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SuperYacht De Ocean

953 KevbarInc  5.8 years ago

Voila, after a few weeks of building, it's complete. The first yacht to ever come out of Kevbar production line. It's for the rich, the famous, and the one who completely doesnt know what to spend on. My rough estimates it's gonna price around $300 million. Its basically a large party boat, it's got a swimming pool, helipad (fully functional), lots of bedrooms, and lots of other multipurpose room. Here's how to use it: Press 1 and 2 to turn (1 is to direct the VTOL nozzles, and 2 is to turn the VTOL engine on) shut VTOL engine when travelling forward, otherwise the ship will lean forward. Press 3 to turn main engine on. Press 4 to turn helicopter engine on, and 5 is to release the helicopter (there is a camera in front of the heli. And the heli movements will not be the same as the altimeter presented). Hope you all like it and write a comment down for further improvement.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 67.3ft (20.5m)
  • Length 352.5ft (107.4m)
  • Height 53.7ft (16.4m)
  • Empty Weight 679,497lbs (308,215kg)
  • Loaded Weight 774,299lbs (351,216kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.104
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.017
  • Wing Loading 323.4lbs/ft2 (1,578.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2,394.3ft2 (222.4m2)
  • Drag Points 174644


  • Number of Parts 407
  • Control Surfaces 3
  • Performance Cost 1,226