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Boeing 737-200C VARIG

9,355 AverageFedExMD11  1.3 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on Exe's Boeing 737-230C Lufthansa (D-ABCE)

VTOL...................Flaps (35° lowest)
Trim....................Trim (10° Either way)
Landing Gear....Landing Gear and Landing Lights
AG2....................Thrust Reverser
AG5....................Autopilot/ Enhanced Controls
AG8....................Cargo Door/ Cockpit Door

About Varig Air Flight 254:


Varig Flight 254 was a Boeing 737-241, registration PP-VMK, on a scheduled passenger flight from São Paulo, Brazil, to Belém, capital city of the state of Pará in the country's North Region, on 3 September 1989. The flight had several intermediate stopovers, the last being in Marabá, Pará. Prior to takeoff from Marabá, the crew entered an incorrect heading into the flight computer, flying deep into a remote area of the Amazon jungle. Attempts to reach an alternative airport were unsuccessful, and the plane eventually ran out of fuel, crashed when trying to make a belly landing in the jungle 1,700 kilometres (920 nautical miles) northwest of Rio de Janeiro. Of the 54 passengers and crew, 12 passengers died and many more sustained serious injuries.The survivors were rescued two days later.

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.251
  • Wing Loading 37.7lbs/ft2 (184.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,174.6ft2 (109.1m2)
  • Drag Points 10082


  • Number of Parts 580
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 2,558