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North American Aviation (NAA) WS-110A

160 RonaldPS007  8.7 years ago
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"The U.S. Air Force followed these developments [The recent developements in high speed aircraft design include things such as fuels, aerodynamic shapes, etc...] closely, and in 1955 issued General Operational Requirement No. 38 for a new bomber with the payload and intercontinental range of the B-52 and the Mach 2 top speed of the Convair B-58 Hustler. The new bomber was expected to enter service in 1963. Both nuclear and conventional designs would be considered. The nuclear-powered bomber was placed under "Weapon System 125A" and pursued simultaneously with the jet-powered version, "Weapon System 110A". - Wikipedia

Enter North American Aviation's answer to the Air Force's contract: the NAA WS-110A. This unusual concept plane never lefted the drawing board, but was instrumental in the evolution of its future self, the North American XB-70 Valkyrie. The WS-110A featured huge wing tip fuel tanks that could be jettisoned when their fuel was expended before a supersonic dash to the target. The tanks also consisted of the outer portions of the wing, which would also be jettisoned to produce a smaller wing whose shape was better suited for supersonic speeds. Both became trapezoidal wings after ejection; at that time the highest performance wing design known by aerospace engineers. They also featured flush cockpits to maintain the highest fineness ratio possible even though it had a negative effect on visibility of the pilot/co-pilot. This plane is a bit laggy on older or weaker mobile device so for those I would recommended a lower graphics setting. iPads and high-end Android devices should have no forseeable issues. As always, good luck and safe flying.

The wings on this plane are jettisonable by using Activation 1.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 114.6ft (34.9m)
  • Length 81.9ft (25.0m)
  • Height 19.4ft (5.9m)
  • Empty Weight 21,848lbs (9,910kg)
  • Loaded Weight 90,150lbs (40,891kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.495
  • Wing Loading 44.9lbs/ft2 (219.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2,008.1ft2 (186.6m2)
  • Drag Points 8554


  • Number of Parts 158
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 796
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    My apologies everyone. I discovered the version of this I posted earlier had a problem with the main cockpit not being connected to the plane and thus they would drop to the runway, the airplane flipping over on top of it. This major issue has been corrected. I also corrected the rudders, and they should now be in correlation with your controls. Again my sincere apologies. GL&SF

    8.7 years ago