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F-28 Omega

2,613 Tythatguy1312  4.8 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Tythatguy1312's F-89 Saturn

With a top speed of 3720mph at 35'000ft the F-28 Omega first took off service exactly 100 years to the hour after the F-28 Lincoln that started the line. Carrying 10 missiles at a maximum altitude of 100'000ft the aircraft is considered the pinnacle of human technology. The aircraft was proven to be the pinnacle during the continuation of the Korean war, being responsible for 91/100 aircraft kills during the war. The aircraft was widthdrawn from service in 2062 in favour of SSTO fighters, such as the Scorpion. From 1928 to 2062, this aircraft line ruled the skys, and as such i propose a challenge to you. You have approximately 1 month to design a new variant of this line of aircraft. See what you could do compared to myself. The winner will receive 15 upvotes and a link to an unlisted golden version of the F-42 Rocket, the IRL first plane of the line.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor F-89 Saturn
  • Successors 1 airplane(s)
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 37.5ft (11.4m)
  • Length 39.0ft (11.9m)
  • Height 8.2ft (2.5m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 10,310lbs (4,676kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.269
  • Wing Loading 54.6lbs/ft2 (266.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 188.7ft2 (17.5m2)
  • Drag Points 1973


  • Number of Parts 55
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 451