4,772 Airwolfpiskin Comments

  • ADF-01 FALKEN 8.7 years ago

    @Delfiinus dude you have to check this out

  • Twin Mustang (Updated) 8.7 years ago

    Simple yet flyers great A bit too simple almost rated 4 but I'm nice

  • entry 8.7 years ago

    It don't reach 1000 but it sure looks like a badass spear



  • I reached bronze!! 8.7 years ago

    @Rohan pls rate my other planes i wish to have feedback on them

  • I reached bronze!! 8.7 years ago

    @Wraith kicking fish has 1 engine mine has 2 and the fuselage is completely different mine is simpler the landing gear is different. I'm not mad I'm just pointing out the facts don't be a hater

  • I reached bronze!! 8.7 years ago

    It's not a kicking fish I made this from scratch on my phone

  • I reached bronze!! 8.7 years ago

    And thank all of you guys who rated this

  • I reached bronze!! 8.7 years ago

    @Rohan thanks

  • 6000mph 8.7 years ago

    I like the design idea but it doesn't fly well since you are going too fast to turn the main reason it was a low rating is because you used a modded engine and the plane doesn't fly well. I suggest making planes that can fly fast and still turn take it as a challenge if you want and maybe you will end up with something better than you expect good luck

  • I DID IT 8.7 years ago

    It is a good vehicle all in all but it just can't get back on the runway. I challenge you to make a car that can not only actually get back on the runway but that can also do it without breaking

  • Q100.000 ceries 8.7 years ago

    Congrats you just made my day This aircraft may seem like a funny idea. And it is kinda funny but it flies amazingly. If I let go of the controls it flies straight as an arrow. And one tip don't try it on the carriers the wing will hit the bridge befor you take off. This is one plane worth saving

  • Akula MKIII 8.7 years ago

    @karlosdarkness thanks for the feedback it is apreciated

  • P 51 Mustang 8.7 years ago

    @THELOWofJAY thanks

  • Speed test challenge 8.7 years ago

    Sorry for the long explanation I'm just explaining in case people don't know that they have to use my cockpit

  • Speed test challenge 8.7 years ago

    @TMach5 use mine and if you need to make a completely new one just remove the parts and build on the existing cabin so it is a predecessor of mine when you upload it. This will make it easier for me to find your aircraft and try it out. The wining aircraft will be reuploaded by me as a predecessor to the original creation so the winner gets some points

  • Fw-200 condor 9.2 years ago

    One thing totaly unrelated to this plane Why are all the mustangs made by people in this game always wrong withwimg placement and shape

  • P 51 Mustang 9.2 years ago

    great plane overall. by the way do you mind if i tweak it a bit to make it look more like the real thing?good job great plane

  • F-22A Raptor 9.2 years ago

    @millerlight101 it does for me and it flyes great just dont pull up all the way all the time it's not meant for that be gentle on the controlls