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1,741 spDraco  2.0 years ago

The MIG-25 was a soviet cold war era interceptor aircraft. It was the USSR’s response to high speed penetrator bombers developed by the united states to outrun soviet air defenses and aircraft, such as the B1 Lancer, and a variety of other smaller strike aircraft. The foxbat—as it has been affectionately dubbed by nato, wasnt particularly manueverable, however, it was fast. Very fast. As in a top speed of 2,170 mph. However, it could not maintain a speed above mach 2.83 for long without causing engine damage. The leading edges of its wings would also be subjected to tremendous amounts of heat stress caused by supersonic airflow around the craft. This however, wasnt a major problem, as parts for the MIG-25 were able to be sourced from existing soviet aircraft. This creation handles like a Foxbat. A bit clunky, but fast and accurate. its insane speed had to be sacrificed due to wing physics based issues. Its top sustainable speed is around 1,600 mph at 10,000 feet. It is the pilots job to ensure that he maintain a proper A/V ratio, as too much excess thrust can cause extreme elevator wobble. Performance is best at 15,000 to 30,000 feet, full throttle (also, full throttle near sea level may destroy wing fences and therefore weapons hardpoints if pitching up or down to rapidly

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 28.8ft (8.8m)
  • Length 44.7ft (13.6m)
  • Height 11.4ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 15,374lbs (6,973kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4.385
  • Wing Loading 47.8lbs/ft2 (233.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 321.8ft2 (29.9m2)
  • Drag Points 3305


  • Number of Parts 130
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 663
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    1,741 spDraco

    This is helpful, thank you again, comrade @Yourlocalhuman

    2.0 years ago
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    @spDraco if you used normal wing, dont do that! Use structural wings instead! Wait, no flaps? Go to the XML property and check there, there should be "allowControlSurfaces" and on structural wings its usually false, set to true and now you can make flaps on structural wings!

    2.0 years ago
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    1,741 spDraco

    @Yourlocalhuman thank you comrade, as I usually have poor attention to detail, and with this build i am quite happy with how it turned out. As you know, simpleplanes physics get a little wild for most aircraft above 1,500 mph, and i dont know how creators put out planes with no wobble at super high speeds. Any tips on how to reduce/eliminate wing wobble at high speeds from the community would be helpful

    2.0 years ago
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    Kool design

    2.0 years ago