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MM1-FAV-151 Mustang II (Armed)

1,778 amoldymuffin  8.5 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on amoldymuffin's mm1 fa-vtol mustang 2 stabilitizer final

The MM1 Mustang II is an all purpose VTOL fighter. The Mustang II was developed solely by MMI and designed to literally replace any and all nonbomber aircraft deployed by the U.S. military. This all purpose plane can decimate any target be it a bunker, tank, building or OpFor Fighter jet. The MM1 carries a hefty payload set for multirole out the gate. Capable of speeds over 1200mph at altitude with full payload and a 7 minute flight time running all engines at 100%, the MM1 presents a phenomenal interceptor role as well. The stabilitator design idea was provided by ally company GI and allow the Mustang II finesse of pitch at high speed. ENJOY THE PLANE GUYS! group 1 activates the vtol engines and group 2 activates the primary jets, have fun

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.362
  • Wing Loading 90.0lbs/ft2 (439.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 285.3ft2 (26.5m2)
  • Drag Points 2740


  • Number of Parts 88
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 655