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WHATER Seeds and Samples

1,457 fukaZMP47D  2.9 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on fukaZMP47D's FW-8-WHATER

It's a collection of missiles and beams used in the WHATERThe VTOL engine is included as a color sample.You can create a parasitic aircraft like FW-8-WHATER by attaching this to your own aircraft.This is distributed because it was popular on Twitter.Twitter is this account.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor FW-8-WHATER
  • Successors 1 airplane(s) +77 bonus
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 13.1ft (4.0m)
  • Length 11.2ft (3.4m)
  • Height 10.3ft (3.1m)
  • Empty Weight 3,686lbs (1,672kg)
  • Loaded Weight 4,060lbs (1,841kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.32
  • Wing Loading 1,508.8lbs/ft2 (7,366.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2.7ft2 (0.3m2)
  • Drag Points 3001


  • Number of Parts 65
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 209
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  • Profile image
    4,167 Formula350

    I'll try that, thanks :)

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    1,457 fukaZMP47D

    Thanks for the comment.
    Let me first apologize for my lack of explanation.
    I don't recommend using all of them because it can get complicated.
    It is recommended to use one type at a time.
    Also, it is recommended to remove the fuselage from the square block and bury it in the fuselage, instead of removing it from the Detatcher.
    Also, this is not suitable for attaching to pylons at all, it is best to grow it like a horn from the cockpit or fuselage of the aircraft.

    2.9 years ago
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    4,167 Formula350

    How do you get rockets to work --ie launch/detatch-- when there are other things attached to them?
    I scaled down a Boom25 (I think it was 0.5,0.5,0.25) and attached it to the front of an Interceptor. I had the Interceptor already attached to a Pylon, then used the Attachment Editor to connect the Boom25 to the Interceptor.
    Problem is, when I locked on to a target and launched the missile, it just stayed attached to the Pylon.
    Hmm... Is that where the actual Detatcher part comes in and is what I should've used??

    +1 2.9 years ago