34.0k AgDynamics Comments

  • Hindenburg 8.3 years ago

    Damn dude, you even got the Fraktur script looking good. Well done.

  • Hindenburg 8.3 years ago


  • Everyone must read this. 8.3 years ago

    I think you mean Winston Churchill.

  • Daredevil 8.3 years ago

    @Seraphinium The 'missed ring' bug is fixed in the version of SimplePlanes that they have been using for the tournaments. If you're sure you are making the rings, don't worry about it. :)

  • Daredevil 8.3 years ago

    No weapons? Darn, so much for my nefarious plan.

  • New Moderators 8.3 years ago


    Naw j/k congrats guys.

  • AG R-05 "Boomerang" 8.3 years ago

    @Garuda1 Sure, go ahead! I've got an entirely new design for daredevil. :)

  • Mitsubishi A5M "Claude" 8.3 years ago

    Very nicely done! I'd love to see a dogfight between this and my Peashooter.

  • Daredevil 8.3 years ago

    Ooh, daredevil with no mods should be challenging!

  • Tournement 8.3 years ago

    @Whitakcr The Flying Duck was a great competitor!

    My entry won 5 matches, but crashed out against a much slower and less maneuverable prop plane. I had very good completion rates in testing, but it seems that there was a distinct difference in the way the AI behaved when flying as P1 versus flying as P2, which I didn't test as extensively.

    The next tournament should be fun. We have Daredevil , Eagle Pass, and Trench Run remaining. We've now had an Unlimited race, a Prop race, and a Modded race, so my guess is that an Eagle Pass tournament will be next. It would take forever to run though, with completion times around 3:00+.

  • Bandit Run 8.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Quick question on the modding regulations:

    Are other non-aesthetic but potentially performance-enhancing modifications disallowed? Specifically, rotators limited to custom degrees of movement or single directions, modified ranges of movement for the VTOL nozzles, or Structural Wings modified to accept control surfaces?

  • Bandit Run 8.3 years ago

    @Viper28 My Shark Tooth entry did it in 1:52 when I put a little more fuel in it. I haven't really begun developing a Bandit racer yet, but that's probably a decent benchmark.

  • I can't wait... 8.3 years ago

    I am also very interested to find out what the next tournament will be. I started preparing a plane for Eagle Pass, but I don't want to put too much time into it before we know.

  • New website format? 8.3 years ago

    But apparently not?

  • New website format? 8.3 years ago

    Newest at top. I like it.

    EDIT: Nope, I hate it.

  • Boeing P-26 Peashooter 8.3 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf I do have WT, but I'm not very good at it. Mostly do AB in british planes. I think I'm tier 3.

  • Aviown-115/PGF "MY AIRCOBRA" 8.3 years ago

    @AviownCorp It flies great! Very maneuverable.

  • To clarify the definition of "Copying" 8.3 years ago

    The copying rules should be even more strict when it comes to tournaments, in my opinion. You shouldn't be able to use any unoriginal parts.

    McLaren doesn't get to take Ferrari's F1 engine, put it in their car, and say "well we built most of it."

    Or for an analogy more of you will understand, you can't copy 90% of somebody else's test answers and just change the answer to the last question so it's not identical.

    That's still cheating.

    For anything outside the tournaments sure, whatever, change a couple blocks and repaint it and that's fine with me, but when there's a competition things are different.

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison I've reported this already, but somebody has copied my entry and submitted it as their own. They have made changes to get around the successor system by putting a new cockpit on it. Even though it's not a direct successor it's using the engine, fuselage, and wing surfaces that I have spent quite a long time perfecting, which in my opinion should not be allowed.

    It's not a huge issue, as their plane will be eliminated immediately for touching the water because they failed to remove the two "new airplane" blocks, but I wanted to bring this issue to your attention and ask if you had any plans for disqualifying copies like that one, which aren't direct successors but are using another person's work as their own.

    EDIT: Seems to have been taken care of. Thank you!

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @Shmexysmpilot the missed ring penalties should apply to the finishing times. I.e. if plane 1 finishes in 1:30 and plane 2 finishes in 1:16 but misses one ring, plane 1 wins due to the 15s time penalty.

  • Cedy117,I challenge you 8.3 years ago

    Haha, "beaverworks."

  • Download on unlisted planes? 8.3 years ago

    Is it entered into the tournament? The developers may be testing the code that downloads the planes automatically and puts them against each other, but that's all I can think of.

  • AG R-03 "Fireflower" 8.3 years ago

    @Tully2001 I've reported it. Thanks!

  • Sky cup prop plane 2 8.3 years ago

    Hey stupid, you can't enter this. That's my plane. Build your own.

