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Autoland Jet CAT IIIC ILS

0 Maverick954  1.5 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on ENG1Fail's CAT III Autoland [ILS/VOR] Private Jet WIP

First of all, all the credit goes to @ENG1Fail. Hats off to you. Just made it a little better.

CAT - III C ILS equipped aircraft. That means it has auto ILS interception, auto flaps, auto landing gears, auto land (smoother touchdown), auto stop feature and all with a HUD.

Approach any airfield from your 9 o'clock to your 3 o'clock i.e. only +/-90 deg. When approx 5-10 Miles from the Airport, spawn any stationary Target such as my ILS-Antenna(check my profile or @ENG1Fail and download the target) on Runway Threshold via the spawn menu, select the target (Air/Ground) in target menu and and dial in the Runway Heading(the heading you want your aircraft to approach to that runway) with VTOL (full down= -180, full up=180 deg, neutral=north). For Wright runway 36 VTOL will be in neutral. Set Throttle to 0 and press 7 to activate Approach Mode. Green Lights on Tail indicate top to bottom: nominal lateral, vertical, autothrust and Flare mode capture. Red light indicates negative system check (mostly unstable configuration close to runway). Go arounds manually only. System is WIP.

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4.523
  • Wing Loading 23.9lbs/ft2 (116.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 872.1ft2 (81.0m2)
  • Drag Points 4218


  • Number of Parts 108
  • Control Surfaces 9
  • Performance Cost 616