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CDL Defence Satellite

34.7k YuukaNeko  7.8 years ago

Realistic defence satellite. Communications array at the very back. Solar panel ring,which would probably also have RCS thrusters. The main body houses four powerful carbon dioxide lasers and a full sensor suite. Don’t forget, a pragmatic weapon will usually outperform a picturesque weapon. That means no huge, slow-firing weapons platforms in space.

Each laser is mounted on a joint that can angle at a maximum of 10 degrees. While this seems like a small margin, remember this satellite will be identifying and firing on targets that are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of kilometers away.

An optimally protected defence satellite would mount the weapon systems on the inside of the main body. Oftentimes, exterior weapons mounted on joints would be much easier to disable or destroy. The major advantage of this exterior weapons setup is that the satellite does not have to aim using only control thrusters.

It’s worth noting that I hate the typical depiction of lasers in space. No matter how powerful, the beam would be completely invisible (except on the receiving end), as there are no stray particles in a vacuum. This is a major advantage for a defensive satellite such as this. Physically small and having a low heat signature, the CDL Defence Satellite would likely be able to fire of several salvos before being detected and destroyed. The major danger to it would be smaller fighter craft.

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 39.0ft (11.9m)
  • Length 25.6ft (7.8m)
  • Height 29.0ft (8.8m)
  • Empty Weight 4,699lbs (2,131kg)
  • Loaded Weight 4,699lbs (2,131kg)


  • Wing Loading 194.0lbs/ft2 (947.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 24.2ft2 (2.3m2)
  • Drag Points 23591


  • Number of Parts 188
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 554
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    @YuukaNeko can you please teach me all you know about making gun crafting at least?

    7.8 years ago
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    No pls! I don't want you to leave

    7.8 years ago
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    the small margin part is true, since being up in space would be like this:

    7.8 years ago
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    34.7k YuukaNeko

    Once I hit 10K, or really after this post, I’m really leaving. No more complaints, no more forum posts. No drama, as per the request of all of my critics. Arigato gozaimasu for all of the support from my lovely followers, but this site is just negatively affecting me, I’m sick of the mods and all the people who go out of there way to put my opinion down, and I’ve had enough. Goodbye

    7.8 years ago