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32.4k TheAceOwl  8.2 years ago
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Our new naval fighter to replace the Bf-133. To be clear, the Bf-133 will still be in service for a long time, but the air-naval brance had requested a small, more manuverable fighter with the same speed as the 133. This plane does fill that role with more guns. The downside is that she has a far lower service ceiling of just 40,000 feet to the 133's 50,000ft. And she has a very strange stall problem so be careful with turns. VTOL for airbrakes. Enjoy!

General Characteristics

  • Successors 5 airplane(s)
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 24.3ft (7.4m)
  • Length 21.2ft (6.5m)
  • Height 8.5ft (2.6m)
  • Empty Weight 4,740lbs (2,150kg)
  • Loaded Weight 5,487lbs (2,488kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.364
  • Wing Loading 37.4lbs/ft2 (182.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 146.7ft2 (13.6m2)
  • Drag Points 1074


  • Number of Parts 39
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 248
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @dilisvarskvlavi Im looking into the strange stall this aircraft has, but cant figure it out. It might be the weird shape of the wings and the force of the propellers. Really she is just a quick response to the air-navy's request for a small fighter that is as fast as the Bf-133. As for the Horton, all jets have been grounded for the time being till we can develop a more fuel efficient system or abandom them all together. Since we are able to build prop-planes that are almost as fast if not as fast as a jet, and can go farther on less fuel, we might see a stop to future jet development and production.

    8.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Wooo! What a rush! XD She's a real spitfire - er - well in the literal meaning of the term. ;) She's pretty fun to fly, real snappy rolls but takes a bit of distance to pull around by way of the canards. Beware of barrel rolls and wagging the tail to spread your' arc of gunfire though as this will induce that strange stall you mentioned, I believe it's called a "high speed stall," which can sometimes be recovered via use of the airbrakes - other times I couldn't do anything to recover. I love the new design though and hope you can figure out how to stabilize this lil beauty.

    Oh yeah, don't try to fly against her when the AI controls her in dogfight mode. I decided to test her to see how she might fare against what she might meet in engaging "The Enemy," but literally 8 out of 10 tries the AI put her into a flat spin. One other time she exploded in midair but I was unable to reproduce this though I do hear something "knocking" while using the rudders and occasionally during other maneuvers. The only time I was able to engage it sincerely it only managed to train its guns on ... well ... the aircraft I pitted it against once, but missed and they zipped passed one another. As my aircraft flipped back around into a reverse immellman (sp?) this poor girl literally cartwheeled through its crosshairs and was blown to smithereens. :(

    She should have NO trouble as a pure "energy fighter" though your' Horton is already superior in terms of speed plus she's stable in maneuvers. As a prop-plane though the 100-odd gallons of fuel should give her greater endurance than the Horton's twin jets feeding on its 300-odd gallons.)

    8.2 years ago
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    3,382 Jasperjl

    Really great! Nice plane to fly!@TheOwlAce

    8.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @Jasperjl How did she perform for you?

    8.2 years ago
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    3,382 Jasperjl


    8.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl


    8.2 years ago