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4,175 thefalkenreich  4.9 years ago
Unlisted No Tags

it has a name! ok it still needs engines, missiles,torpedos and some detail. also i did some modding so it should one lag free. good luck!

General Characteristics

  • Successors 1 airplane(s)
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 47.3ft (14.4m)
  • Length 420.5ft (128.2m)
  • Height 60.2ft (18.4m)
  • Empty Weight 9,177lbs (4,162kg)
  • Loaded Weight 9,177lbs (4,162kg)


  • Wing Loading 5.6lbs/ft2 (27.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,641.5ft2 (152.5m2)
  • Drag Points 10935


  • Number of Parts 31
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 107
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich Yea that's good advice...very often for me XD I'll probably take a break for today and continue the missiles tomorrow, start out fresh and hopefully get them to full working by sunday. Provided I don't encounter any unexpected malfunctions it's in theory possible.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx
    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    It's coming now

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich Think I might be almost done, sorry I'm annoyed too. I swear this games makes me hate it with how inconsistent it can be.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich I've had to make some modifications to make using trim work for depth control, since that went a little less smooth than I expected.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich It's coming hold on

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich I've managed to make the missiles capable of popping the top off to reveal the ordinance, and sure! You could give the torpedoes a try.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    Update: In a twist of irony the Ballistic missiles gave me the most trouble, It's appearing as if a three stage missile won't be possible due to retarded flop physics. The plan currently will be for six ballistic missiles to be deployable with Activation groups 2-7.
    This would add a total of around 231 parts to the submarine, which currently sits at around 141 parts with its torpedoes installed. Note that the missiles have only four bombs to launch, and in the interest of quality over quantity I could instead opt for two missiles each with 8, corresponding to the minimum amount of MIRVs the trident carries.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich Alright then.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich Gotcha, also I have a couple ideas for the missiles which each have their strengths and drawbacks.
    1) Build them in my standard method: This will be based on the method seen in my R13, only it will be modified to allow submerged launch. The benefit is that I would be able to give it multiple stages which would detach automatically though detachers with a delay. It also allows for the creation of a fully functional MIRV. The drawback is that they take up Activation groups.
    2)Use a Rocket as a base: A concept for combing the use of a rocket weapon for a base and propulsion while using the winch part to allow that rocket to launch bombs. This hasn't been built, let alone tested, so it may not work. If it does though, it could allow the missiles to be deployed like normal weapons while still allowing MIRV ability. As said, this is just an idea and theory which might or might not work.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich Oooooh the trident ii? Sure!

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    Here's a look at the torpedoes. :) Thinking of turning them green like the MK48.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich And for the torpedo Depth control? I could use trim for that, separating it from the submarine's depth control, or simply use pitch for greater ease of use.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    Update, the torpedoes seem to be working well so far, I've managed to get them working at a speed which looks to be what is desired. They're also guided, which I plan for Yaw and Trim to be used so their controls are seperate from the sub itself. Unless you'd prefer them to work with pitch for depth control. I also take it you would like to see them given ordinance to sink a ship?

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    Update, converting this to a full function submarine has gone well. Now onto the part that will likely be less easy.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich Alright, I haven't fully worked out my torpedoes but I have a good system for ballistic missiles made.

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich Sure! I'll most my work on it as an unlisted link, link you to it, then spotlight it when you post. Also, planning to make the missiles and torps yourself, or will you want me to?

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich Gotcha, that'll do, thank you!

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    List cont...
    3) Bow plane location: On the tower or on the hull?
    4)Stern Control surfaces: Should they be all moving or should they have a seperate piece that moves?

    4.9 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @thefalkenreich That was quick, not bad, reminds me a little of the Borei class. She also has the proper size for an SSBN as well. So I assume you want the basic functional suite. Engine, bow planes, ballast, the works. So I'm going to detail some things I want to know for when I do it.
    1)Speed: How fast do you want this thing? Typical speeds for a large SSBN usually ranges in the 20-30 mile per hour range.
    2)Propeller: What style of propeller? I would personally find either a seven bladed skewback propeller or a pump jet most fitting.

    4.9 years ago

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