53.9k CoolPeach Comments

  • Focke-Wulf Fw190 1.8 years ago

    Pretty sure those flaps are radiator flaps and not just maintenance, the pilot can control those in the cockpit @Sparky6004

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 2.2 years ago

    It says 1984 refit in the name of the craft. @Bismarcksurvivor100

  • Why Under 20 Part Builts Are Important - my thoughts 2.3 years ago

    Hmmm, I don’t think anyone can just keep placing parts and make it look good, there is still definitely a lot of skill required there. There are pros and cons to building with few parts and with lots of parts, neither is inherently better than the other if done well either way. @Dathcha

  • Boeing B-17G "Nine-O-Nine" 2.4 years ago

    Depends what you want, tag me on an unlisted

  • DCS in Simpleplanes - FW-190A-8 [TEASER] 2.4 years ago

    That would be impossible unless i stripped parts from the cockpit, the body and wings alone are around 1000 parts @Llamma

  • Some Suggestions For 1.13 or 1.14 2.4 years ago

    Less lag, if only it was that easy lol

  • Target View 2.5 years ago

    Could just use funky trees to manually code a camera to track a selected target

  • DCS in Simpleplanes - FW-190A-8 [TEASER] 2.5 years ago

    it’s MisterT’s unreleased normandy map @Karmen

  • DCS in Simpleplanes - FW-190A-8 [TEASER] 2.5 years ago

    I think that could be possible, I will probably make a few different reduced part versions as well @DerVito

  • DCS in Simpleplanes - FW-190A-8 [TEASER] 2.5 years ago

    I think slightly above 6000ish

  • Fuselage Splitter 2.5 years ago

    Very useful for camos, saves a bunch of time doing manual calculations

  • B-17G BUILDING PROGRESS 2.6 years ago

    Ahh right ok

  • B-17G BUILDING PROGRESS 2.6 years ago

    Hmm, i guess that makes sense, but you can still do the same thing with the new feature by just cutting the fusalages into smaller pieces. It’s cleaner and wayyyy faster @MrShenanigans

  • B-17G BUILDING PROGRESS 2.6 years ago

    Why are you panelling the fuselage, could easily use hollow fuselages and cut them out to save so many parts, and looks cleaner.

  • Part count is getting higher in SP 1.11 ? ( What to do ) 2.6 years ago

    The best solution to this problem is to just build your own planes.

  • F-4E Phantom Cinematic Trailer - SimplePlanes 2.6 years ago

    I just paused the game and panned my camera around, was the easiest shot by far lol

  • Boeing B-17G "Nine-O-Nine" 2.6 years ago

    I believe so @WolfHunter9111

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 2.6 years ago

    Will not be a battleship that is for sure. Will definitely also not be mobile friendly. Looking more at Cold War era ships potentially. @Bismarcksurvivor100

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 2.6 years ago

    Unlikely for this build, but maybe for a future one. @Bismarcksurvivor100

  • A Better Explanation of MY Proof of Simulation (w/ help from ancient Investigators) 2.6 years ago

    Just looking back at your past few posts. You get annoyed when people make declarative statements in science (which has some physical evidence to support the theory), and yet you too are also making declarative statements (which arguably have less evidence to support your theory). What do I see here? Quintessential hypocrisy. Gave me a good laugh.

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 2.6 years ago

    They are manually aimed, see the control above. As for the anchor thing, that’s an interesting feature I hadn’t thought about, but would be quite difficult to pull off due to the amount of parts needed to make it look good. @Bismarcksurvivor100

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.6 years ago

    Because that was easier for me before they introduced FT. You can easily change it yourself. @AlexsandrSenaviev

  • 1Parts HUD 2.7 years ago

    But surely you know how to read descriptions...

  • Sukhoi Su-33 (Su-27K) Flanker D (Platinum Special) 2.7 years ago

    If I have time and the inspiration, I may come back to this build
    @YuryVendiktov @Blaze77gunYT

  • Albatros D.Va 2.7 years ago

    Might be due to the square collider of fuselage blocks (even if they are circular) on the wheels

  • B-29 SuperFortress 2.7 years ago

    Incredible work, absolutely in love with the cold engine start up! Camera views are also incredibly well done, very enjoyable to play around with.

