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Hellmuth Type MBT

41.4k MrVaultech  3.8 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on Typhoon03's Hellmuth Type MBT (more fuel)

1st pic: overall vehicle
2nd pic: A/C Intake, emergency roof hatch for passengers
3rd pic: rear antenna, right side slat armor, rear driver camera

Crew is listed as such from left to right; gunner on left facing forward, commander in center facing forward, driver on right facing backwards.

Outside of combat, the vehicle is driven in reverse to avoid striking anything with the cannon barrel.

Explosives in nolts holding roof passenger compartment hatch and rear door can be activated by any of the passengers and commander.

Slat armor is installed over most vital compartment; the crew compartment, to maintain high crew survivability in combat if the vehicle were to be flanked.

Hellmuth Type MBT/AIS-03 Dominion
Radically new MBT built by the Größere Preußische Designuniversität and Rheinmetall-Ost as a derivative of the Othmar Advanced Armor & Weapons Testbed (OAAWT) technology demonstrator for use in the Saltwater Republic's armored forces.

The radically different design of the AIS-03 Dominion offers what's intending amazing frontal protection for the entire crew and any passengers. Also because of this, the vehicle was split into three major compartments that will be listed and detailed below:

Fighting Compartment
The fore-most compartment of the vehicle, this is where the main gun is. A modified Rheinmetall-Ost Rh-128A7A1 is mounted with a relatively experimental ETC firing mechanism for use of traditional 128mm shells at higher velocities and more consistent shot placement at range. Additionally, the gun was modified to carry an autoloader mechanism since no crew will be stationed in this compartment during combat. Though, if needed, the gun is dual purpose and can be accessed by one of the two access hatches and manned by a sole gunner/loader, but it's unlikely accommodations inside the compartment will be great for him. Otherwise, the gun is entirely remote controlled.
Lastly, the Rh-128A7A1 is mounted to where it can traverse inside the compartment, something likely not seen since the Second World War on a main combat vehicle. The vehicle offers 15° traverse to each side, with a +20°/-9° elevation/depression.

Engine Compartment
The engine compartment is situated directly in the center of the vehicle, seperating the crew conpartment from the firing compartment.
The engine, a 2,000hp [undefined] diesel engine, is mounted diagonally next to the crew conpartment, with the large self-sealing fuel tank mounted next to the fighting compartment.
A large panel can be opened by crew above the engine and fuel tank for easy and quick access for mechanics and engineers.

Crew Compartment
The rear-most compartment holds all the crew and passengers, thus affording the greatest protection from frontal attacks.
There are only three crewman who need to operate the vehicle; gunner, commander, and driver who all sit in the front of the compartment. From here, the three crew command the vehicle via various optics and screens that offers a nearly 360° view of the vehicle exterior, as well as many means to exit the vehicle safely.

Defensive Equipment
Various pieces of equipment were added to to the exterior of the vehicle to assist the passive defensive equipment inside the vehicle.
One of the most prominent pieces of equipment added is the Saltwater Republic's Midnight-1 Hard Kill APS (with AESA radar inserts around the vehicle), which was most prominently shown on the GT-6 Cheetah MBT, and the M.A. RCWS prominently mounted across a number of Ostpreußen combat vehicles.
Several defensive mines are placed around the vehicle to thwart possible attempts by enemy infantry to overtake the vehicle.

Versatility & Usage
The AIS-03 Dominion outside of combat is designed to travel either via trailer, or in reverse as to not have the gun catch onto any objects or other vehicles. The gun can be entirely removed from it's mounting to reduce vehicle length and placed on either a supply vehicle, or the roof of the Dominion, though at the cost of recalibrating the gun sights and balance of the gyro stabilizer.
Due to the unusual nature of the vehicle design, and it's speed of [idk tracks not installed], the transmission was designed to allow it's top speed be reached easily in both forward and reverse. This allows the vehicle to retreat from a firing position, then quickly reposition to engage on its own terms, which is where the vehicle design will shine most.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Hellmuth Type MBT (more fuel)
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 14.2ft (4.3m)
  • Length 41.7ft (12.7m)
  • Height 13.6ft (4.1m)
  • Empty Weight 28,870lbs (13,095kg)
  • Loaded Weight 29,757lbs (13,497kg)


  • Wing Loading 7,372.1lbs/ft2 (35,993.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 4.0ft2 (0.4m2)
  • Drag Points 56


  • Number of Parts 647
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,943
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Ahhh, I know why, turned DM's off for the one server we're in.

    3.8 years ago
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    37.9k Typhoon03

    For some reason I can't DM you.

    3.8 years ago
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    37.9k Typhoon03

    Quick come here:

    3.8 years ago

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