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10.3k TurtlesThatFly  4.0 years ago

A short to medium range interceptor aircraft which was designed to protect Japan from any bombers above the mainland, as well as bases in the island possessions in the Pacific. It had a powerful radial engine, a good roll rate, and a very good rate of climb, but was very prone to bursting into flames and sometimes breaking up in hard landings. This caused the aircraft to be regulated to more experienced aviators who knew how to handle the aircraft better.

Sorry for the delay! I was having a ton of difficulty with balancing the aircraft, it’s weird flying characteristics, and especially the landing gear. Say hello to the epitome of a lot of my recent planes, an awesome looking gull winged interceptor! This pair of landing gear are the first custom retracts I had made for a smallish aircraft, so it was hard for me to figure out how to make it work. This thing is strictly an interceptor too, so it flies somewhat sluggish, especially while banking. I am however very happy with the looks and the construction of the aircraft, as well as it’s ability to go space shuttle status for brief periods of time. Enjoy!

Tips: This plane, like the Microburst Mk 1, likes landing at somewhat higher speeds. Because of this, I highly recommend that you drop the fuel tank before you land, and flare a bit when you land to slow it down before it stalls. You don’t have to be too easy on the brakes, but definitely go full up elevator once you are stable on the ground.

Flying tips: Don’t attempt Immelmanns or loops when at low altitudes, most of the time it can’t pull out of it in time. I also definitely recommend flying at speeds above 200mph, it’s really fun! Also, when attempting dogfights with fighters, make sure it’s at a higher altitude.

AG1 to drop the fuel tank.

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 31.6ft (9.6m)
  • Length 26.9ft (8.2m)
  • Height 10.1ft (3.1m)
  • Empty Weight 5,191lbs (2,355kg)
  • Loaded Weight 8,008lbs (3,632kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.184
  • Wing Loading 35.1lbs/ft2 (171.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 228.4ft2 (21.2m2)
  • Drag Points 1832


  • Number of Parts 76
  • Control Surfaces 12
  • Performance Cost 360
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    @TitanIncorporated Gotcha, sorry I was late to reply but yeah i'm going to add on/do some changes, let's see how well this turns out! Never did a collab before, pretty excited!

    4.0 years ago
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    427 Nademaj

    @TurtlesThatFly yes thank you

    4.0 years ago
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    @Nademaj Do you mean the Reef King

    4.0 years ago
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    @TitanIncorporated My first question is whether you have Discord. It you don't, that's fine. You can figure out the airframe.

    4.0 years ago
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    427 Nademaj

    what is the bomber in the back round

    4.0 years ago
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    @TitanIncorporated Sure!

    4.0 years ago