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    Very busy nowadays, will probably have more time in the following months

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 2.7 years ago


  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    Upon thinking about it, I think a really easy way to do the timer now would to have variable like "EngineON" and then have the input be "EngineON + clamp01(Activate1)". Then in the engine, have an expression that checks if the variable is greater than say 1000 (so EngineOn > 1000). Then you could also check if Activate1 is turned off set EngineOn = 0, with a higher priority. That way it resets each time you turn off the inertial starter or whatever.

  • WHY THEY HAVE TO DO THAT!? 2.7 years ago

    You can use the emission property to get the same results

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    Im using a turbofan engine for the wind up sound, and that essentially turns on when the button is pressed and turns off when the button is not pressed (using variables). As for the actual timer, that's a bit more in depth, let me know if you want to know more about that @Soardivision160th

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    Yea it’s a funky trees formula. Essentially it starts a counter when you activate the internal starter, when you pull it out it checks if the counter is above a certain value, if it is the engine starts, if it isn’t it doesn’t. @Sergio666

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    It is like the old way, but only takes 2 parts, compared to like 20 the old way. I can offer some help if you like @marcox43

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    Not VR, that hasn’t been released yet. But right now all the buttons and switches are interactable

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    Used a single text part on top of a generic cockpit dial face and the just spaced the text around accordingly. Couldn’t change the actual increments tho, that’s set by the dial faces. @marcox43

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    That would be too generous haha

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    Right now just under 1800. I could get that lower by reworking certain areas of the fuselage/wings with the new pieces though, possibly. @MrShenanigans

  • FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV 2.7 years ago

    No fancy edits, just footage of me starting up the Fw-190. Procedure is based upon real life, but still needs some refinement.

  • New Beta - Version 1.11.103 2.7 years ago

    Big fan of the new variables. Out of interest though, if we assign a variable to a control base with a cylinder grip on it, will the game take inputs from the VR grip? If so, how will this effect the variable, especially when there are other variables in it as well, will the game simply add or subtract the VR input?

  • Boeing B-17G "Nine-O-Nine" 2.7 years ago

    Possibly, given the new update and how easy it’ll be to make the fuselage I might look into it later. @Mainthedevil

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    You realise how ridiculous you sound? @LotusCarsSub

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 2.7 years ago

    Well I currently don’t wish to spend my time removing parts sorry. @Saddam

  • How the new update will affect the community? 2.7 years ago

    Well that’s partially due to a lack of significant updates, but I think your underestimating what is achievable with these new parts. It may become easier for a beginner to plop a bunch of dials on their plane, but the better players will be building better wings, fuselages, fully fledged cockpits and more. It’s naive to say that this the beginning of the end. @FlyingPatriot

  • SERIOUS wasted potential if this is not implemented 2.7 years ago

    They plan to give these parts an output function like the Heli rotar part, so you will be able to map the switches to the new variables in an upcoming update (presumably the next beta release)

  • How the new update will affect the community? 2.7 years ago

    I actually think the opposite is true, this update opens the doors for so many new techniques and builds. Whilst overall building standards will increase, the better builders will use the new tools in interesting ways that will make their crafts better than ever. This isn’t a plateau, but a new horizon.

  • A big problem I have with the new wasp 2.7 years ago

    The wasp offers an insight into what is possible to players who might not want to download crafts. There are still many very simplistic stock aircraft available, but there should be something a bit more complex just so new players know what is possible. Otherwise they might go on thinking that the Helleska is the most advanced thing they can build, which is what happened to me until I downloaded other crafts.

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 2.7 years ago

    Never, it’s simply far too big to ever make mobile friendly. @Saddam

  • Vickers Vanguard cockpit functional systems showcase 2.7 years ago

    Ah shame, sounds very cool however

  • Vickers Vanguard cockpit functional systems showcase 2.7 years ago

    What is that engine sound for the APU, is it a mod or something?

  • Text won't stick on the fuselage.[1.11 update] 2.7 years ago

    I think its a current limitation of how the label part works, cause the letters don't actually curve when you do curve the label. Maybe they can work around it somehow, but I wouldn't put my money on it. @jamesPLANESii
