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AX-232 Huntsman spider

1,875 ComradeKit  4.6 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on ComradeKit's light bomber

~~~~~~~~~~~~Description~~~~~~~~~~~~ The AX-22 huntsman is an ultra heavyweight attacker used mainly For sea operations but can be refitted for close air-ground support. It has a heavy loadout, which comes at the cost of no air-to-air defense, so must be accompanied by escort fighters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~Controls~~~~~~~~~~~~ AG1 to accelerate to 750mph VERY quickly. The plane is limited To this speed. AG1+2 to decelerate to 300mph exactly. Use normal plane controls, but the throttle is empty, and so is the gear as they are all done automatically (gear is always out under 250mph) ~~~~~~~~~~~~Weapons manual~~~~~~~~~~~~ Primary weapon: 250-pound dumb bombs. Carries 12 in rapid deploy pods. Secondary weapon: 500 pound guided bomb. AG6 to unlock. You must use like a normal bomb, however launching infernos at a target provides some adjustment. You can also launch boom50 to drop like a regular bomb. Special weapon: yeet missiles. To use, activate 3 and fire an inferno at a target. The missile won’t launch, this is normal. Then deactivate AG3 and activate AG4, chose another target and fire. This will once again do nothing. To launch the missiles, AG5 and they will both yeet towards the two different targets. Thanks and enjoy!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor light bomber
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 59.8ft (18.2m)
  • Length 74.4ft (22.7m)
  • Height 18.0ft (5.5m)
  • Empty Weight 20,380lbs (9,244kg)
  • Loaded Weight 23,949lbs (10,863kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.533
  • Wing Loading 37.7lbs/ft2 (184.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 635.4ft2 (59.0m2)
  • Drag Points 10289


  • Number of Parts 177
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,062