  • FEELING SAD 8.3 years ago

    Hey dude, you make some really cool planes. It's unfortunate that screenshots don't work for you. Have you asked the developers to see if they can help?

  • AG R-03 "Fireflower" 8.3 years ago


    Does that explain it at all? :)

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @SUPERSAMROCK If the last tournament is any indication, the planes with the absolute fastest times all ended up being eliminated by crashing. I'm going for reliability this time. My entry isn't going to be the fastest, but it has a 100% completion rate and a fairly consistent time.

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @Baldovino Lots and lots of engines in low drag positions, supposedly. I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard that 1500+ is possible.

  • Blue Dragonfly Racer 8.3 years ago

    This is definitely a top competitor. Good work!

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @Baldovino There are definitely ways to get unmodded props to a higher top speed than that, though I doubt we'll see anything much faster get very far in the competition. Shark Tooth is more about handling than speed.

  • Cursing must stop. 8.3 years ago


  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor There will definitely be collisions. Most people will be right around the same speed, and the course crosses itself many times. In the last tournament the person to crash first lost by default, so I'm wondering how the game will determine who crashes first in a collision. I sure hope we don't have a bunch of people getting eliminated on technicalities by kamikaze opponents.

    @AndrewGarrison do you have a plan for determining a winner in races that end in mutual destruction?

  • AG R-03 "Fireflower" 8.3 years ago

    @Shmexysmpilot It loves to get that early lead. It's not the fastest in a straight line though, there have been a couple entries I've seen with much higher top speeds. It might not be the fastest overall, but it should at least be fun to watch! You should put yours up. :)

  • AG R-03 "Fireflower" 8.3 years ago

    @Stewie4582 Hey now, I can't just go around giving away my secrets! :)

  • My jeep family... 8.3 years ago

    Oh hey, I've got a Jeep! 2004 TJ. No mods though, off-roading isn't my thing.

  • MLRS Challenge!(Closed) 8.3 years ago

    @DeezDucks I was also confused.

    For anybody else unfamiliar with the acronym, MLRS stands for Multiple Launch Rocket System.

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @AviationXpert154 Yes, turboprop engines are allowed. There is no limit on the number of engines, but only the Small prop, WWII prop, and the Turboprop are allowed, and their properties (power, blade diameter, blade thickness, etc) cannot be edited outside of the built-in limitations in any way.

  • Problem with one side of races 8.3 years ago

    I noticed this on a couple prototypes. I think it's related to the propeller pitch. Try increasing the distance between the props.

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @Baldovino That's some big talk, I sure hope your plane can live up to the hype. :)

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Ah, well, no real issue then. Thanks for looking into it! :)

  • Best prop configurations 8.3 years ago

    ![](link to image)


  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Here (REMOVED FOR SECRECY) is the plane. I'm getting 347lbs in fuel weight by just taking the loaded weight minus the unloaded weight... is that all fuel or are there more considerations for loaded vs. empty weight?

  • Best prop configurations 8.3 years ago

    @Maverick91 Haha, mine's called the "Fireflower" because I painted it to look kinda like one of these when the prop is spinning.

    Also I'm getting right around 1:26 consistently. Fastest I saw was a 1:25, slowest was 1:29. But it's never crashed or hit the water. :)

  • Best prop configurations 8.3 years ago

    @Maverick91 Yeah, the 3x props look pretty dopey. They're like big flower petals.

  • Best prop configurations 8.3 years ago

    I ran some tests with a tug-of-war rig yesterday. The most powerful prop configuration is a maxed-out Tubroprop with 6 3x width blades. However, the large blades take a bit longer to produce peak power. I found that a maxed turboprop with 2x blade thickness will out-pull a 3x for about 3 seconds before the 3x catches up.

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @BRuthless Nope! Built a new racer from the ground up. Well, not literally, because it has no landing gear and can't touch the ground. But it's completely unmodded in any way!

    However I have noticed that fuel in-game is significantly heavier than fuel irl. 15 gallons in my racer is almost 350lbs, but by real-world numbers it should be more like 90lbs.

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    @BRuthless 1:25-1:27, depending on the line the AI takes. And it has never crashed. :)

  • Oceanview Speedway Reloaded 8.3 years ago

    @bruthless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZucYEWAXCgI

    I got :37 on an earlier run. It seems to do best when the opponent blows up, it's probably framerate related. On my system it'll finish maybe 1 in 10 times, 1/5-ish in slow-mo. It's not actually a very good racer, I was just testing a theory.

  • Oceanview Speedway Reloaded 8.3 years ago

    @BRuthless check the description of that reconfigured Thunderstone.