't doubt myself. I created the design, it didn't work when I made a few tweaks, I was lazy enough too just say "f*ck it" and start from fuesilage, and made this. The design before was much smaller, couldn't stay in the air before reaching the bandit airport without having to teleport to the final approach, so that's why I made a new one that looks much better.

  • Aircraft Model: "Skylight" 8.6 years ago

    @bolt, I see.