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Supermarine Merlin MK II (updated version)

1,857 SimpleAviation  3.2 years ago
Auto Credit Based on SimpleAviation's Supermarine Merlin MK II (Fictional RAF fighter)

Take off speed: 115~mph
Landing speed: 100-110 mph at shallow decent
Top speed at 5,000ft: 315~ mph
Max Engine RPM: 7500

In the Second World War, Britian was in desparate need of long range fighters. Churchill call upon Supermarine, known for the legendary Spitfire, to build such a plane. It was to be called “Merlin” named after the engine that powers it. The palne excelled at speed and turn rate, but when compared to the Spitfire, had lackluster rate of climb and abismal roll rate. Only 6 were built, as the American P-51s proved to be a better platform.


General Characteristics


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.168
  • Wing Loading 13.1lbs/ft2 (64.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 677.3ft2 (62.9m2)
  • Drag Points 3258


  • Number of Parts 220
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 930