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4,869 Mikey101234  2.9 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Mikey101234's Simple B-17

Well this is it. My B-17. She is no longer simple as she has 925 parts and this is probably my last version of it. The fact that she has 925 parts is not the problem here, the problem is the fact that if i add anymore parts to this plane, she would not be able to takeoff(speaking of which is nearly impossible to do). Not only that but she wouldnt be able to fly at what is a b-17s real cruising speed which is around 185 mph.

AG1 - open bomb bay doors
AG2-5 - release bombs
AG6 - abandon the plane(must activate AG1 in order to abandon the plane)
AG7 - pistons to push the plane up if you accidentally put the gear up while on the ground or if you landed too early thus resulting in the gear not be able to fully deploy.

Takeoff speed ~ 185 mph when fully loaded
Landing speed(s):
Fully loaded* ~ 240 mph which is pretty much full throttle if you want a smooth ride*
** ~ 140 mph
Max speed fully loaded ~ 250 mph(yeah this is a hard one to control)
Max speed unloaded ~ 290 mph at sea level(yes I know it can go over 310 mph at altitude but I am too lazy to fix this)

Takeoff procedure:
1: Line up on runway
2: Set trim all the way down (and maybe set flaps to full, I have tried this and I did not find a difference so try this out)
3: Set throttle to 100%
4: Let the plane do its thing while rolling down the runway but make sure it doesn’t run off the runway aka keep it straight
5: At ~150 mph the plane will start to level off
6: At or pass 185 mph, pitch down and then pitch up hard, this will allow the plane’s tail wheel to compress and will allow the plane to takeoff(this is hard to do)
7: If step 6 fails, just let the plane fly off of the runway and pitch up when this happens and you may fall but you will eventually start rising.

Landing Procedures:
For Fully Loaded(first off, with, this is nearly impossible to do)
1: Line up to the runway for landing
2: Set trim all the way down and flaps all the way down as well as setting throttle to full
3: Immediately after step 2, put the gear down, this will allow the gear time to fully deploy
4: when approaching the runway at about 100 feet or so, set the throttle to 30% and pitch all the way up when needed to to keep the plane level, this will slow the plane down enough to make sure the plane won’t bounce up as much when landing
5: when you are about to touch down, first, set the flaps to 0, then set trim to 0, and then set throttle to 0 while braking. Then pitch down and try your best at keeping the plane on the runway
6: hate yourself for trying to land a b-17 that is fully loaded that is hard to control in flight if fully loaded

1: Line up to runway for landing
2: Set flaps and trim all the way down
3: Set throttle to 30%
4: Put gear down
5: Fly the plane level while making adjustments to make sure you won’t miss the runway
6: When close to the runway, set flaps and trim to 0 while keeping the plane level
7: when you touch down, set throttle to 0 and keep the plane on the runway

TL:DR: this plane is a bih to fly. Even the instructor from war thunder will encourage you to not fly this plane when fully loaded

    • fully loaded is when the people and the bombs are still in the plane

      * - smooth rides can be opinionated, meaning each person has an idea of a smooth ride and each plane has a different definition to a smooth ride

      - unloaded means both the bombs and the crew were released, you may want to do this for better mobility when flying

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Simple B-17
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 46.0ft (14.0m)
  • Length 35.5ft (10.8m)
  • Height 11.7ft (3.6m)
  • Empty Weight 20,628lbs (9,357kg)
  • Loaded Weight 25,935lbs (11,763kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.129
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.771
  • Wing Loading 84.9lbs/ft2 (414.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 305.4ft2 (28.4m2)
  • Drag Points 8333


  • Number of Parts 925
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 4,847