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Dragless, light, highly maneuverable fighter jet

45 DaBears  5.5 years ago
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As the name suggests, this is a dragless, light, highly maneuverable fighter jet- style plane that I built using a variety of modded parts I downloaded from other users. Parts used include: -Dragless, weightless fuselage blocks and inlets -Weightless VTOL engine -Weightless “infinite” fuel (which actually is infinite here bc no drag) -Lightweight hinge for pitch control thrust vector control engine -Unbreakable wings (these and the hinge are the only things that add weight) -Weightless VTOL nozzles for TVC engine I’m 99% sure all of the modded parts came from users who explicitly stated no credit required but apologies if this isn’t the case. You can easily go 5000 mph at altitude and still be incredibly maneuverable (may need to change size of pitch control so that you can find a stable trim setting- should be very easy). If you add a second weightless engine, you can go 20,000-30,000 mph pretty easily and actually be surprisingly maneuverable but mildly unstable. Due to the low weight and no drag, if you go into the water you will “shoot” out at around 12,000 mph and also be surprisingly maneuverable. You can drop down to depths of 100,000 ft+ (maybe infinite idk) and still be able to turn the plane up and head back to the surface and continue flying at 12,000 mph+ like its no big deal at all. In that way, I guess this plane is also a bit like a very fast, flying, submarine. Another cool thing about this plane is that you can just turn off the engine and continue flying at a very fast speed indefinitely, likely due to the lack of drag. You can even turn the engine off

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 24.3ft (7.4m)
  • Length 54.9ft (16.7m)
  • Height 8.0ft (2.5m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 641lbs (290kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 21.018
  • Wing Loading 3.6lbs/ft2 (17.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 179.1ft2 (16.6m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 46
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 222
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    45 DaBears

    Sorry I've been playing SR2 and haven't been on here in a bit but I appreciate it! I can't remember who I got the TVC idea from but I remember searching "TVC engine" and using a very similar design to another engine except I remade it using weightless and dragless parts (except for the hinges which are low weight). Feel free to use it and no credit necessary bc it's really not even my design. I also just downloaded another cool supersonic plane that is heavily armed and should allow you to destroy anything you come across with ease. @Nodrinks

    5.1 years ago
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    that's a nice 7th generation hypersonic nuclear-powered attack drone you got there

    also where are the engines from?

    5.4 years ago